
Monday, April 3, 2017

Nail bomb explodes on St Petersburg metro:

Posted by Conspiracy Cafe on April 3, 2017 

A man crawls away from the train as bloodied passengers attempt to save those injured

'Terrorist' seen throwing backpack onto train moments before shrapnel rips through carriages killing at least 10 as police search unexploded device on day Putin visits the city

The two blasts occurred between Sennaya Ploshchad and Sadovaya train station in St Petersburg, Russia

Ambulances raced to the scene of the carnage caused by nail bombs which were detonated on the network

Metro officials reported blast was from an improvised explosive device on board which included shrapnel

At least 10 people have been reported to have been killed by two explosions and 50 more have been injured

A woman crouches over a man who has been injured in the blast as they are surrounded by carnage and blood

Bodies lie strewn across the platform and the doors are blown open after the two blasts on the Russian metro network


It is spring and we are starting the false flag season. The director has shouted action, the cameras are rolling and the actors are playing their parts. It is almost boring the analysis of these events because there is usually areas where it is reasonable to conclude that the incident was staged for mass consumption of those who do little analysis of what is presented before them. The timing was right because there have been protests in Russia including St. Petersburg to possibly play color revolution. The best strategy for a leader is to stage a terror attack to consolidate power and arrest dissidents. It is an age old tactic. With today's 'attack' we reveal the tale of three pictures presented before us. They are of the same scene. They each tell a different story. 

One of the cardinal rules in discerning a false flag event is the better it is photographed the more likely it was faked. The British are notorious for this. The Ottawa shooting and the Kenyan Mall attack were other classic examples. Every photographer loves to stand in the line of fire or near unexploded ordnance to get the perfect high definition shot, but I remember the classic book on media Lights Camera War. We are at war. However, the battle is for your mind and your commitment to the powers that be. 

If we look carefully at the three images from the St. Petersburg attack, we see enough ambiguities to question the authenticity of the event. In the uppermost picture the people in front of the bench are pixelated. However, in the middle picture they are not. We see the heinous wounds we weren't supposed to see in the rush to publish, or perhaps, maybe we were not meant to see the casualty using hte iphone. For some reason there is no smoke in the upper photo, but there is in the middle. Both were taken after the bombing, and there can't be a great deal of time between exposures. 

We see a casualty crawling. He ends up sitting against the column. There is an unattended briefcase situated there. That would be a major danger sign in a real world event. It could explode and take you to paradise. The men on the bench did the right thing he left the scene. Other casualties appear next to the pillar somehow. In the third picture from the other side of the pillar we are told the figues on the platform are bodies. So they didn't leave the scene on their own. The man is still sitting against the pillar. A man in the foreground is taking it all in neither helping or evacuating. It is a testimony to the press that they get the pictures before the emergency serives arrive so that we can have a better edition of the paper. The various wounded could be actors. The Russians are to be credited for better makeup applications if that is the case. They also get top marks for other special effects like the smoke and the blast damage. It is an old car. We are left with the question is this tale of three pictures a scripting error or the real deal? The intelligence agencies are known for their craft. We cannot accept what has been manufactured before us because they lie all too often. 

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