
Sunday, June 25, 2017

The Doors - Light my Fire (Best Live Version!)

  THE   time to ...
hes·i·tate    is thru
verb: hesitate; 3rd person present: hesitates; past tense: hesitated; past participle: hesitated; gerund or present participle: hesitating
pause before saying or doing something, especially through uncertainty.

"she hesitated, unsure of what to say"

synonyms:pause, delay, wait, shilly-shally, dither, stall, temporize; More
be of two minds, be uncertain, be unsure, be doubtful, be indecisive, hedge, equivocate, fluctuate, vacillate, waver, waffle, have second thoughts, think twice;
informaldilly-dally, blow hot and cold, get cold feet, hem and haw

"she hesitated, unsure of what to say"
be reluctant to do something.

"he hesitated to spoil the mood by being inquisitive"

synonyms:be reluctant, be unwilling, be disinclined, scruple; More

The Doors - Light my Fire (Best Live Version!)

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