
Monday, August 28, 2017

The “aging” lie and how atherosclerotic narrowing is responsible for majority of American’s chronic health problems later in life

Image: The “aging” lie and how atherosclerotic narrowing is responsible for majority of American’s chronic health problems later in life
(Natural News) Have you ever heard of the “unified theory” cure for heart disease? Linus Pauling, a phenomenal American scientist, worked with a German doctor named Matthias Rath decades ago, and they discovered that most heart disease was the result of long-term vitamin C deficiency, and that the solution was to treat patients with frequent high doses of vitamin C and use amino acids (proline and lysine) to remove the plaque that was lining the inner walls of blood vessels. What’s the number one killer in civilized nations today? Heart disease. And what is the number one cause of heart disease and premature aging? The “Standard American Diet” that’s high in refined carbohydrates (stripped of vitamins and minerals) and animal fats leads directly to high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, angina, and degenerative heart changes that rapidly “age” humans.

Heart disease can be reversed in a matter of months without surgery or dangerous medications

Heart disease is actually easier to cure than lower back pain, and without prescription medications, according to medical doctors who aren’t paid by Big Pharma to lie and push dangerous quack chemicals. Would you like to know this method that’s been proven in practice for more than twenty years? Why does Pauling Therapy utilize high doses of vitamin C? Vitamin C is required to strengthen arteries so the body won’t attempt to patch arteries with “plaster casts” – also known as atherosclerosis. The amino acid lysine is then used in high doses as a binding inhibitor to reverse the plaster (plaque) cast build-up coming from the sticky form of LDL cholesterol, or Lp(a) plaque. Both vitamin C and lysine are safe in high amounts and neither has ever been known to have a “lethal” toxic dosage.
Did you know bypass surgery brings in more money to U.S. big city hospitals than any other type of care? Bypass surgery doesn’t even extend overall life expectancy because the newly grafted artery usually begins clogging immediately. Bypass surgery accounts for up to 40 percent of many hospitals’ total income. That’s why most doctors never speak of Pauling Therapy. Did you also know that Linus Pauling is the founder of modern chemistry and holds 48 honorary Ph.D.s? He is the only two-time (unshared) Nobel prize laureate. You don’t have to be incapacitated as you age, suffering from heart attacks, strokes, chemical medications and multiple surgeries that don’t even extend your life.

Pushing back the aging process and literally protecting your DNA with antioxidants from plants

Our view of aging as we know it here in the “Western World” is completely wrong. We do not have to suffer in pain and discomfort as we grow older. No, our health does not have to deteriorate as the years go by, as we see with so many seniors today. Did you know this is the first generation in America where we are expected to live shorter lives than our parents? This simply does not have to be the case. You have complete control. You can extend your life and your health span.
It’s time to drop the “Yolo” attitude (you only live once) and increase your life and health span with a whole food, plant-based diet. This will eliminate the narrowing of coronary blood vessels and unclog arteries, plus it can eliminate erectile dysfunction and peeing problems, prevent cancer, heart disease, cognitive decline and strokes all the while.
The Okinawa diet (and study) shows us the power and health benefits of consuming plenty of dark leafy greens daily. In Okinawa they have a saying, “hara hachi bu,” which means eat until you are 80percent full. This sounds simple but is far from the American mantra and popular offerings of “all you can eat” where we chomp down until we’re 120 percent full. Overstuffing, according to the Okinawa diet, is a key reason people age quicker, because the excess calories leave behind “trace damage to the cells” until the damage accumulates into a literal “break down of the body,” also known as aging. Autopsies of Okinawans often show remarkably clean arteries that are plaque free. This could be the main reason they have 80 percent less risk of heart disease, cancer and strokes. Looking for more good advice on food choices? Be sure to avoid the websites of U.S. regulatory agencies like the CDC and the FDA. They are corrupted.
Searching for the “fountain of youth?” Mic the Vegan explains the benefits of a whole food, plant-based, vegan regimen in this video:

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