
Sunday, April 30, 2017




     Image result for pic of sherlock holmes  ~ "some~body" is try~in ta TELL   us sum~thin ???

If you're like me, you probably thought that power outage in New York City, the San Francisco bay area, and Los Angeles, was a little suspicious. As one might imagine, after I blogged about that event, I received a number of emails from people also following the story, some in California, and some in... well, Canada. We'll get back to that in a moment.
Suffice it to say, that after reading more details about that story, my suspicion meter has slipped from the orange zone into the dark red zone. It's not quite into the "point of no return zone" but it has definitely crept closer to it. Here's one reason why, in a story shared by Ms. K.S.:
When I read this, the suspicion meter couldn't help but rise into the lower red zone, for a reason I'm sure you caught, but just in case you didn't, consider this little admission:
Southern California Edison initially reported it was caused by metallic balloons coming in contact with wires. The utility later corrected that statement, saying there was a different outage in Long Beach that was caused by balloons. The agency is still investigating the cause of the outage at the port. (emphasis added)
Metallic balloons coming into contact with power lines? "Oh, but wait, that was a different power outage. We're not really sure why the port of Long Beach went down."
What kind of "metallic balloons" are we talking about here? Those happy birthday shiny things that are filled with helium that one can buy in a store? If so, then we're in trouble, folks, if all it takes to tie up a major port and bring down a power grid is someone having a birthday party. And I probably don't even have to air my high octane speculation here, because you're probably thinking the same thing already, but I'll go ahead and do so anyway: suppose someone deliberately wanted to test the vulnerability of the power grid with a simple system: "metallic balloons" with appropriate "stringers" to short several lines all at once. It's cheap, it's easy, and would be virtually impossible to prevent, unless the Reichsicherheithauptamt ... er... the Department of Homeland Insecurity's Paranoia Bureau wants to put birthday balloons on the favored weapons of terrorists watch list.
But then Mr. K.H. sent this strange article about about Ontario's largest supermarket chain experiencing difficulty in debit and credit card clearing, occurring concurrently with the "power outages" which were caused by "metallic balloons":
Mr. K.H. also indicated that there were difficulties in yest another popular system of clearing and payments operating between Canada and the USA that took much longer to resolve. He raised an important point: there may have been a whole period of time -- perhaps a day -- of suspicious transactions that had to be "reset".
In any case, you know me: I cannot resist the temptation to be suspicious of easy - and quite frankly, amusing - explanations like metallic balloons, or explanations in the case of the Ontario credit and debit card clearing difficulty, that amount to no explanation at all.
The question is, are these things all related? Well, my high octane intuition and speculation tells me they may be. I've blogged before on this site about the strange way the internet seems to be being reconnoitered by "someone" intent on probing its architecture and weaknesses. We've seen the attacks on internet cables in the Bay Area, the Sony hack, Federal Reserve hacks, and so on. Now, it's metallic balloons and hundreds of trucks stranded in Long Beach. Call me crazy, but I suspect therefore that what we're looking at is more of the same pattern. The important question, however, seems to be why, what's the motivation?
And I cannot help but think that there is one thing in this alleged "pattern" that stands out as common elements: digital systems, the power grid, and the complete lack of security of both. It's almost as if "someone" is trying to send the message, "think again before you move to cashlessness, and have computers running everything." It's almost as if someone is trying to draw attention to the vulnerability of the grid.               


This has been a strange time, for sure. Not only getting sick, and feeling so tired I've felt like a dishrag wrung through one of those old fashioned roller machine washing machines, but watching a parade of very weird news stories. This story is no different. It's one of those stories that many people sent me versions of. As one might imagine, the story itself as reported was one of those "nothing to see here, move along" things, which naturally led many people, myself included, to question the narrative (what little narrative there was).
The story itself? Well, it's nothing more than a peculiar power outage in the San Francisco-Bay area, LA-San Diego, and, a continent away, New York City:
Little explanation was forthcoming, leaving the field wide open to speculation.The official narrative remains focused on an inconvenient coincidence.
But there were also the usual explanations: terrorism, sabotage, and so on. I have to admit, that when I read the story, my first though ran to these lines. For one thing, the inclusion of the Bay area brought to mind the attacks on internet servers a couple of years ago, and for that matter, the attack on the silicon valley electrical sub-station, an attack that even by official lights was carried out by professionals. Then, too, there was the attack in Arizona that severed internet connections between Flagstaff and Phoenix.
Such simultaneous power outages might, according to some, be a similar coordinated attack:
But if so, an attack by whom? And for what purpose? Strangely, all this happens within a broad time frame that is unusual in terms of events for other reasons: the attacks on Syria occurred, drills for nuclear attacks are planned in Manhattan, the world's attention is focused on North Korea. Interestingly enough, the Zero Hedge article immediately above also entertains the ideas of cyber attacks, coordinated and directed electromagnetic pulses, and even a deliberate act by the federal government drilling and gaming out such attacks.
Regular readers here know me by now: all these thoughts ran through my head the moment I heard about the story. It's my job: I speculate on things. But this isn't exactly my run-of-the-mill "high octane speculation." If others are already thinking and writing articles about it, it would seem not to be very high octane at all.
But then there was this, and this one really made my high octane speculation wheels go into overdrive:
Now, stop and ponder that sequence for a moment: (1) the story of power outages in the Bay area, LA-San Diego, and NYC is reported; then, soon thereafter (2) various theories are put forward, including cyber-attacks, federal "drills gone live", EMP weapons, and so on, and then (3) a day after the event and quickly after the theories, the idea of solar geo-magnetic storms are advanced, with corresponding data for the affected regions being provided. Interesingly enough, one of the sites - Zero Hedge - which first reported the story and then the cyber attack EMP theories, also quickly reported the solar storm idea.
It's that sequence of reportage and speculations on the story that have me wondering. Leaving aside for the moment the possibility that the whole thing - including the various speculations - are all carefully contrived experiments in story-creation and manipulation (which for those following my CERN-Mandela Effect-Data Correlation Experiments-Multiverse ideas, I don't rule out of the picture), assume for a moment that none of that is involved. What disturbs me is what remains when one strips the story of that speculative possibility. What remains are (1) power outages that appear to be (2) coordinated in distinct areas of the grid, (3) the idea of "attack", and (4) solar storms.
Now that really is high octane speculation. It is beyond high octane. It's cosmologically kooky speculation, for obviously, most people won't think of "solar storms" and the idea of "deliberate attack" in the same conceptual space. It's impossible. It would require the ability to engineer stellar-sized systems. And the only way to do that would be to engineer such affects via magnetic resonance and coupling the Earth's and the Sun's magnetic systems together. While all of that might be within the  realm of feasibility of some Mad Telsa-like scientist in the Mad Scientist Department of DARPA, the whole cluster of articles would also suggest the possibility of "pointing and aiming" the affect, which adds yet another level of impossibility to an already impossible task.
Double impossible. Nay, impossible, squared.
Whew! I feel much better now. I'm relieved.          

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