
Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Story of Otis T. Carr – The Man Who Supposedly Invented An ‘Anti-Gravity’ Vehicle In The 1950s

In Brief

  • The Facts:Anti-gravity technology has been around for decades, and there is much proof of that. One of the pioneers was Otis T. Carr, who was subjected to large amounts of ridicule and difficulty while pursuing his developments.
  • Reflect On:If the release of this technology would completely wipe out the Oil Industry and collapse the monetary system, does that legitimize the suppressing of it? Is our collective consciousness ready for technologies that would change our entire society?
It’s astonishing to me how the topic of anti-gravity is still be placed in the “conspiracy theory” realm. This isn’t the stuff of conspiracy theories or “fringe” science, it’s a field full of reputable scientists and scholars, and real-world examples that have come not only from hard evidence but from extremely credible witness testimony as well.  One thing is for certain when talking about such topics: one must delve into the black budget world.
Take, for example, a recent investigation conducted by a Michigan State University professor and a former secretary from the Department of Housing and Development. Together, with a team of Ph.D students, they uncovered approximately $21 trillion that went missing and unaccounted for from the Department of Defense as well as the Department of Housing and Development. Why is this relevant? Because they discovered that the money was going to fund black budget, off the books programs that require no oversight from Congress.  This black budget world has been in operation for many years. You can read more about it here and here in two articles I’ve previously written on the subject.

Breakaway Civilization

The black budget world encompasses a separate civilization (Richard Dolan, “Breakaway Civilization”) that has used tremendous amounts of resources in all areas, from science to archaeology, to move itself far ahead of the mainstream world technologically. How many people does it employ? Who is operating it? Many of these questions remain unknown, but if you follow the money it will give you perhaps somewhat of an idea.
Any civilian who invents technology that rivals the black budget world has always been subjected to harassment, and has difficulty getting their innovations or inventions out to the public. That’s because these technologies have been ‘classified’, for if they were made public it would change everything, severely threatening the tremendous amount of power and control the global elite has over the human population.
The technology that’s been developed within these programs could change the world, but instead it’s used within the military-industrial complex for self-serving purposes, or so it seems. Efficient energy-generating devices that could eliminate the use of oil, or any other modern day fuel source for that matter, have been subjected to patent suppression.

Suppressed Technology List From 1971

For example, the previous list regarding technology suppressed was obtained by researcher Michael Ravnitzky in 1971. Most of the technology listed seems to be related to various military applications. You can view that list here. As Steven Aftergood from the Federation of American Scientists reports
“The 1971 list indicates that patents for solar photovoltaic generators were subject to review and possible restriction if the photovoltaics were more than 20% efficient. Energy conversion systems were likewise subject to review and possible restriction if they offered conversion efficiencies in “excess of 70-80%.” (source)
Why would higher energy efficiencies be a “national security threat?” If this is true, we are talking about solar technology that goes far beyond the best commercial panels available today, which usually can’t even generate 20 percent efficiency.
“These concepts have been proven in hundreds of laboratories throughout the world and yet they have not really seen the light of day. If these technologies were to be set free worldwide, the change would be profound, it would be applicable everywhere. These technologies are absolutely the most important thing that has happened in the history of the world”  – Brian O’Leary, Former Nasa Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor, speaking about over-unity energy, or ‘free’ energy.  (source)


