
Thursday, December 14, 2017

FBI’s Telecommunications Intercept and Collection Technology Unit                                  ~ hehe don't "worry" folks "they" ONLY use "IT"  on ...terror~ist  ... that's  u  &  me  folks ?

FBI’s Telecommunications Intercept and Collection Technology Unit

The Telecommunications Intercept and Collection Technology Unit is part of the Electronic Surveillance Technology Section of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Its primary function is performing surveillance of U.S. citizens.

TICTU is part of the Electronic Surveillance Technology Section (ESTS) of the FBI. Its primary function is performing surveillance of U.S. citizens. TICTU is in charge of operating and maintaining DCSNet, and performs millions of domestic wiretaps each year.

As the number two leader in counterintelligence, Peter Strzok would have had access to TICTU and TICTU surveillance material. TICTU, under last two regimes, has been funded and ramped up. It captures every communication, telephonic and digital, foreign and domestic. What were these rogues doing with this material? Who were they provisioning while unmasking? And, who’s emails and texts were they burying? You know, as we all do, the 33k lost were captured.
The Digital Collection System Network (DCSNet) is the FBI’s point-and-click surveillance system that can perform instant wiretaps on almost any telecommunications device in the US.
It allows access to cellphone, landline, SMS communications anywhere in the US from a point-and-click interface. It runs on a fiber-optic backbone separate from the internet. It is intended to increase agent productivity through workflow modeling allowing for the routing of intercepts for translation or analysis with only a few clicks. DCSNET real-time intelligence data intercept has the capability to record, review and playback intercepted material in real-time.
The DCSNET systems operates on a virtual private network parallel to the public internet, with services provided at least for some time by the Sprint peerless IP network.

The Peter Strzok and Lisa Page text which is the focus of Congressional investigators and other government officials. Because it shows conspiratorial actions or some level of coordination.

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