
Monday, September 25, 2017

Exploding Professional Sports Fiasco: The Hidden Back Story   ~ hehe here IN ole kooky crazy A~merry~ka  the land where the Left&Right are look~in more & more &More & MORE... fucking bat shit crazy Lol by the minute  LMFAO    ... NOW  retards put yer fucking Helmet's & Mittens ...back the fuck on Lol  ( Lol i don't agree with everything in article )  but calm the fuck DOWN  folks   :)r  goofy bas~terds   ... maybe we's ought ta try just ...talking ta each other ?!?  nawwww fuck THAT um gonna look fer some~thin ta ...dis~ re~spect ? & you just KNOW "some~where" wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy out there in the ole ga~lac~tic council there's a "meet~in" go~in ON  ....bout US ?  & um pretty sure "they" are passing a rez's that basic~leee   say's  THERE IS NO FUCKING WAY   WE CAN LET THEM ...Motherfuckers ( that's us folks  ) OFF  that Planet   or sum~thin like that           my terp~in~ta~tion  skills may be a bit off   hehe but um pretty sure that's the ...gist of it  Oops

Trump Takes His Wrecking Ball To The NFL—WHY?

Baltimore Ravens players kneel down during the playing of the U.S. national anthem before an NFL
State of the Nation
Here these guys are: game-playing millionaires, who experience more annual arrests per capita than rap singers, complaining about … … …WHAT ? ! ? !
Then they demonstrate their extraordinary ignorance in glowing color by disrespecting the American flag and nation and people by using their prime-time platform to stick it in our faces.
These guys must be crazy. Or, maybe — just maybe — the concussions are really getting to them.
After all, in one study, 87% were found to have chronic traumatic encephalopathy, the serious brain condition caused by repeated concussions sustained during professional football games. NFL Concussions Much More Serious Than Previously Known — Study
This particular medical aspect of NFL culture must be seriously considered and is respectfully offered as to why these folks are so easily stampeded in their current misguided direction.

Crash & Burn

It’s inconceivable that the whole National Football league would go into a total “crash and burn” mode.  It’s as though all the owners and the players and the league officials are competing in a race to the bottom.  And, they’re all winning!
All President Trump did was to advise the NFL Commissioner to tell the football players to stand during the anthem.  Is that too much to ask of multimillion-dollar earning crybabies?  Trump Sports Feud Escalates: Demands NFL Chief “Tells Them To Stand”
Never has a POTUS run into so much stormy weather for simply suggesting that the highest paid athletes in the world show some basic respect and dignity.

Think about this wild and crazy predicament for just a moment.

These guys are really going out of their way to disrespect the paying public … … … especially in those red states where football fever is by far the strongest.
It’s obvious that the South and the Midwest are where football mania reigns supreme each and every fall season, and has practically forever.  While Southerners are the most conservative of the bunch, Midwesterners are a quite patriotic lot.
And, yet, these overpaid and over-armored spoiled brats (NFL ball players) have the audacity to disrespect their fan base every Sunday in the big stadium!
We know that these guys — football players in general — are not the brightest bulbs in the room, but why go out of your way to turn off your primary source of income?
We know that the NFL owners and league officials and coaches are also not the sharpest pencils in the drawer, but why shut down all of your major revenue streams?
This has got to be the craziest situation ever seen in professional sport.  Honestly, there is nothing even close to this self-destructive madness in league history.  Any league in any sport! Which begs the question: Who’s really running this game on the American people?

It’s not about NFL disrespect or Trump tweets, it’s about Soros’s social engineering.