Anti-Gravity technology most probably falls into this category. According to the very first director of the CIA, Roscoe Hiellenkoetter, we know that there was an “official campaign of secrecy and ridicule” with regards to UFOs while stating that Air Force officers were well aware of their existence. Today we have electro-optical data and even physical evidence, not to mention credible witness testimony of technologies performing and demonstrating this type of technology.
We have statements from previously retired Directors of Lockheed Martin Aerospace programs (including the most recently retired), like Steve Justice.  So, what did Mr. Justice have to say? Well, a lot of things. One of the first statements he made using the To The Stars platform is that, when it comes to the technologies he’s been around, worked with, and seen, it would be an understatement to call them revolutionary. He’s stated that the technologies that him and his team at To The Stars are working on now are the same technologies that are employed by Unidentified Flying Objects.
“In some cases, according to incident reports and interviews with military personnel, these vehicles descended from altitudes higher than 60,000 feet at supersonic speeds, only to suddenly stop and hover as low as 50 feet above the ocean.” – Christopher Mellon, Deputy Assistant Defense Secretary for Intelligence from 1997 to 2002 (source)
Justice has said that he has had “glimpses” of how this type of technology works, and that his current team needs to “harvest” these technologies from the Science Division to realize their capabilities.
Justice and his team have admitted to having access to materials from these UFOs, wherever they are from and whoever is making them.
Over the last three months, To The Stars Academy has collected seven pieces of material, from multiple sources, to study for The ADAM Research Project.  Each sample represents different elements of potential Unidentified Aerial Phenomena and how they operate.
According to the accompanying provenance documentation, there are two classes of samples:  material that was released as the UAP was hovering and material that makes up parts of the structure or systems. (source)
According to Justice,
The structure and composition of these materials are not from any known existing military or commercial application. They’ve been collected from sources with varying levels of chain-of-custody documentation, so we are focusing on verifiable facts and working to develop independent scientific proof of the materials’ properties and attributes. In some cases, the manufacturing technology required to fabricate the material is only now becoming available, but the material has been in documented possession since the mid-1990’s. We currently have multiple material samples being analyzed by contracted laboratories and have plans to extend the scope of this study. If the claims associated with these assets can be validated and substantiated, then we can initiate work to transition them from being a technology to commercial and military capabilities.”  (source)
On multiple occasions Justice has spoken of technologies that can alter the space-time metric. The mainstream has picked up on this multiple times, and here’s an example from The New York Times.
So, as you can see, this type of technology is no joke. Many of the UFOs we see may be made by humans, others, probably not. The point is, they are here, within the “science division.”
“It is my thesis that flying saucers are real and that they are space ships from another solar system.” – Hermannn Oberth , one of the founding fathers of modern rocketry.
Anti-gravity technology has been around for a long time.
A paper entitled “Outside The Box” Space & Terrestrial Transportation & Energy Technologies For The 21st Century written by Professor Theodore Lodre of the University of New Hampshire reviews the development of anti-gravity research in the United States and emphasizes how “research activity seemed to disappear by the mid-1950s.” It then looks into recently reported scientific findings and witness testimonies “that show us that this research and technology is alive and well and very advanced. The revelations of findings in this area will alter dramatically our 20th-century view of physics and technology and must be considered in planning for both energy and transportation needs in the 21st century.”

Otis T. Carr

Otis T. Carr is one of many examples throughout history where there are clues that highly advanced technologies like anti-gravity crafts are actually legit. Given everything we know now, as well as what happened to Carr, only strengthens this suspicion.
In the late 1950s, OTC Enterprises, Inc. of Baltimore, Maryland put out a statement that was published in the April 3rd edition of the Baltimore Enterprise. The statement came in the form of a claim that the company was ready to manufacture a flying saucer that was capable of travel outside of the Earth’s atmosphere. All that was needed was a massive amount of funding, approximately 20 million dollars. The equivalent to that today is probably several billion.
Otis Carr with anti gravity vehicle model.
Now keep in mind that this is the 1950s. There was a big wave of UFO sightings at this time, especially after the Atom bomb was dropped. The topic was getting a lot of mainstream media attention. Rumors of “crashed craft, and bodies recovered,” that Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell claimed were real were running rampant at this time. Did ‘the powers that be’ or ‘the military-industrial complex’ have saucer technology at this time? Based on my research, it certainly seems that way.  Take, for example, a document from the Central Intelligence Agency’s Electronic reading room:
“A German newspaper recently published an interview with George Klein, famous German engineer and aircraft expert, describing the experimental construction of ‘flying saucers’ carried out by him from 1941 to 1945.” (source)
The document goes on to describe how many people believed ‘flying saucers’ to be a postwar development. They were actually in the planning stages in German aircraft factories as early as 1941. The document then goes on to mention an experiment described by Klein:
 “The “flying saucer” reached an altitude of 12,400 meters within 3 minutes and a speed of 2,200 kilometers per hour. Klein emphasized that in accordance with German plans, the speed of these “saucers” would reach 4,000 kilometers per hour. One difficulty, according to Klein, was the problem of obtaining the materials to be used for the construction of the “saucers,” but even this had been solved by German engineers toward the end of 1945, and construction on the objects was scheduled to begin, Klein added.
Otis T. Carr, as mentioned above, had similar claims. He even put on numerous demonstrations for the public and amassed millions of dollars from extremely wealthy people to do so. If they did not believe him, and if he had not shown some promise, how did he receive all of this funding?
Think about it. We now know for a fact that global militaries have long had an interest in the UFO phenomenon. They’ve been asking who, what, where, when and how for a very long time, and of course it’s considered a national security matter. Any individual who has invented, or shows potential to invent craft that is capable of extreme, technologically advanced maneuvers, would not be allowed to develop it, and would be ridiculed like Carr was. This is why the invention secrecy act was made in the early 1950s. In my opinion, its true aimto protect the interest of the power under the guise of ‘national security.’

