
Friday, February 1, 2019


Mr. V.T. spotted another intriguing story this week, and it concerns an intriguing finding in the latest computer data-crunching of the human genome:
Now, needless to say, I have some high octane speculation to advance about this, but first, let's find out what "this" is:
New research published last week in Nature Communications suggests a yet-to-be discovered hominin interbred with modern humans tens of thousands of years ago. This mystery species eventually went extinct, but an AI developed by researchers from the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE) and several other European institutions found traces of its existence in the DNA of present-day people with Asian ancestry. A press release issued by the Centre for Genomic Regulation said it’s the first time deep learning has been used to explain human history, “paving the way for this technology to be applied in other questions in biology, genomics and evolution.”
The mystery hominin is likely a hybrid species of Neanderthals and Denisovans, according to the new research. Neanderthals, who lived in Europe, and Denisovans, who spread to Siberia, southeast Asia, and Oceania, were a closely related group of early humans, diverging from a common ancestor around 744,000 years ago. When anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens) spilled into Eurasia from Africa, they commingled and interbred with both Neanderthals and Denisovans, which we know through genetic research. In addition to the generous amount of DNA left behind by the Neanderthals, scientists have extracted Denisovan DNA from a well-preserved finger bone found in a Siberian cave. Today, we find traces of these extinct species in the DNA of non-African humans, though only Asians retain genetic remnants of the Denisovans.
But as the new research suggests, modern humans, in addition to interbreeding with Neanderthals and Denisovans, interbred with a third, albeit unknown, species.
There you have it: some unknown hominid/humanoid species interbred with humans about three quarters of a million years ago, and that species in turn was "likely a hybrid species of Neanderthals and Denisovans". And that would make us a hybrid of a hybrid. Moreover, this would appear to be the case in "the DNA of present-day people with Asian ancestry." And that leaves some questions unanswered: is the same property found, or not found, in non-Asian human populations? Is it found in Africans? Caucasians? If so, to what degree? And if not, why not?
I find the story extremely intriguing, not only for what it is saying, but what it is (perhaps) not saying, as exemplified in the following story that was shared by Mr. B:
Now, Mr. B., when he shared this article, wondered just how far China is really in the techniques of cloning: cloning monkeys is not that far removed from cloning humans, and the significant thing here is that the monkeys in question had already been "gene-edited" for the express purpose of studying specific things. Indeed, recent months revealed the story that one Chinese geneticist had indeed tampered with the genome of a human baby. He was quickly denounced by the Chinese government, but I suspect less because he had done so, and more because he had revealed he had done so. With all of the ancient stories indicating some sort of ancient "genetic engineering project", from the Bible's Nephilim to the Apocrypha's "watchers" to Mesopotamia's Annunaki, one wonders if we're looking, perhaps, at yet another twist in that story? And given the story earlier this week of Biophotons and consciousness, one also has to wonder if our linguistic abilities are somehow "hardwired" into the human genome? And while we're on that, one also has to wonder if, in fact, the multitude of human languages might be somehow connected to an ancient "Tower of Babel" moment of history, if the multitude of langauges was genetically manipulated?
Of course, all that's very high octane speculation indeed. And there's not a shred of indication in either article that any connection to those ancient stories is intended or operative. But sooner or later, I suspect, some sort of interdisciplinary effort will have to be undertaken in that respect. And there's another "high octane speculative possibility" here, namely, that "they" really are thinking in those terms...
... they're just not telling us.

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