Whenever things make no sense whatsoever, you can be sure that the George Soros tribe is squarely behind it.
For any social engineering endeavor of this magnitude that is foisted on the American people in real time has Purple Revolution written all over it.
Soros & Company couldn’t care less if all professional sports go down the tubes—forever. Ditto that for the Motion Picture Industry and the Music Industry.  Hollywood has already seen its fortunes diminish in the face of so much gratuitous Trump bashing.  So, too, have some of the more famous singers seen their fans dwindle, especially those who have carried water for the Soros network of seditious NGOs and subversive non-profits.
That’s it in a nutshell.  Social engineering run amuck by George Soros is irreparably tearing the social fabric by the day.  These increasingly tumultuous episodes are just more seeds of chaos and confusion being sown for the purpose of advancing the Clinton-inaugurated, Obama-led and Soros-sponsored Purple Revolution.

Continuation of Obama’s Race War

It ought to be clear that Trump inherited the race war deliberately started by Manchurian Candidate Barack Obama.  This is the primary means by which Soros & Company plan to destroy the American Republic.  Of course, the nation is deeply divided along many lines, but racial tensions have been festering for centuries.  The provocateurs are just waiting for the right time to light the fuse.  Then all of the other deep divisions exacerbated by the prevailing identity politics culture will catch on fire like the tinderbox that each one has become.
Everyone knows that police brutality and outright murders by law enforcement is at an all-time high.  However, it’s both blacks and whites, browns and yellows who are the victims of these unjustified killings across the country.  Nevertheless, the social engineers have framed this police criminality as directed at blacks alone.  Not only does this inflame the other injured demographics, it further empowers the black communities to claim their victimhood above everyone else’s.

Now look at the preceding photo of this character named Colin Rand Kaepernick.  He has a striking resemblance to Barack Obama for a very good reason.  His pedigree is also somewhat similar, and for the very same reason(s).  Kaepernick is the one who the social engineers quite intentionally used to start the whole “NFL players kneeling during the anthem” stunt.  Here’s his Obama-like personal history:
“Kaepernick was born in 1987 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to Heidi Russo, a 19-year-old white woman of Irish and Bohemian descent who was single at the time. His birth father, an African-American man, left Russo before Colin was born.”[1]
Just like Obama, Colin Kaepernick is not really black; he’s not entirely white.  His mulatto appearance gives him an appeal to all the different skin colors of America by purposeful design.  In this fashion did they set him up as the “prototype of protest” within professional sports.  Kaepernick probably doesn’t even know how he’s being utilized to inflame a race war across the nation.  Given the intensive mind control programming he’s been subjected to, he just does what he was trained to do.
There is one other key formula of this ongoing Soros-funded social engineering experiment that is stealthily setting up the Purple Revolution laboratory.  The real perps know that there is a major class war going on throughout America.  The banksters have systematically stripped Main Street bare in favor of enriching Wall Street since the bubble burst in 2000.  Therefore, these globalists look for every opportunity to re-channel the sporadic class warfare in the red states into a full-blown race war in the blue state urban jungles.  They know that they will soon face existential threats when the US dollar collapses, and that they will need some serious cover.  As follows: Race Riots Incited To Overshadow Raging Class Warfare
KEY POINT: You can be sure that this exploding NFL saga is also serving as a major distraction from other schemes that Deep State is running under the radar at this very moment. Exactly what those machinations are will surely emerge in the days ahead. Whatever our attention is being diverted from is very BIG indeed.  This volatile NFL debacle is simply too engineered on the face of it not to have a specific purpose over and above what is stated in this article.

Hidden Back Story:
The U.S. Intelligence Community has it in for Donald Trump.  The various intel agencies are doing everything within their power to implement a soft coup which Soros himself has promised carry out.  In fact, the C.I.A. completely controls Professional Sports, Hollywood, and the Music Industry.  Also known as the celebrity culture, the most famous actors, musicians and pro athletes are totally controlled via the agency system.[2]  When the agent and/or attorney tells the celebrity to join the protest movement, he or she will blindly follow orders lest they jeopardize all future contracts (as well as their stellar reputation).  Should the celebrity decide to leave the reservation of political correctness, they will never get back on it.  They also risk their life, their family and their future by not following the dictates of Deep State. For the more famous personalities like actor Morgan Freeman, they are forced to perform ridiculous propaganda pieces like this: Who turned Hollywood liberal Morgan Freeman into a flaming Russophobe?

