
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Aborted Baby Parts Are Being Grafted On To Mice In Bizarre Scientific Experiments

Posted by Conspiracy Cafe on February 8, 2019    ~ hehe hey folks Y don't ya's gooooooooooo ask ole Herr Dr. V. Frankenstein'd THAT work OUT fer  em !!!!        Huhhhhhhhhhhhhh  ...hehe ain't Alllllllllllllllllll u's pro~choice sick fucks... HAPPY that  YER   momma was Life ?Related imageBy this point, most people know that Planned Parenthood sells aborted baby parts to the scientific community

Is it okay for the U.S. government to pay for scientific experiments involving bizarre mouse/human hybrid creatures that were created by grafting aborted baby parts on to mice? Needless to say, the answer to that question is self-evident. Our tax dollars are being used to fund experiments that are so sickening that it is difficult to find words to describe how evil they are. What you are about to read is deeply unsettling, but we must get the word out about this, because most Americans have no idea that this is happening. And we must do everything in our power to stop this, because there is no future for any nation that engages in this sort of extreme evil.

By this point, most people know that Planned Parenthood sells aborted baby parts to the scientific community. But now we have learned that sickening experiments are being performed that involve fusing aborted baby parts on to mice. The following comes from a bombshell report by the Sun…

ABORTED babies are being used in macabre experiments in the US that involve grafting dead fetus parts onto mice which are then used to test drugs.

Documents seen by Sun Online outline procedures that involve cutting out glands and livers of unborn children and then fusing them onto lab rodents.

As a result of these experiments, the “humanized mice” actually develop “human-like immunity”. This is how it works…

A so-called “humanised mouse” is created by first destroying a rodents immune system by subjecting it to radiation.

Livers or the thymus glands are then fused with them.

In about 10 weeks the mice develop human-like immunity and are ready to be experimented on.

The federal government could outlaw such experiments, but that has not happened.

Instead, the federal government has actually been pouring millions of dollars into such research…

The controversial use of body parts is being spearheaded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which is part of the American government which is ploughing $98million (£75m) of taxpayers’ money into using aborted babies in the name of science.

But addressing Congress in December, NIH director Francis Collins defended the practice.

He said: “There is strong evidence that scientific benefits come from fetal tissue research, [which] can be done with an ethical framework.”

Francis Collins is an absolute disgrace, and he should immediately be fired and banned from ever working for the government again.

Of course now that the Democrats control the U.S. House of Representatives, Congress is not going to ban these experiments.

But the Republicans had control of both houses of Congress for two years, and they did nothing. This is why we need a new generation of conservative leaders in Congress.

Thankfully, we have a president that is starting to make pro-life issues a more central part of his agenda, and that was reflected in his State of the Union address…

“There could be no greater contrast to the beautiful image of a mother holding her infant child than the chilling displays our Nation saw in recent days. Lawmakers in New York cheered with delight upon the passage of legislation that would allow a baby to be ripped from the mother’s womb moments before birth. These are living, feeling, beautiful babies who will never get the chance to share their love and dreams with the world. And then, we had the case of the Governor of Virginia where he basically stated he would execute a baby after birth,” Trump said.

“To defend the dignity of every person, I am asking the Congress to pass legislation to prohibit the late-term abortion of children who can feel pain in the mother’s womb. Let us work together to build a culture that cherishes innocent life. And let us reaffirm a fundamental truth: all children—born and unborn—are made in the holy image of God,” Trump said.

I honestly do not know how many of these radical pro-abortion leftists can look at themselves in the mirror.

Legalizing abortion up to the moment of birth was not enough for some of them, and so now some activists have been pushing for “post-birth” abortions.

In other words, they want to legalize infanticide.

And why stop there? In the end, where will they ultimately decide to draw the line? In one of his recent articles, Mike Adams posed some very important questions…

What is the age after birth at which Democrats think murdering a child should no longer be allowed? Is post-birth “abortion” (murder) to be legalized up to 100 days? Two years? Five years? If it’s a “woman’s choice,” then can’t the woman make that choice at any age, according to the twisted logic of Leftists?

We are a nation that has already killed 60 million children, and if we keep doing this there will be no future for America.

More abortions are performed at Planned Parenthood than anywhere else, and the federal government gives Planned Parenthood approximately 500 million dollars every year.

Planned Parenthood sells aborted baby parts to the highest bidder, and those baby parts are being used in some of the sickest scientific experiments imaginable.

In addition to funding Planned Parenthood, the federal government also spends millions of dollars each year funding those experiments.

As you fill out your tax return this year, take a few moments to think about where those tax dollars are going.

Our nation is doing things that are unspeakably evil, and the federal government is funding those practices every step of the way.


Human-Mouse Chimerism Validates Human Stem Cell Pluripotency


Pluripotent stem cells are defined by their capacity to differentiate into all three tissue layers that comprise the body. Chimera formation, generated by stem cell transplantation to the embryo, is a stringent assessment of stem cell pluripotency. However, the ability of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) to form embryonic chimeras remains in question. Here we show using a stage-matching approach that human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) and human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) have the capacity to participate in normal mouse development when transplanted into gastrula-stage embryos, providing in vivo functional validation of hPSC pluripotency. hiPSCs and hESCs form interspecies chimeras with high efficiency, colonize the embryo in a manner predicted from classical developmental fate mapping, and differentiate into each of the three primary tissue layers. This faithful recapitulation of tissue-specific fate post-transplantation underscores the functional potential of hPSCs and provides evidence that human-mouse interspecies developmental competency can occur.

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