
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

CERN DEPLOYS AI AGAINST HACKERS (AT LEAST, THAT’S THEIR STORY, ...           ~ hehe I seem ta remember an "white paper"  Dr.JPF has on his site bout ole satan & made of ...machines ???   outta READ it folks ...spooky ,Spooky , SPOOKY Related image

If you've been conCERNed with CERN, then you'll want to pay attention to this story that was shared by Mr. F.L.M.:
CERN and the Large Hadron Collider depend on a massive computer grid, as does the global network of scientists who use LHC data. CERN scientists are now teaching an AI system to protect the grid from cyber threats using machine learning.
I don't doubt for a moment that CERN is probably a major target for hackers of all sorts, from the busybody in a garage, to sophisticated players with access to major computational power. It would be a target not simply for its scientific data, but even more importantly, its extensive computer network would be a crucial point of attack for someone wanting to quickly disseminate any kind of malware throughout the world, for CERN is, as some are aware, the Internet's biggest user:
CERN is home to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) as well as its massive computer grid. Scientists use the LHC to study high-speed collisions between subatomic particles — in 2017 alone, they collected an estimated 50 petabytes of data about these particles. CERN provides this critically important data to universities and laboratories around the world for research.
The LHC and CERN itself require a massive amount of data storage and computing power, which is what prompted the creation of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid. The grid connects computers in more than 40 countries from more than 170 research facilities, and works like a power grid to some extent, providing computing resources to facilities based on demand. This presents a unique cybersecurity challenge: keeping the massive globally-distributed grid secure while maintaining the computing power and storage unimpeded.
So CERN has now deployed an artificial intelligence - one may presume "state of the art" - to protect this massive computing network from attack. Now, I don't know about you, but this raises my CERN ConCERN Meter into the orange zone, and for two very different reasons that are both more than just high octane speculation; they're "way out there." In the first case, as members of this website know, I have speculated many times ion our members' vidchats on my suspicion that CERN represents more than just a particle physics project. Given the enormous energies in the machine, and the strength of its magnetic fields, I have speculated that there may be deeper and entirely secret levels of computer alogorithms pulling anomalous data - perhaps having nothing to do with particle physics - for secret teams of scientists to look at. Among such data I've speculated that there might be "data correlation and collection" experiments, measuring correlations between CERN activity and seemingly completely unrelated systems: solar activity, terrestrial weather and/or geophysical events, even human behavior, and so on.
But the other half of today's speculation is my long-held suspicion that AI(Artificial Intelligence) is not coming, but may already be here. In this regard, I've long suspected that the various "flash crash" events we see in various computer-driven algorithmic market trading from commodities to equities, might be being driven by an AI "learning the ropes" or experimenting with more "malicious" intention. Now, couple such an AI to a machine like CERN's Large Hadron Contraption, and "data correlation experiments," and let your imagination run wild...
Of course, that's really way out there "high octane speculation," but I did warn you.
But if the slightest sliver of it might be true, then one might expect some "odd events" to be reported from CERN in the future, which prompts a nasty question: what would a flash crash at CERN look like?             

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