
Friday, February 1, 2019

Three Real-World Examples of Magical Power Far Beyond Anything Scientists Have Ever Seen    ~ hehe do u's EVER geet the "feeling" that ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL the shit our gov/relig goobers are teaching/telling U.S. is kinda B?Shit ... ever do's u's EVER just kinda geet the ..."feeling" ???    ............ever  ?  Huhhh ...not EVEN ...ever!  Related image

& yet we's WONDER

In Brief

  • The Facts:Dean Radin, Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences has published a book titled "Real Magic." In it, he provides multiple examples of people who possessed these. They have existed throughout history, and have always been outlawed.
  • Reflect On:These abilities have been proven to be real in a scientific setting, as well as with real world examples, and many of them at that. Why is non-material science and parapsychology still shunned and ignored by academia when the data speaks for itself?
Is magic real? That depends on how you define it. But yes, I believe ‘magic’ is definitely real, and I’m not the only one. Cases of ‘supernormal’ powers and ‘magic’ of all kinds have been reported throughout history and across almost all cultures–at least until religion was invented and these topics were ushered into the realm of the ‘demonic.’

Proponents of what we now call ‘magic’  include nearly all ancient literature from all parts of the world, from the Vedic texts and the yoga sutras all the way to Moses, Jesus, Milarepa and Mohammed. Donald Lopez Jr., a professor of Buddhist and Tibetan Studies at the University of Michigan, provides a great example in describing the Buddha:
With this enlightenment, he was believed to possess all manner of supernormal powers, including full knowledge of each of his own past lives and those of other beings, the ability to know others’ thoughts, the ability to create doubles of himself, the ability to rise into the air and simultaneously shoot fire and water from his body…Although he passed into nirvana at the age of eighty-one, he could have lived “for an aeon or until the end of the aeon” if only he had been asked to do so. (source)
The crazy thing is there are also modern day examples, but they mostly come from the black budget government programs. In 2016, I published a well-sourced article providing multiple examples from a CIA document that confirms the existence of humans with ‘special abilities’ who are able to do ‘impossible’ things. You can access that here.
When I am referring to magic, the above examples are really what I am talking about. Parapsychology, the next leap that correlates with and goes beyond quantum physics. It’s one of many reasons why hundreds of scientists have told the world that “matter” is not our only reality, and it’s why Nikola Tesla once said that, “the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
After decades of conducting psi experiments, publishing many journal articles describing the results, and reviewing thousands of other experiments in my popular books (The Conscious Universe, Entangled Minds, and Supernormal), I’ve come to accept that psi is a real phenomenon. I base my assessment on the fact that telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition and psycho-kinetic effects have all been independently repeated in laboratories around the world. Effects we see in the lab tend to be rather small because by design they must be demonstrated on demand and under strictly controlled conditions. But the magnitude of an effect is irrelevant if you’re interested in whether the effects exist.
After all, a Gallup poll in 2005 showed that nearly 75 percent of Americans believe in at least one “paranormal” phenomenon, like psi, but a mere 0.001 percent of all academic scientists are actively engaged in studying the ontological reality of these experiences. What’s wrong with this picture? What’s the big deal about psi phenomena? The deal is that we all enjoy fictional tales about magic, but real magic is frightening.
The quote above comes from Dean Radin, Ph.D. and chief scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, which was founded by the late Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell. He recently published a book titled Real Magicwhich was endorsed by multiple Nobel laureates. Again, when we are talking about ‘magic’ we are talking about psychokinesis, telepathy, distant healing, mind-body connection, remote viewing, etc.
I find it odd how, as Radin points out, approximately 0.001 percent of all academics seem to be involved with these studies. Material science dominates academia, yet non-material science seems to be at the heart of  black budget special access programs. What does this ‘black budget’ world know that we don’t? How much have they discovered? How much has been kept classified for ‘national security’ purposes? Why is this idea still ridiculed in the mainstream when it is a top priority for the most brilliant scientists in the world? What is going on here? And why can’t we have complete transparency on the topic? This is why people like Radin and the Institute of Noetic Sciences, the HeartMath Institute, etc. are so important.
Another great quote:
“We knew that the Earth was flat, we knew that we were the centre of the universe, and we knew that a manmade heavier-than-air piece of machinery could not take flight. Through all stages of human history, intellectual authorities have pronounced their supremacy by ridiculing or suppressing elements of reality that simply didn’t fit within the framework of accepted knowledge. Are we really any different today? Have we really changed our acceptance towards things that won’t fit the frame? Maybe there are concepts of our reality we have yet to understand, and if we open our eyes maybe we will see that something significant has been overlooked.” – Terje Toftenes (source)
When it comes to real world examples, there are plenty. I would say there are well over one hundred documented examples to choose from, and a couple are listed above, but I want to present some examples that Radin uses in his book.

