
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

A new move out of India requires all citizens to have their fingers printed, and their eyes scanned in order to use public services like schools, grocery stores, the bank, or anything that fits in that same category.
Things are getting quite hectic on planet Earth these days. It seems that any action taken by the government receives a harsh reaction from the citizenry. But who am I talking about when I say “government?” I’m talking about an international group of people who yield power and control over multiple global governments, and as a result, dictate their political/economic policy for their own selfish purposes.
If you’re thinking that this is a mere ‘conspiracy theory,’ join the line, you’re not alone. It’s unfortunate that people would view it in this manner but it’s also not surprising given we have been kept in the dark purposely.
But the truth is, numerous politicians have been telling us for decades about this shadow government. They have referenced it openly and publicly. I often draw from a quote given by Theodore Roosevelt that illustrates my point quite well, so I apologize if you’ve seen it from me before.
“Political parties exist to secure responsible government and to execute the will of the people. From these great tasks both of the old parties have turned aside. Instead of instruments to promote the general welfare, they have become the tools of corrupt interests which use them impartially to serve their selfish purposes. Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people… To destroy this invisible government, to dissolve the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.”
The point is, when it comes to governments making decisions, it’s often not the result of a democracy or a gathering of minds who are concerned for the planet and the human race. Instead, it’s about political and economic dominance, and actions taken which really have ulterior motives behind them – with 9/11 being one of the the best examples.
Tracking the global citizenry is nothing new, especially since the Edward Snowden leaks came out showing that the monitoring of civilians is truly global. All of our actions are monitored, and everything is tracked, and when we ask why, we’re told that it’s for the sake of ‘national security.’ Every-time that word pops up in my writing, I feel deeply inclined to share this particular sentiment from John F. Kennedy:
“The dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts, far outweigh the dangers that are cited to justify it….There is  very grave danger than an announced need for increased security, will be ceased upon by those anxious to expand it’s meaning to the very limits of censorship and concealment. That I do not tend to permit, so long as it’s in my control.”
The justifications for their actions are not always as they’re told in press or media. This new move from India that requires all citizens to have their fingers printed and eyes scanned to use public services likely has ulterior motives. It’s similar to not being able to send your child to public school if they’re not vaccinated. Do as we say or don’t get basic public services.
As the New York Times points out:
“Technology has given governments around the world new tools to monitor their citizens. In China, the government is rolling out ways to use facial recognition and big data to track people, aiming to inject itself further into everyday life. Many countries, including Britain, deploy closed-circuit cameras to monitor their populations….But India’s program is in a league of its own, both in the mass collection of biometric data and in the attempt to link it to everything — traffic tickets, bank accounts, pensions, even meals for undernourished schoolchildren.”
Obviously, Indian citizens have already been criticizing the news, saying that the government will gain complete access into the lives of all citizens. This is a big problem, and something that has existed for a long time, I point you again to the Snowden links mentioned above, but whistle-blowers before Snowden exposed these types of things well before he did. William Binney is one of multiple examples.
What’s the justification for such action? According to Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, it’s simply a universal, easy to use ID, that will “reduce this country’s endemic corruption and help bring even the most illiterate into the digital age.”
Nandan Nilekani, the billionaire who was contracted by the government to build the system nearly 10 years ago, told the New York Times that, “It’s the equivalent of building interstate highways… If the government invested in building a digital public utility and that is made available as platform, then you actually can create major innovations around that.”
This isn’t far too different than proposals that’ve been made, by some very prominent people, to actually chip the entire citizenry to make it convenient for one to access their license, bankcard or passport. Multiple corporations are pushing to microchip the human race. In fact, microchip implants in humans are already on the market.
For example, an American company called Applied Digital Solutions (ADS) has developed one approximately the size of a grain of rice, and has already had it approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for distribution and implementation.
Here’s a clip of Facebook executive and ex-DARPA Chief, Regina Dugan, promoting the idea of microchipping humans.

Have you ever heard of George Orwell’s 1984 ? It’s a cult classic book depicting a populace ruled by a political regime that persecutes individualism and independent critical thinking as “thoughtcrimes” that must be enforced by the “thought police.” This party seeks power above all and, through the propagandist Ministry of Truth, presents the people with their version of truth. Sound familiar?
Recently, reported that Amazon sold out of 1984, and within recent days it occupied the number one spot on Amazon’s best-selling books list. The rapid sell-out of the book were also reported by mainstream media outlets like CNN, only they tied it to Trump’s administration. The New York Times reported that this started when Kellyanne Conway, an adviser to Donald J. Trump, used a turn of phrase that struck some observers as reminiscent of the dystopian world of 1984.
The thing is, I believe it’s not really Donald Trump, but rather the “Deep State.”

Author Richard Dolan puts it quite well:
“If you are concerned about fascism coming to America, don’t look for a fist pounding demagogue. Look instead at a government that can read every email you have ever written, GPS you at any time, know your internet habits better than you do, surveil you literally wherever you go in any major city, and use your information against you if they decide, however loosely, that you are an enemy of the state. That is fascism, and the U.S. has been living that bipartisan nightmare for 15 years.”

An Orwellian State?

The state described in George Orwell’s books has been speculated to be in the works in our world for a long time, and there is good reason to believe that moves like this from India, or the Deep State, are simply part of a trend that we’ve seen continue for decades.
Our rights and liberties are constantly taken away, yet it is we who agree to this type of existence. That being said, we are manipulated. The idea of having to do this as a basic requirement to access our everyday needs and wants is scary. What’s even scarier is thinking about the idea that those needs and wants are not even ours, and that they’ve been programmed into us by ‘the man.’ Another word for it is ‘mass marketing.’
The good news is that more and more people across the globe are starting to wake up to all of the misinformation being spread on a daily basis, and that includes the agenda of those behind it. Even a decade ago, the mass populace was not as aware that all is not as it seems, and as a result of this mass awakening, our perception, our thoughts, and our collective consciousness is beginning to shift. We no longer see the world the way it has been presented to us, and we are starting to realize that simply waking up to all of the propaganda that surrounds us is creating big problems for the global elite. The very first step to changing a problem is to first recognize that problem, and we are still in that process.
This mass surveillance, and actions such as, only seem to create more problems, despite the fact that they are constantly praised by those who wish to implement them into our everyday way of life.

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