Carr’s Goal

His goal was to fly to the moon in his “circular foil spacecraft” on December 7th, 1959.
The “spacecraft” allegedly invented by Carr is much like the ideal spaceship imagined by Plantier and others. It is propelled by an artificial gravitic field (the “Carrotto gravity motor”) and if this were not miracle enough, it uses no fuel. It is powered by the “Utron electric accumulator”–a short of self-charging battery which “uses the Sun’s magnificent force of Electromagnetism by means of natural reproductive chemistry, to quote the interesting language of the Enterprise ad. (Centre for UFO Studies)
Below is a picture of Wayne Aho, a military intelligence officer who was going to accompany Carr on his trip to the moon. He claimed it would only take a few hours. Carr is second from the left.
Otis T. Carr was actually a protege of Nikola Tesla, according to independent researcher Doug Yurchey: “Carr and his team constructed a number of fully functional flying saucers in the late 1950s. The flying disk worked and was demonstrated. Carr was serious about ‘taking his craft to the Moon. ‘However, two weeks after a dramatic test flight, their laboratory was forcibly closed, Federal agents confiscated equipment as well as all documentation. Authorities told them Carr’s project would ‘destroy the monetary system of the United States.’  (source)
Carr was heavily criticized, ridiculed, and made a fool of by the press. I could not verify whether his connection with Tesla is actually true or not, but rumors of Carr’s relationship with Tesla were rampant, even in the 50’s.

Classic Hit Job

This is a classic story of someone who received lots of public attention and had many failed demonstrations, and apparently, many successful ones as well. Like other great inventors, Carr’s work was seized by the government. This happened in January 1961, when Louis J. Lefkowitz, the Attorney General of New York at the time, stated that “Carr had swindled $50,000, and later that year True Magazine labelled him as a hoaxer.” By then, his laboratory had been raided and destroyed, and the group of engineers had been ordered to disband and cease contact with one another.
This is very fishy, and similar to the Stan Meyer water powered car story. Looking at it today, it was quite clear that this was a huge attempt to shut Carr down. These developments and curiosities were not for our world, but were reserved for the black budget world. He was denied an appeal on March 1st, 1961 for his ‘crime’. He could not pay the fine and served part of a 14-year jail term. After that little is known about what became either of Carr himself or the craft, but they never flew again. Carr is reported to have suffered from ill-health, a broken man. He passed away apparently in Gardnerville, Nevada, in 2005.
In 1952, Carr actually wrote a book, called “Dimensions of Mystery.” The book was mostly written in ‘code,’ according to him, it was the complete layout of his plan and how his machine worked, yet for a reader like me, or anyone for that matter, it’s impossible to understand. He did switch from user code and poetry, to actually writing some real statements regarding his intentions, as you can see here:

Below is a discussion about the tests that would need to be conducted, and, apparently were conducted.

