
Thursday, October 24, 2019

Professor Finds $21 Trillion In Unauthorized Government Spending

In Brief

  • The Facts:A Michigan State University economist teamed up with multiple researchers, including Catherine Austin Fitts, former assistant secretary of Housing and Urban Development and they found trillions of unaccounted for dollars missing from housing & D.O.D
  • Reflect On:Do we really live in a world with honest government transparency? How can we claim to be living in a democracy when trillions of dollars are being spent on projects that nobody has any idea about? What is going on here?
The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. There is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. – JFK

If you suggested to someone a decade ago that secrecy dominates our world, and that transparency on a larger scale really doesn’t exist at all, not many would take you seriously. We, the public, have been kept inside a bubble, and outside that bubble exists a “breakaway civilization,” a term coined by author and historian Richard Dolan to describe the vast amount of knowledge in the form of science, technology, history, etc that’s been amassed by the military industrial complex.
Everything in this area is simply deemed “classified,” receiving absolutely no oversight from Congress. They’re referred to as deep black projects that in 2008 ex-Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer described as projects that the “Commander in Chief has no idea about.”
This information is now coming to light, and it received even more attention when last year, a Michigan State University economist, working with one former government official and multiple graduate students discovered that $21 trillion of “unauthorized” spending had occurred within the Department of Defense and Housing and Urban Development. This is only for the years 1998-2015
For their research, the team used several government websites and made inquiries to multiple U.S. agencies. Much of the time they received no response and the Office of the Inspector General even disabled links to all key documents that revealed unsupported spending, according to the team.
Unfortunately for them, the researchers downloaded and stored the documents, and thus they made their way into the public domain. Regardless, many people still haven’t heard about it.
The name of the Economist from Michigan State is Mark Skidmore. He was sparked to do something when Catherine Austin Fitts, former assistant secretary of Housing and Urban Development (where all the missing money is from, including the D.O.D)  referred to a report that indicated the Army had $6.5 trillion in unsupported adjustments and spending, in the 2015 fiscal year.
Given the Army’s $122 billion budget, that meant unsupported adjustments were 54 times spending authorized by Congress. Typically, such adjustments in public budgets are only a small fraction of authorized spending….Skidmore thought Fitts had made a mistake. “Maybe she meant $6.5 billion and not $6.5 trillion,” he said. “So I found the report myself and sure enough it was $6.5 trillion.” (source)
Fitts was one of the people involved with Skidmore’s research, they worked together, and found documents indicating a total of $20 trillion of undocumented adjustments had been made, from 1998 t0 2015, as mentioned above. The original government documents and a report describing the issue can be found here.)
They also recently provided an update, as when this information went public, the Pentagon claimed that they were going to do an internal audit.

Update As of September 2018

Several months after beginning the audit, recommendations of the Federal Accounting Standards Board were accepted by the government which stopped the process. (see page 3 for a summary).
Fitts explains how “the statement allows government officials to misstate and move funds around to hide expenditures if it is deemed necessary for national security purposes, and the rule applies to all agencies, not just the black budget.” She then shares an excerpt from the report:
This Statement permits modifications that do not affect the net results of operations or net position. In addition, this Statement allows a component reporting entity to be excluded from one reporting entity and consolidated into another reporting entity, and the effect of the modification may change the net results of operations and/or net position.
Fitts then makes another point that needs to be emphasized, one that I’ve been writing about for years, and it’s the fact that only a few people with high-level security clearances have the authority to determine what exactly a national security issue is. These days, there is so much secrecy in our world that ‘national security’ has simply become a term used to justify extreme and unethical secrecy. This secrecy ultimately benefits a select powerful few, and keeps the dollars rolling into their pockets.
No one but these few people would ever know that expenditures on activity A are hiding in a completely different area of government. What good is an independent audit if authorities are allowed to move expenditures around with no transparency? How can one conduct an evaluation of any portion of the federal budget under such an arrangement? How is this policy in compliance with financial reporting laws or Constitutional requirements for reporting on government spending to the citizens of the United States? -Fitts explains.
In a December. 8th 2017 Forbes column, MSUs Skidmore co-authored with Laurence Kotlikoff, Skidmore said the “gargantuan nature” of the undocumented federal spending “should be a great concern to all taxpayers.”
Taken together these reports point to a failure to comply with basic constitutional and legislative requirements for spending and disclosure,” the column concludes. “We urge the House and Senate Budget Committee to initiate immediate investigations of unaccounted federal expenditures as well as the source of their payment.
Our tax dollars and the level to which we are taxed are going towards black budget programs, that cost far more than our roads and services. If this information was made transparent and open for discovery and use, it leaps all of humanity into the stars and beyond into new discovery and exploration. The implications are huge.

Our Episode Discussing The Black Budget

CETV is a platform we created as a result of mass censorship and demonetization because we create awareness about and discuss issues like the black-budget, in a credible way. If you’d like to view the entire episode, you can sign up here.  Thanks for your support!