St. Joseph of Copertino (pictured above)

Born in Copertino, Italy in 1603,  he grew up in a small town and fell ill from an infection which led to gangrene. He was bed ridden for five years, school never suited him, and as he grew he could not hold a job and was fired from many of them. He was a daydreamer in school and couldn’t pay attention. During his time in school, he became known as “Boccaperta” (Gaping Mouth) because he would often slip into a trance and seem to be lost, leaving him looking upward with a gaping mouth.
He found his way into the church, a peaceful contemplative life suited him and he was ordained after many failures at the age of 25, Radin explained.
Radin points out how “The Church suited Joseph, but his special talents soon became a problem. Early in his career, if a member of the town displeased him, there were consequences.” For example:
A certain Count don Cosimo Pinelli had an ongoing sexual liason with the daughter of Martha Rodia; Joseph said that if the count didn’t desist from his amours, he would go blind. This turned out to be what happened, and Joseph bragged about his prediction, but later restored the man’s sight, this time getting him to leave the girl alone and pay reparations to the family! Before long nobody in Copertino dared enter the company of the friar unless their conscience was squeaky clean; otherwise they shrank in terror from the gaze of the black-bearded friar. Fortunately, Joseph’s tendencies toward becoming Lord Voldermort were suppressed.
Radin goes on to mention how, as he grew older, his abilities became stronger and more difficult to hide. He gained a reputation as a miracle healer and showed characteristics of telepathy, precognition, and power over animals as well as natural forces. He was also known for spontaneously levitating while giving mass. This is one of many examples of such people levitating throughout human history. Copertino apparently did this hundreds of times.
As expected, this became a problem for the church, “because living miracle makers threatened to deflect the public’s attention away from Church authority. And that was strictly forbidden.”
Church officials kept moving him from town to town and tried to keep him away from from people by prohibiting him from doing priestly duties. The strategy didn’t work. Besides, hordes of ordinary people wanting to witness his feats, stories about him began to attract nobles, clergy, and royalty. And that in turn led to unwanted attention from the inquisition. While on trial by the Inquisition of Rome, Joseph was ordered to say Mass in public to see if the rumors about him were true. They were. He lifted off the ground in the presence of the inquisitors.
After this, there was another Inquisition and the church put him on house arrest for the rest of his life.
This is classic, and it’s the type of thinking from Church authority that’s been present throughout history.  Catholic Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan has said he is establishing a “delivery ministry” that will attempt to rid people of the devil and warned that using reiki or other new-age healing methods could make people vulnerable to demonic influence. At the same time, these people seem to be the same group involved in ritualistic abuse, Satanic worship and pedophilia.

Daniel Dunglas Home

Two centuries after St. Joseph, Daniel Dunglas Home was born near Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1883. He was one of eight children of Elizabeth McNeill, a descendant of a Scottish Highland family said to have the gift of “Second sight.” Today we’d call that gift clairvoyance, or remote viewing.
Radin mentions how Home’s case is interesting because he was actually subjected to scientific testing. Peter Lamont, a University of Edinburgh historian, wrote the biography of Home in 2005.  Here’s what he had to say about him:
What are we to make of Daniel Dunglas Home? It is true that there were many accusations of fraud, but most of them were entirely without base, and actual evidence for fraud was both rare and inconclusive. He might have been a cheat, but if he was, then he cheated successfully for two decades, before hundreds of witnesses in thousands of seances. Many of the witnesses were hostile to spiritualism, and many remained unconvinced by what they had seen, yet time and time again they admitted that they were unable to explain what had happened.
Sir William Crookes, one of the most prominent chemists and physicists today reported evidence in support of Home’s abilities. What’s really interesting is that there was a popular group of highly skeptical Dutch rationalists who were openly hostile to this kind of thing. They were part of the Dutch radical School of Modern Protestantism, which renounced all miracles and spiritual concepts. They dismissed Home’s claims without even seeing them, as many others did and still do today in regards to other people.
Home made his was to the Netherlands, performing for Queen Sophie in 1858, and a few days later held a seance for the Dutch rationalists. The group included a doctor of philosophy, a physician, a lawyer, an optician, and Dr. Gunst, who described the setup as follows:
(The skeptics) sat round a large mahogany table, which they examined sufficiently to note that the top, column and base were “directly and immovably” fixed together… On top of the table were four (bronze) candelabras, with two more below, which made it possible to obtain an undisturbed view of what was happening under the table.
They placed their fingertips on the table, in view of Home, and he told them that if they wished to remove their hands they could do so. They tested themselves to make sure they weren’t being coerced by suggestion, and they were allowed to talk freely among themselves and laugh the whole time, even mockingly. Nobody really expected much to happen, but then:
These expressions stopped soon enough. For as they mocked, “the table started to make a sliding movement,” and those towards whom it was moving “were requested to try and stop this movement; this, however, they could not do.” When the table stopped, raps began, and when raps were requested “in a certain manner, and as many times as we should indicate, this wish was carried out to the full.” As Daniels’ skeptical witnesses watched in disbelief, the table “started to rise up on one side… so high that all of us were very much afraid that the candelabras would fall off.”
This sparked two more events between the Skeptics group and Home.
According to Dr. Gunst, “nothing could be observed that could give rise to even the slightest suspicion that Mr. Home was acting in a fraudulent manner.”

