
Saturday, August 10, 2019

Epstein ‘Suicide’ Mystery Unravels     ~ our vaunted penal "sys~tum"& we;ll  prob~ly find an pristine magic "bullet" or lone nut ....fucking AMAZING how they just keep trot'in  the same old "playbook" out    holy fuck !  but here in ole A~merry~ka ....the peeps will fall fer it ...where the fuck are the "19" ex~pert a~vee~ain't~ters ???... humm  ...where the FUCK is c.   at   !?!

Epstein Not Dead, On His Way To Israel? Or Now in the Presidential Suite in the Deep Underground Military Base (DUMB) at Area 51? We Do Not Make This Shit Up….

Robert David Steele
Public Intelligence Blog
UPDATE 1: CIA Mask on Stand-In or Just Resting?
       Our medical experts tell us this man is either very much alive, or he is wearing one of those lovely theatrical masks made when he was alive, and they made a mistake — they forgot to provide for the white palor of a really dead man.
It is noteworthy that he is not in a body bag.  This was staged. And the noses don’t match. Need ears and DNA.

People on suicide watch with a prior suicide attempt simply do not die unless a very high price has been paid for their death OR — more likely — this is the agreed upon exit strategy. “Cremation” tonight.
CIA/FBI complicity in a Mossad escape that is either treason or part of a deal that leaves President Trump triumphant.  NEW POSSIBILITY: a body double will be cremated tonight and instead of going to Israel, Epstein is now in a special safehouse telling us what we do not know: what each blackmailed person did for Israel. in detail, with the timelines.
I consider the reports of Epstein being dead to be false. I believe he is on his way to Israel in an accommodation reached between President Trump and his enemies at CIA, FBI, and within the Government of Israel whose Mossad operation this was.
People on suicide watch with a prior suicide attempt simply do not die unless a very high price has been paid for their death OR — more likely — this is the agreed upon exit strategy. “Cremation” tonight.
My Previous Report Setting This False Story Up:
2019/07/25  Epstein On Way to Israel? UPDATE 35 to the Second Greatest Story Ever Told
Overview of This Zionist/CIA/FBI Operation President Is Covering Up:
2019/07/26 SPECIAL: Zionism in America – Murderous Pedophilia Entrapment – The Nine Veils of Evil [Update 36 to the Mossad-Epstein Story]
The Mossad – Maxwell – Epstein Story (Second Greatest Story Ever Told):
2019/07/09 Tom Luongo: Epstein Peak Swamp? Zionist Strike 44 UPDATE 50 Epstein Not Dead On Way to Israel?
Media Headlines Now — Lying Sacks of Shit Have No Clue…
Epstein Dead? @ GoogleSearch
UPDATE 1: CIA Mask on Stand-In or Just Resting?
Our medical experts tell us this man is either very much alive, or he is wearing one of those lovely theatrical masks made when he was alive, and they made a mistake — they forgot to provide for the white palor of a really dead man.
It is noteworthy that he is not in a body bag.  This was staged. And the noses don’t match? Need ears and DNA.

People on suicide watch with a prior suicide attempt simply do not die unless a very high price has been paid for their death OR — more likely — this is the agreed upon exit strategy. “Cremation” tonight.
CIA/FBI complicity in a Mossad escape that is either treason or part of a deal that leaves President Trump triumphant.  NEW POSSIBILITY: a body double will be cremated tonight and instead of going to Israel, Epstein is now in a special safehouse telling us what we do not know: what each blackmailed person did for Israel. in detail, with the timelines.

Image Source: The Zionist-controlled New York Post
Photos show Jeffrey Epstein as he’s wheeled into Downtown Hospital
OOPS. Noses don’t match? Not 100%. Need ears. And DNA.

