
Thursday, April 20, 2017

Gotham Shield 2017: Is The Deep State Planning Nuclear Fire Works?Image result for pic nuclear explosion

In recent days there has been increasing buzz about an upcoming, multi-agency, emergency preparedness drill in the New York City area that has to do with training for a possible, nuclear, terrorist attack.

The multi-agency "training" exercise is called Gotham Shield 2017. Various phases of the drill are scheduled from the 18th of April to the 5th of May, beginning today, in fact, and running for the next two and a half weeks.

I will tell you frankly that it is my opinion that the danger of a nuclear false flag attack against a city in the USSA, or a series of attacks against multiple cities in the USSA is a very real and present danger. I have previously written about that threat here and here and explained my reasoning. My thinking has not changed.

If a nuclear detonation occurs in a city in the USSA, there is every possibility that it will be an inside job, exactly as the 9/11 attacks were. 

The shadowy power brokers now running the system in the USSA have no regard for life, for peace, for prosperity or for joy. 

To say that the power brokers now in charge of the corrupt machinery of the USSA government are demons is to unfairly slander the denizens of hell by comparison, as fallen as they may be.

Dear Friends, we are looking at the face of naked evil. That is how ghastly and putrid the government of the USSA has become. It is a clear and present danger not only to other nations around the world, but to the population of the USSA itself.

Gotham Shield 2017

The upcoming emergency preparedness drills have to do with responding to the *hypothetical* detonation of a 10 kiloton atomic bomb in mid-town Manhattan. This is a bomb with approximately half the yield of those that the USSA military dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August of 1945, in the concluding days of the war against Japan.

Listen to me very carefully: I am telling you as plainly as I can that if such an attack occurs in New York City, or Chicago or San Antonio or St. Louis or Atlanta or Indianapolis or Little Rock or Las Vegas or Boise, etc. that it is extremely likely to be a false flag attack to be used as a *fake* casus belli, or cause for war, intended to whip the people of the USSA into a nuclear war hysteria, to be used as putative justification for initiating nuclear warfare against Russia or China or North Korea or Iran or ..... against whomever the Pentagon, CIA, New York Times and Donald Trump will (falsely) say did the dastardly deed(s).

The truth is that the century-long Ponzi scheme called the "United States Federal Reserve Note", also known in our time as the petro-dollar, the so-called international reserve currency, is failing fast and falling hard, losing more and more market share all over the world with every passing month and year.

The USSA Empire based in Washington, DC, New York City, Tel Aviv and other filthy rat holes around the world does not fight fair. It is not fair and it certainly is not honest. On the contrary it is vicious, psychopathic and satanic.

So it will not go quietly into the night. It will not meekly fold up its tents and slink contritely away.

Oh, no, not at all.

Use It Or Lose It

The ruthless game of musical, petro-dollar chairs is swiftly drawing to a close and so we can expect a hyper-violent denouement on the part of the main player(s): the USSA and associated vermin in Tel Aviv, Tokyo, Brussels, and so forth. The game is for political, military and economic control of the planet, so they will pull out all the stops, or try to.

If they were prepared to sacrifice 3,000 people on 9/11 (and they did) to initiate a series of wars in the Middle East and North Africa, what are they prepared to do to initiate nuclear warfare for control of the whole planet?

Have no illusions about the vicious game afoot and how unimaginably cruel it is and can be. 

Have no illusions about who and what you are seeing as the so-called "leadership" of the USSA and the European Union and NATO, beginning with that foul creature known as Donald Trump, but certainly not ending with *it*. 

As their economic clout vanishes, as the petro-dollar tanks, and that is about to occur on a mind-numbing scale, and with dizzying velocity, they will be sorely tempted to use what remains to them: their nuclear arsenal, before everything collapses around them and they are booted from power by rampaging mobs, who will finally realize the grotesque extent of that centuries-long, ongoing hideous crime, euphemistically known as the "United States".

Hence the danger that these pestilential entities, known as "leaders" or the "ruling elite", will unleash nuclear warfare, or try to, and will do so under the most violent, false pretense(s) that they can arrange, to wit: one or more nuclear false flag attacks.

You have been warned.

The Nitty-Gritty of Gotham Shield 2017

Many agencies, at the local, regional, state and federal level, will take part in the Gotham Shield exercise in the coming week or two. Here, in no particular order, are some of the official notices and references I was able to find on the web.

Gotham Shield 2017 will take place in the spring of 201. It's going to simulate a 10-Kiloton explosion in New York City and Northern New Jersey, look at sheltering, evacuation, communications and infrastructure impacts and things of that nature as part of the Department of Defense Start-of-the-Century exercise series.(source: )

Well, well, Gotham Shield 2017 is identified as part of the Pentagon's "Start of the Century" exercise series.

