
Thursday, June 27, 2019


~ hehe WHAT "if" eveythin we've  BEEN "taught" IS ...bull~shit (& "they've" known!!!) & HAVE for a very,Very,VERY long ... time!  ...begin~in ta look that WAY   folks ?                     

Yes you read that headline correctly: it's "Exploring Psyche" not "Exploring the Psyche" and if you're wondering what the big deal is, Psyche is the name of that iron-and-nickel asteroid whose estimated value is, according the the article linked below, $10,000 quadrillion dollars, or to put it differently, ten quintillion dollars, that's $10,000,000,000,000,000,ooo. But there's more.
When G.P. sent this article to me, the accompanying email stated: "I'm sensing an emerging theme!" Indeed, there is:
Yes, it's official: NASA plans to launch a probe to the asteroid in 2022, and the reason we're given is the usual "we need to find out more about how the universe was formed, how planets were formed," &c &c, in other words, the usual scientific boilerplate.
The value of all the nickel and iron that NASA believes makes up 16-Psyche’s oddly-shaped space rock in the asteroid belt’s outer reaches is estimated at $10,000 quadrillion. This is a massive sum, but NASA’s Psyche mission, which has now received approval to enter the final development stages before manufacturing begins for its 2022 launch, is actually after a much bigger prize – revealing how Earth's origins. NASA researchers believe asteroid Psyche is key to understanding how planetary bodies are formed.
This boilerplate appears directly below a video purporting to show the asteroid. If one looks at the the video one notices a few "odd things" about that asteroid: square "craters", double craters, deep fissures, and so on. The video, is of course, an "artist's" rendering, but even that is suggestive that NASA might know about more about the asteroid than they're letting on. After all, NASA does stand for Never A Straight Answer.
But then there's this suggestive comment:
This is because the space scientists theorise Psyche is really the core of a planet which broke apart following a succession of apocalyptic collisions.
NASA experts hope they can observe the solar system’s distant past, when protoplanet encounters created Earth and destroyed other would-be terrestrial planets. (Emphasis added)
In other words, NASA is maintaining something that will look familiar to readers of my books (in particular, The Giza Death Star Destroyed and The Cosmic War), for if Psyche is the "core of a planet" which "broke apart" following "a succession of apocalyptic collisions" then that means there was once a planet in this solar system that Psyche was the core of. In short, NASA has now endorsed Dr. Van Flandern's "Exploded Planet Hypothesis." Interestingly, NASA has adopted the "catastrophe" model as the explanation for that explosion: a collision. This catastrophe model is made more explicit in the next sentence, that this all happened "when protoplanet encounters Created Earth and destroyed other would-be terrestrial planets." That too, is a backhanded admission that there were other "would-be" terrestrial planets. And while they're not saying it, you know what they're thinking: Mars.
So let's continue our journey to the end of the twig of high octane speculation. For those familiar with the "Philadelphia Experiment" story, the whole thing began when one Carlos Allende bought and read a copy of early Ufologist and astronomer Dr Morris K. Jessup's book, The Case for the UFO. Allende marked his copy of Jessup's book with marginalia written with various pens and in colored inks, and then mailed this along with a letter outlining his alleged experiences with the Philadelphia Experiment to Dr. Jessup and to the US Navy. To make a very long story short (for the fuller story one may consult my book Secrets of the Unified Field: The Philadelphia Experiment, the Nazi Bell, and the Discarded Theory), the Navy had a special edition of Jessup's book along with Allende's marginalia printed up by the Varo Company in Garland, Texas, and this became known as the "Varo Edition" of Jessup's book. This was then distributed to various people within the US black projects world. Significantly, I believe that one of the recipients of this edition was Dr.Wernher von Braun (again, see my Secrets of the Unified Field for the larger story.)  What concerns us here is that one of Allende's marginal  notes referred to an ancient interplanetary war fought in this solar system, and to the "great bombardment", which the context makes clear that Allende believed was fought by "the gods" hurling asteroids at each other. In other words, that ancient catastrophism was not natural, but the result of technology.
In other words, NASA is opening a very wide door with its reference to catastrophism and destroyed planets. And in doing so, it cannot be ignorant of Dr. van Flandern's original proposals for mechanisms of why a planet in the asteroid belt's orbit would suddenly break apart or explore. Those models, readers of my book The Cosmic War will recall, included a nuclear reaction in the core of the planet (which Dr. van Flandern was uncomfortable with), to a matter-antimatter reaction (which he is even more uncomfortable with), to the use of advanced technology in an experiment that "went wrong", and then, finally, "deliberate action," in other words, a war. Not mentioned by van Flandern is the idea of a bunch of rovering planetoids colliding with each other. The reason for his lack of mentioning of that model is, I highly suspect, is that the celestial mechanics doesn't appear to work, for in his model, it is precisely the explosion of that planet that created the conditions of the rovering planetoids of the asteroid belt and comets, not the other way around.
NASA, of course, won't go to "great bombardments" or van Flandern's "deliberate action" just yet, but with the apparent endorsement of the catastrophism model, they've opened the door to the question of what type of catastrophe it was, natural, or deliberate, and by going to Pysche, I suspect that their real motivation is to find out which, though they'd never admit that now.

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