
Tuesday, April 2, 2019


~hehe hey folks we's geet'in "taxed" fer RAIN ...dont worry folks ALL that shit "they" R splay'in UP over our heads ... got's nut'in ta do wit WEATHER ....just look the fuck UP dip shit kooky loony a~merry~cans    Lol spraying ....they aren't spraying  it's  (cow farts)  yeah um hum yep yup hehehe  ...holy fucking shit  IS there any~thin MORE bat~shit crazy  ...look up um did u say look up ???   that's cow farts ...Image result for weather spraying

Financial news seems to have been on everyone's minds this week, as I had more than the usual number of articles passed along about it, and one of the oddest, and to me, most important, was this article shared by Mr. V.T.  New Jersey is now the first state that wants to tax you for rain falling on your property:
Yes, you read that correctly: they now want (and claim) the right to tax you for how much rain falls on your property. And as usual, we're being given the "we're the goobernment and we're here to protect you; we need to tax you on rain to provide you flood assistance.:"
In what is one of the most corrupt and vile things to have ever happened to the American political system, residents of New Jersey will now be taxed when something 100% out of their control happens. New Jersey’s governor Phil Murphy signed 19 bills into law on Monday, one of which, was the so-called “rain tax.”
Unfortunately, there were supporters of this tyrannical and wholly dictatorial law. Dubbed S-1073, supporters call it “flood defense,” and say it will serve as a long-needed tool to manage flooding and dirty runoff from rainwater.  So there are actually human beings on earth who want others and themselves stolen from because it rains.  There is nothing more disturbing that the current political path the United States is currently one.  It’s downright horrifying, actually.
“Most importantly, it gives communities a way to access new resources in a fair and equitable manner, and invest in related benefits such as additional green space. We urge the governor to sign it,” said New Jersey Future’s Chris Sturm, who serves as the advocacy group’s managing director for policy and water, according to a report by Patch.
As one might imagine, I have my usual high octane speculation to advance about this, but first, a caveat. I'm now adopting the policy of Catherine Austin Fitts: I do not, and will not, engage in discussions of "climate change" or "global warming" with those who have not exposed themselves to the the research on the technologies weather manipulation, geoengineering, and so on. To do so is a material omission from the discussion, and the lamestream corporate media outlets will not discuss it (although, at one time, decades ago, they did discuss it). In short, much of this is man made, but not in the sense that the shills for Mr. Globaloney mean. Is a lot of it man-made? Well, yes, when one covertly sprays particulate heavy metals in the atmosphere to change the electrical conductivity of the atmosphere, plays around with ionospheric heaters (which, incidentally, listed a weather manipulation potential in the initial patent application for HAARP), and bathes the Earth in man-made microwaves, that's bound to have planetary effects, and as I've argued elsewhere, potential magnetic resonance effects on other systems. In other words, look to the military-industrial complex first, not to the cattle rancher and cattle flatulence. But, if they can tax rain, give them time, and they will want to tax flatulence as well.
However, the flatulence coming out of Trenton is not my main focus here. My main focus is "disaster crapitalism" and the whole emerging context and meme of monetizing disasters, and taxing them. Think Nuttyfornia here: there is a body of evidence suggesting that the fires in the northern part of that state were deliberately set, the means and method is not important here, except to note what I've often stated: weather derivatives (and taxes on weather) are a handy thing to have around when you control technology that can manipulate the weather. Need taxes? Create a local magnetic field tax: is your local background magnetic field too weak? Tax it, then make sure through a variety of instrumentalities that the field stays weak. Need some quick cash to fund your Green Raw... er... Green New Deal? Inundate the place with rain, tax it, and voila, you can claim to be combating climate change. It's really a very clever idea, for while you're burning (or flooding) people out of their homes, you can pick up their land on the cheap, and tax them for the disaster all at the same time.
Related imageIn short, look for more of it to come down the pike. And a word to the wise: New Jersey also passed some strict gun control laws... and over a million New Jerseyans simply did not comply.  Time will tell how the Sopranos will react to taxes on their rain.Related imagehehe that's just the "airports"......move along ?

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