State of the Nation: SUICIDED!? How does the most famous and closely watched jail inmate in U.S. history kill himself? That’s right … … … he didn’t!
Jeffrey Epstein did NOT kill himself.
“I was incarcerated as an inmate awaiting trial in a county jail in New York very similar to Jeff Epstein’s situation. For reasons that are too long to explain here, the jail had me under suicide watch because my case was so HUGE at the time. They had me under such close observation that I could not even pee in my cell toilet without the whole jail staff watching my every move. Not only that, but they stripped me of every single possible means of killing myself. They wouldn’t even let me have a short strand of dental floss after eating. Belts were out of the question as was plastic silverware. Look it, I was certainly not a “Jeffrey Epstein” and yet the jail guards and nurses and other administrators were hovering all over me likes flies on a cow-patty. Every single moment on suicide watch was like living the nightmare of the Truman show. What’s the point? Epstein didn’t commit suicide. Either he was murdered by the prison staff like the medical personnel, allowed to be killed by a stealthy CIA assassination setup or he’s been whisked away to Israel where he will continue his Pedogate psyop under the dark cover of Mossad. Case flippin’ closed ! ! !
— Submitted to SOTN by a former New York jail inmate
Alert Reader sounds off:
We did call it, didn’t we?
By now, he is getting resettled as Eric Braverman’s neighbor, somewhere in Israel…
Funny thing though: the lies have come so fast and furious and for so long that very few people buy the “suicide”, even among the sheeples. So, no matter what and whether there will ever be an investigation or not makes very little difference: people are slowly learning to think like Deep State and anticipate its moves.
It’s going to make it increasingly more difficult to force them to do anything they don’t want to, including paying taxes or turning over their guns without a fight. And reading the reactions from prison staff anywhere, law enforcement is taking a hell of a step back from what it believed all along its role to be within society.
So… even if Deep State appears to win on the surface, it is losing to a people rendered increasingly more cynical by the day.
It just makes it more likely that it will end up getting pretty hairy and possibly violent.
Incidentally, I cannot stop but think that the timing of fully “disgraced” Sztrok returning to the FBI is not unrelated to Epstein.  Stinks to high heaven.
Call it a gnawing gut feeling.  Nah… Epstein was fully debriefed for the past three weeks, he spilled all kinds of beans incriminating all kinds of people and Sztrok is back temporarily to do some very, very dirty work before 1) having a very bad accident, 2) dying a “hero” in the line of duty or 3) becoming some public enemy No.1 and one of the very few actively prosecuted and convicted for treason after having testified against a few people.  They’ll keep using him for whatever he is worth.  He’s already seriously tainted in the eyes of the public…
They won’t touch Clinton, Wexner or anyone of any international importance.  Too many interests at play on the international scene.  If heads roll they will be strictly domestic and pretty minor.  No one touches Uranium One, drug trade or human trafficking.  Way too profitable and Earth entire economy rests on it.
From the Editor of Veterans Today:
Gordon Duff: Is Epstein “Murder” Connected to Bill Richardson Nuclear Thefts and AIPAC Spy Ring?
Medic questions the scene (but assumes death — this could be bad theater):

DRIBBLES: Still not a word about Mossad/CIA/FBI operation, 49+ other cells across the USA (and hundreds more in all other countries)
Phi Beta Iota: every media outlet going with the suicide story should lose its corporate charter or broadcasting license.  Profound betrayal of the public.
Bloomberg: Jeffrey Epstein Found Dead in Jail Awaiting Sex-Crimes Trial
CNN: Jeffrey Epstein has died by suicide, sources say
Caitlin Johnstone: Jeffrey Epstein Dies Of “Suicide”
National Public Radio: Jeffrey Epstein Dead From Apparent Suicide At Manhattan Jail
Jon Rappoport: Jeffrey Epstein dead; what happens now? Source: Epstein taken off suicide watch before death
What Does It Mean: Murder For Hire “Hit Contract” On Child Sex Slaver Jeffrey Epstein Reaches $100 Million
Zero Hedge: A Shocked World Reacts To News Of Epstein’s Impossible ‘Suicide’
Phi beta Iota: Below are the “big picture” on the greatest spy case of the century, and the master post on second greatest story ever told. US media shits.
SPECIAL: Zionism in America – Murderous Pedophilia Entrapment – The Nine Veils of Evil [Update 36 to the Mossad-Epstein Story]
Tom Luongo: Epstein Peak Swamp? Zionist Strike 44 UPDATE 50 Epstein Not Dead On Way to Israel?
Who Is Robert David Steele?
Former Marine Corps infantry officer, former CIA spy, founder modern Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) discpline, top non-fiction reviewer (2,500+ reviews across 97 non-fiction categories), recommended for Nobel Peace Prize in 2017.  Learn more:

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