Hal Puthoff

As you can see, just like with most other stories of great technological advancements (there are too many examples to choose from), the global elite has always demonstrated their supremacy by ridiculing concepts that don’t really fit the frame. There are multiple technological developments that have been completely hushed up, for “national security purposes.”
Take this quote from Hal Puthoff, for example. It’s not with regards to UFOs but more so “free-energy,” which actually go hand in hand and relate directly to each other. Puthoff has published numerous papers on electron-beam devices, lasers and space propulsion and has patents issued in the laser, communications, and energy fields. Dr. Puthoff’s professional background spans more than five decades of research at General Electric, Sperry, the National Security Agency, Stanford University and SRI International. Dr. Puthoff regularly advises NASA, the Department of Defense and intelligence communities, corporations and foundations. Here’s what he’s had to say:
“I’ve been taken out on aircraft carriers by the Navy and shown what it is we have to replace if we have new energy sources to provide new fuel methods.”
Puthoff is now part of the ‘To The Stars’ academy, who have publicly disclosed that they are working on technology that mimics the flight patterns of observed UFOs.

The Design

Below is  the design of the OTC X-1
Please go to Project Camelots write up on Otis, find this picture and click on each image to view it in high resolution.

US Gov Grants Patents For An Anti-Gravity Craft That Alters The Space-Time Around It

As far back as 2005, patent 6,960,975 was granted on 1 November to Boris Volfson of Huntington, Indiana. It describes a space vehicle propelled by a superconducting shield, which alters the curvature of space-time outside the craft in a way that counteracts gravity. The device builds on a claim by the Russian physicist Eugene Podkletnov that superconductors can shield the effects of gravity.
A patent filed by the United States Navy in 2016 describes a design for a craft as follows:
A craft using an inertial mass reduction device comprises of an inner resonant cavity wall, an outer resonant cavity, and microwave emitters. The electrically charged outer resonant cavity wall and the electrically insulated inner resonant cavity wall form a resonant cavity. The microwave emitters create high frequency electromagnetic waves throughout the resonant cavity causing the resonant cavity to vibrate in an accelerated mode and create a local polarized vacuum outside the outer resonant cavity wall.
Shortly after the patent for the hybrid craft was approved in 2018, the inventor, Salvatore Cezar Pais presented another related paper, “Room Temperature Superconducting System for Use on a Hybrid Aerospace Undersea Craft” at the 2019 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics SciTech Forum in San Diego this past January. In the paper, Pais writes that “the achievement of room temperature superconductivity (RTSC) represents a highly disruptive technology, capable of a total paradigm change in Science and Technology,” and adds that its “military and commercial value is considerable.”

These types of technologies, or potential technologies, seem to be bringing up what’s known as warp drive, or the Alcubierre Drive. The concept involves basically placing a craft within a space that is moving faster than the speed of light. Therefore, the craft itself does not have to travel at the speed of light from its own type of propulsion system. It’s easier to understand if you think in terms of a flat escalator in an airport. The escalator moves faster than you are walking. In this case, the space around the ship would be moving faster than the ship could fly, keeping all the matter of the ship intact. Therefore, we can move faster than light in a massless cloud of space-time.
So, rather than exceed the speed of light alone in a craft, a spacecraft would leap long distances by contracting space in front of it and expanding space behind it. This would result in travel faster than light. (source) Physicist Miguel Alcubierre was the first (that we know of) to identify this possibility. He described it as remaining still on a flat piece of space-time inside a warp bubble that was made to move at “superluminal” (faster than light) velocity. We must not forget that space-time can be warped and distorted, it can be moved. But what about moving sections of space-time that are created by expanding space-time behind the ship, and by contracting space-time in front of the ship?
Here’s another great paper on faster than light technology regarding altering the quantum vacuum by legendary physicist Dr. Eric Davis.
The key is developing technology that can alter-space time, but also detecting that space time, or as some like to call it “aether” or “dark matter” in some cases, so it can be engineered.
A similar concept was also recently illustrated by Mathematician James Hill and Barry Cox at the University of Adelaide. They published a paper in the journal proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical and Physical Sciences (source).

The Takeaway

Let’s keep an open mind, and not to brush off revolutionizing technologies just because they break the laws of physics as we know them; after all, such laws are made to be broken. It’s similar to when Lord Einstein published his paper on special relativity that completely shattered what we thought we knew back then. Today, we are more aware of how the giant national security apparatus intervenes, and given all of the information that’s emerged regarding the subject of exotic technologies like anti-gravity crafts, it’s easier to see 70 years after the fact what really happened to Otis T. Carr.

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