Ted Owens

Ted Owens was born in 1920 and died in 1987. He grew up in Indiana, his grandmother was known for finding lost objects and predicting deaths, and his grandfather was a dowser. His alleged special abilities were affecting the weather and “calling in” UFOs. Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D. and clinical psychologist, gave many examples  of him in his book called The PK Man: A True Story of Mind Over Matter. Here are some of the statements Owens made:
In the interest of science, I am going to give a demonstration of my psi force abilities to the people who live in the San Francisco area 100 miles in circumference, using San Francisco as the bull’s eye of my target. As of today, and daily for the following ninety days, I will telepath to living entities in another dimension for them to appear in the above target area, so that they may be seen by police, scientists or other responsible observers who are qualified to report the sightings, and also for them to cause electromagnetic and magnetic anomalies within the above described area. It is my intent to produce not one, but at least three major UFO sightings, as described above, within the above-named time period… To be reported in the newspapers in order for the experiment to be a valid one.
He also once predicted that the San Fran area would experience power blackouts and multiple UFO sightings over large cities.
His experiment began on November 7, 1976. Two and a half weeks later, things got interesting. There was a massive blackout, as described in a November 27th San Fransisco Examiner story. 100,000 homes lost power due to a big storm and massive winds. It was also thanksgiving weekend, so workers were out of town and it wasn’t possible to repair anything.
“Within the ninety-day period: check. In the San Francisco Bay Area: check. Massive blackout: check.” – Radin
Mishlove then continues:
On December 3, Owens told me over the phone that one of his predicted UFO sightings was about to occur within the next few days. He made a point of reminding me that the sighting would be seen by many reputable witnesses and even be reported on the front page. The fulfillment of this specific prediction came on December 8, when the best documented UFO sighting ever reported from the Bay Area startled hundreds of onlookers.
The sighting Mishlove is referring to made headlines in the Berkeley Gazette on December 10th of that year. The event was also captured on Channel 9 TV cameras.
“A UFO reported on the front page of a newspaper: check. Many witnesses and a bonus video: check. But what about the prediction of other UFOs and alien life-forms?” -Radin
Mishlove then provides an examination of an apparent abduction report by a local residence. This is not hard to believe given what we now know about abductions. This was reported in the Concord Transcript.
“Aliens: check.” -Radin
This is just one example of several bizarre occurrences surrounding Owens, as outlined in Radin’s book and documented by Mishlove.

The Takeaway

Parapsychology has gained a lot of popularity, and although the scientific credibility has always been there, more scientists are starting to put their belief systems aside and simply look at the data. 
“For many years I have worked with researchers doing very careful work [in parapsychology], including a year that I spent full-time working on a classified project for the United States government, to see if we could use these abilities for intelligence gathering during the Cold War… At the end of that project I wrote a report for Congress, stating what I still think is true. The data in support of precognition and possibly other related phenomena are quite strong statistically, and would be widely accepted if it pertained to something more mundane. Yet, most scientists reject the possible reality of these abilities without ever looking at data! And on the other extreme, there are true believers who base their beliefs solely on anecdotes and personal experience. I have asked debunkers if there is any amount of data that would convince them, and they generally have responded by saying, “probably not.” I ask them what original research they have read, and they mostly admit that they haven’t read any. Now there is a definition of pseudo-science-basing conclusions on belief rather than data!” – Professor Jessica Utts, Chair of the Statistics Department, UC Irvine (Radin, Real Magic)
These types of abilities are real, and people with them can be found all throughout human history. There are so many stories documented from all around the world, whether they’re from centuries ago or present day. The above examples are a few of many, and regardless of how we react to them, the truth remains the same. The only question here is whether or not we are willing to accept it.

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