
Saturday, September 2, 2017


During last Thursday's News and Views from the Nefarium, I talked about NASA's plan to avert a looming catastrophe with the Yellowstone caldera-super volcano, by "puncturing the boil" and letting it drain off some excess pressure and heat. This little story appeared as the Lone Star State of Texas has been suffering from one of the weirdest hurricanes that I can remember: Harvey. We know the story: Harvey tracked through the Gulf, slammed into the south Texas coast, and then...
...stopped. Then it rained. And rained. And rained.
Then Harvey moved a bit toward Louisiana, dumping more rain. Then back again for another go at Houston.
It reminded me of Katrina, another storm which I strongly suspect was weaponized weather. Remember her? She too made a track westward through the Gulf of Mexico, then, just south of New Orleans, took a stunning 90 degree turn (after staying put for a spell to "gather strength") and headed directly for the port. We all know what happened. I remember, however, seeing jet stream tracks during that storm, and a sudden veering of the jet stream south, as if someone was trying to steer it away. At about the same time as all of this was going on, we were hearing about "weather derivatives," a nice way for the bookies at the upper echelons of "the world finance system" to make more money out of human misery and suffering. After all, betting on the weather is a sure thing if you can engineer it, and weather provides the ultimate in "plausible deniability", since one can blame such events on God, or nature, or whatever.  Then of course there was the Indonesian tsunami, and weird trading in Indonesian securities a week before that disaster, with no good nor plausible reason for the trading. Then there was Fukushima. Patterns emerge of people doing things that certain other people do not like, and then they get hit with a "disaster": Japan wanted to make nice with China: earthquake, tsunami, Fukushima; Texas wants to open a bullion depository, and voila, Hurricane Harvey(this link shared by Ms. J.O.). Whatever the viability of these sources are, at least they show that I'm not the only one speculating along these lines:
(This link shared by Mr. M.D.:)
So what did Texas do gain the ire of a hurricane? Well, it launched its bullion depository on July 15th of this year, as I noted above(thanks to Ms. K.M. for pointing that out). The odd pattern that seems to emerge from a consideration of some of these bizarre storms and ideas is that they are usually preceded by some sort of suggested political "sea change," Japan's move toward China prior to Fukushima, Texas starting a bullion depository, odd trading for no apparent reason in Indonesian sovereign securities before the tsunami, and so on.
Now let's crawl waaayyyy out on to the very tip of the twig and connect some more dots, which, I hasten to add, there's not a shred of evidence to suggest they should be connected. In my review of the strange rammings of US naval warships, I suggested one possible culprit might be some sort of extra-territorial entity (or entities) bent on causing chaos and profiting from it, either politically, financially, or both. This, of course, would imply their access to very sophisticated technologies. Tuck that one under the hat for a moment...
...and go back to my News and Views from Thursday, where I suggested that NASA's plans for "puncturing the Yellowstone volcanic 'boil'" were couched in carefully worded apocalyptic terms("rod of God", anyone?), and that, read a certain way, might be taken to suggest a space-based means of "drilling" into the Earth's surface in order to do so.  I suggested that if one read between the lines of that article that one was dealing with people willing to geoengineer on a planetary scale, and to provoke a "small apocalypse" in order to head of a "major apocalypse."
As one might have expected, there are already people trading in derivatives against that possibility, according to this article shared by Mr. B.H., and dating from 2014:
Intellihub | Contracts worth hundreds of billions of dollars presented to at least 4 countries will run from 2014-2014, a 10-year span in which the Yellowstone supervolcano is expected to erupt, devastating a large portion of the U.S.
Like you're probably doing, I wonder what's in the "fine print" of those offered contracts to "re-locate" the US population. And please note, that "re-location" is predicated on the apocalyptic predictions themselves. No one seems to be pointing out that it might be a "nifty" way to pick up some good land - "recently" mineralized with volcanic ash and hence, possibly highly productive - on the cheap.
All of which suggests a disturbing bottom line: why wait for a disaster when one can "cause" it by weaponizing volcanos, place a "lien" on millions of people and their land and labor, and make vast amounts of money.
Granted, it's super-high-octane speculation, but with the emergence of the NASA story during Harvey, and the story of contracts precisely for such a disaster from three years ago, it does make one wonder...                    

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