There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself. – Senator Daniel Inouye (source)
Fitts has been outspoken on where this money has been going and has stated multiple times that during the investigations and through her work experience within the U.S. Housing and Urban Development sector, ‘Space’ issues were always involved when it came to finding out where this money was going.
It wasn’t long ago when the Pentagon publicly disclosed a ‘UFO ariel threat program’ it had been running, one that cost $22 million. Hal Puthoff, a member of To The Stars Academy, that was involved with this public disclosure from the Pentagon, has stated that it could be one of the multiple programs. You can read more about that here.
This information that was not aggressively disseminated by mainstream media, too much public attention on $21 trillion missing dollars starts to bring up questions about where this money is going.
Having been an avid researcher into the UFO phenomenon for more than a decade, I can tell you that a lot of it is going towards activities in space and other activities that are deemed classified for ‘national security’ purposes. One example I’ve written about before has been the reality of deep underground military bases, and deep under ocean military bases.
Fitts is one of many who has claimed that these black budget operations are being used to build a space economy, and that there is currently a war going on up there. A fight for economic domination between nations of Earth. This doesn’t sound too outlandish when you consider she is one of the multiple credible sources giving this type of interpretation. Sometimes, information like this can be too much for us to handle, at other times it is purposely subjected to ridicule and official smears campaigns to bring less credibility to the topic.
Corporations are currently dominating space. Let’s not forget about Garry Mckinnon, who performed the largest ever military computer hack in human history. This made global headlines, it was too big to conceal, and he gave a telling interview before he was arrested claiming that he found multiple pictures of UFO’s and lists of “off world officers” and “fleet to fleet” transfers. You can see a clip of his interview with Project Camelot’s Kerry Cassidy, here. This interview was conducted before it became public knowledge and before he was arrested for his hack. He hacked into Department of Defence and NASA systems, among others.
The evidence for a clandestine secret space program that is costing tax-payers trillions of dollars is backed up by undeniable evidence, yet it’s shrouded in secrecy, despite the fact that it hides in plain sight.
According to Fitts, we are not alone, this is known, and we too have an ever-growing presence in space. In an interview, she recently did with Dark Journalistshe talks about the Secret Space Program from a historical perspective. She explains how enormous amounts of resources were handed over to covert operations to develop a security system of finance. This then created the CIA and a select group of people who were in charge of UFO technology. “By the time JFK came into office ready to challenge this shadow government and make space program the centrepiece of his administration, the civil war between the Deep State and the public state was in full force.”
Robert Bigelow, CEO of Bigelow Aerospace revealed knowledge of an extraterrestrial earlier this year.
The important thing to remember here is that the UFO phenomenon and extraterrestrial hypothesis have, in my opinion, enormous amounts of credibility and evidence behind them. We’ve been writing about the topic since CE was founded in 2009, you can visit the disclosure section of our website to sift through those articles for more information.
Below is one of the last interviews she did:

A Little More On The Black Budget

Did we really need this leak in order to believe that black budget programs operate in secrecy? No, many people will tell you that the existence of black budget programs was obvious and that we didn’t need any official documentation to prove it, but this still helps. The United States has a history of government agencies existing in secret for years. The National Security Agency (NSA) was founded in 1952, its existence was hidden until the mid-1960’s. Even more secretive is the National Reconnaissance Office, which was founded in 1960 but remained completely secret for 30 years.
We are talking about Special Access Programs (SAP). From these, we have unacknowledged and waived SAPs. These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are better known as ‘deep black programs.’ A 1997 US Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.” (source).
The Washington Post revealed that the “black budget” documents report a staggering 52.6 billion dollars that were set aside for operations in the fiscal year 2013. Although it’s great to have this type of documentation in the public domain proving the existence of these black budget programs, the numbers seem to be off according to some statements made by some very prominent people who have been involved in the defence sector for years. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that these programs are not using billions of dollars, but trillions of dollars that are unaccounted for. Here is a statement was given by Canada’s former Minister of National Defence, Paul Hellyer in 2008:
It is ironic that the U.S. would begin a devastating war, allegedly in search of weapons of mass destruction when the most worrisome developments in this field are occurring in your own backyard.  It is ironic that the U.S. should be fighting monstrously expensive wars  allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on projects which both congress and the commander in chief no nothing about(source)
Rumsfeld also admitted that 2.8 trillion could not be accounted for. On July 16, 2001, in front of the house appropriations committee, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld stated:
The financial systems of the department of defence are so snarled up that we can’t account for some $2.6 trillion in transactions that exist, if that’s believable (source)
It turns out he lied, and it was a heck of a lot more, and probably even far greater than $21 trillion dollars…
Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered.

The Takeaway

The takeaway here is to realize that our world is plagued with secrecy, but at the same time, with so many whistleblowers, leaks and investigations, that secrecy is going away. It’s all there for one to see, it’s not really “secret” as it is simply, unacknowledged. That being said, there is clearly a lot we don’t know including just how far this world of secrecy has advanced. One thing is for certain, it has gone off the planet. We may not know who entirely is involved, but if you follow the money, that’s probably your best bet.
At the end of the day, the lid is being blown off, and secrecy cannot last. New discoveries await the human race, and information that is naturally our birthright to discover has been kept from us in the hands of those who clearly do not have the best interests of humanity at heart. The tides are turning.

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