Soros PsyOp + CIA Black Op = Purple Revolution

What George Soros & Company is really doing here is empowering every person in the USA to protest anything they want, anytime they want, anywhere they want.
In other words, they are normalizing that it’s perfectly okay to use your workplace to protest, instead of work.
They are setting a dangerous precedent that it’s now acceptable to disrupt any venue or setting if you have a beef, or disagreement, or protest-worthy issue to vent.
In this way, Soros & Company is surreptitiously engineering the slowly emerging Purple Revolution.  When the right times comes, these Bolsheviks at heart will use these naive and suspecting celebrities to do their dirty work.   This is how communist revolutions are always executed; they use those who can promote their ill-fated cause until they are no longer needed.
Consequently, there are now available countless, and many clandestine, co-conspirators who unwittingly participate in this rapidly evolving insurrection.  These purple revolutionaries are not only the social engineers, agents provocateur and COINTELPRO operatives indigenous to Deep State, they also include the Sultans of Silicon Valley, Hollywood moguls, East Coast intelligentsia, among many other highly-placed representatives of the power elite.
The bottom line: When Soros pushes the button, as he has done across the Middle East (Arab Spring) and Europe (European Union collapse due to massive immigration), he will once again attempt to forge his twisted order out of the manufactured chaos.

Solution: Only the patriot movement can stop this burgeoning Purple Revolution. How so?  Stop attending all professional sports events and turn off TV sports coverage. Don’t go to the movie theaters or the stadiums or the concerts.  Only amateur sports arenas like college games are okay, perhaps.  Avoid all the pop musicians that fill the airwaves with their utter cacophony.  Stay away from all the big retailers like Walmart and Amazon.  Patronize those corporations that have signaled their patriotism and/or nationalism.  Same with restaurant chains and other food/beverage franchises.  For instance, Panera is obviously superior to Starbucks, at least for the time being.  Let’s face it, “This Is A Great Time To BOYCOTT Hollyweird“.  And that’s how it’s done: hit them in the pocket book and they will cave in a New York minute.


Fall is the season of change in the Northern Hemisphere.  Fundamental changes often take place in American society after being initiated by powerfully transformative events (e.g. August 21st total solar eclipse, 2017 hurricane season).  The false flag terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 set the global stage for the Third Millennium.
This past week, starting on September 20th, served as a defining moment in US history for several reasons that are discussed in this essay: 2017: Year of the Great Turning.  The convergence of so many profound events — both mundane and celestial — will greatly accelerate the oncoming transition.  It will be helpful to have the best tools and techniques for dealing with this unparalleled period of societal flux.  As follows:
“Time of Transition” Is Upon Us – Essential Knowledge For Navigating Through The Storms
From this point forward, the forces of chaos will manifest throughout the USA as never seen or experienced before.  The entire nation will undergo a metamorphosis that has been long in the making.  It is critical to understand where these forces comes from and how to best respond to them.
Deep State will pull out all the stops.  The U.S. Intelligence Community will continue to coordinate a soft coup until Trump is out of the White House.  The C.I.A. will oversee the Purple Revolution, as George Soros plays the frontman and funding agent.
For the third time since World War II, the American people will witness a full-blown coup d’état unless the patriot movement takes back the country from the shadow government. Of course, the $64,000 question is: Who controls the World Shadow Government?

Let’s get busy!

State of the Nation
September 24, 2017
Author’s Note
Never has it been so urgent for every patriotic American to do their part to starve the beast.  Truly, It’s Time To Starve The BEAST!
[1] Colin Kaepernick
[2] PRINCE: American Celebrities Are Never Allowed To Leave The Reservation—NEVER!

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