
Sunday, August 27, 2017

The moment a white nationalist fired his gun at a black protester during Charlottesville protests while cops stood and did NOTHING

Posted by Conspiracy Cafe on August 27, 2017 

Newly released video footage from the Charlottesville demonstrations and counter-protests involving white supremacists and anti-fascist activists shows a white nationalist firing his gun in the direction of a black man while police stood by

Newly released video footage from the Charlottesville demonstrations shows a white nationalist firing gun in the direction of a black man while police stood by

The man who was filmed firing his weapon has later been arrested and charged with a crime, according to the American Civil Liberties Union

Nonetheless, questions abound as to why the man was not arrested immediately after he discharged his weapon within earshot of state troopers

Newly released video footage from the Charlottesville demonstrations and counter-protests involving white supremacists and anti-fascist activists shows a white nationalist firing his gun in the direction of a black man while police stood by, it was learned on Saturday.

The man who was filmed firing his weapon has been arrested and charged with a crime, according to the American Civil Liberties Union, which filmed the original incident and posted it on its Twitter feed.

Nonetheless, questions abound as to why the man was not arrested immediately after he discharged his weapon within earshot of about a dozen Virginia State Police troopers, who are seen standing idly by in the video.

‘We all heard it and ran - I know damn well they heard it,’ Rosia Parker, a community activist in Charlottesville, told The New York Times. ‘They never moved.’

Investigators are reportedly nearing an arrest in the assault of DeAndre Harris, a 20-year-old African-American who was viciously beaten with a metal pipe and slabs of wood in a parking garage not far from police headquarters (above)


The cameramen outnumber the brigands. They do nothing either. It is agitation propaganda. 

Of course they didn't react. The incident was staged. The actor didn't hit anyone in a large crowd. That can only tell us it was faked. This is one of the most accurate explanations of how reality is created. They play an event in our minds. It becomes reality. Even after the flaws are recognized, it is still deeply seated within our minds. We cannot escape its grasp very easily. We have to do as Spock and program our minds from the outset. The staged events are not real. They are manufactured illusions. They cannot harm me or alter my reality. I do not give it that power. If we accept the concocted reality by allowing doubt, we doom ourselves to the bondage of the puppet masters. We will fear as they desire us to. We will run as lemmings where they desire us to go. We will bear burdens, surrender our liberty and our wealth and even sacrifice our children in their ritual wars thinking it was our free will choice when in effect it was based on a manufactured reality.

KIRK: Spock, you've got something?

SPOCK: A fact, Captain. Physical laws simply cannot be ignored. Existence cannot be without them.

MCCOY: What do you mean, Spock?

SPOCK: I mean, Doctor, that we are faced with a staggering contradiction. The tranquilizer you created should have been effective.

KIRK: It would've been effective anywhere else.

SPOCK: Exactly. Doctor, in your opinion, what killed Mister Chekov?

MCCOY: A piece of lead in his body.

SPOCK: Wrong. His mind killed him.

MCCOY: Come on, Spock. If you've got the answer, tell us.

SPOCK: Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. Where the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal.

MCCOY: What do you mean unreal? I examined Chekov. He's dead.

SPOCK: But you made your examination under conditions which we cannot trust. We judge reality by the response of our senses. Once we are convinced of the reality of a given situation, we abide by its rules. We judged the bullets to be solid, the guns to be real, therefore they can kill.

KIRK: Chekov is dead because he believed the bullets would kill him.

SPOCK: He may indeed be dead. We do not know.

KIRK: But we do know that the Melkotians created the situation. If we do not allow ourselves to believe that the bullets are real, they cannot kill us.

SPOCK: Exactly. I know the bullets are unreal, therefore they cannot harm me.

KIRK: We must all be as certain as you are, Mister Spock, to save our lives.

SPOCK: Precisely.

MCCOY: But that's not possible. There'd always be some doubt.

SPOCK: The smallest doubt would be enough to kill you.

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