Would the Pentagon's "Start of the Century" exercise series have anything to do with the infamous "Project For The New American Century" (PNAC) developed by a Neo-Con cabal lead by William Kristol and Robert Kagan, in the years leading up to the 9/11 attacks, and which plainly talked about the need for a new Pearl Harbor attack to improve the technological and operational capabilities of the USSA's military -- a role that the 9/11 attacks in fact fulfilled?

I smell a nuclear rat. Do you?

Here's another document, minutes from a meeting of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) about emergency nuclear preparedness that briefly mentions Gotham Shield 2017. Note: IND stands for "improvised nuclear device."

Support IND exercises by model cities; use window of opportunity to reach people on the sidelines (e.g., Gotham Shield 2017 as teachable moment)
(source: )

So Gotham Shield 2017 will be a "teachable moment", a "window of opportunity." The document mentions "IND exercises by model cities". 

Improvised Nuclear Device exercises by model cities. That's what the document says. Whatever could that mean? And what if the IND exercises go live, in selected "model cities"?

Here's a dandy from the U.S. National Response Team and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration:

• Gotham Shield 2017– FEMA-led exercise, April 18 -May 5

Linked to several other DOD and DHS/FEMA response and recovery exercises – 4 nuclear devices, 2 of which are rendered safe during the DOD Vital Archer Exercise, one successful 10kt detonation in the NYC/NJ area, and one smaller detonation on the US/Canadian border.

( source: )

Four nuclear devices and one successful 10kt detonation in the New York City/New Jersey area and a smaller detonation on the US/Canadian border, sometime within the next two weeks. Is it a preparedness drill or a false flag preparation or ...? I guess we'll find out, won't we?

Here's a notice from the Health Care Association of New Jersey:

Health Care Association of New Jersey
April 6 at 11:02am ·

EXERCISE - Operation Gotham Shield/Improvised Nuclear Detonation Incident - April 26, 2017 :: This is a reminder that on April 26, 2017 - HCANJ/LANJ will be participating in "Operation Gotham Shield" in conjunction with our NJESF #8 Partners including NJDOH-PHILEP, New Jersey Medical Services Task Force, Office of the Medical Examiner, NJDHS-Disaster Terrorism Branch, Urban Area Strategic Initiative, as well as, State Office of Emergency Management, local, county and Federal Law Enforcement agencies.

( source: )

A whole smorgasbord of agencies will be involved. 

How about this, from the Eastern Region helicopter Council:

Operation Gotham Shield 2017 HERP Drill 

ERHC Council Members and Volunteers,

On Tuesday April 25th 2017, at 0800 the Gotham Shield Exercise will take place at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford NJ. This exercise will simulate a large scale terrorist attack on the NY/NJ metropolitan area with MetLife Stadium serving as a triage/collection point for victims and emergency response personnel. This will be a large scale event with numerous federal, state, county and local agencies participating.
( source: )

The explosion of a 10-kiloton *terrorist* nuclear device in a city in the USSA has long been planned for by federal agencies. Please see the following, from the Homeland Security Council,  archived at , for an example of the type of planning documents that have been floating around for years:

In this scenario, terrorist members of the Universal Adversary (UA) group assemble a gun-type nuclear device using highly enriched uranium (HEU) – used here to mean weapons-grade uranium – stolen from a nuclear facility located in the former Soviet Union. The nuclear device components are smuggled into the United States. The 10-kiloton nuclear device is assembled near a major metropolitan center. Using a delivery van, terrorists transport the device to the central business district of a large city and detonate it. Most buildings within 1,000 meters (~ 3,200 feet) of the detonation are severely damaged. Injuries from flying debris (missiles) may occur out to 6 kilometers (~ 3.7 miles). An Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) damages many electronic devices within about 5 kilometers (~ 3 miles). A mushroom cloud rises above the city and begins to drift east-northeast.

( source: )

The question is, with the accession of Donald Trump to the presidency of the USSA, coupled with a simultaneous decline in the economic clout of the USSA petro-dollar and a perceived need to more actively confront other world and regional powers militarily, has the Deep State, under the guise of the Pentagon's Start of the Century exercise series, referred to above, decided to take live one or more "Improvised Nuclear Device" exercises, in one or more "model cities" as a "teachable moment" for the public at large?

Based on the murderous events of 9/11 and their bloody aftermath in the Middle east and North Africa over the last 16 years, and in view of the massive, growing, public evidence that the USSA and its military allies are preparing for military conflict with China, Russia, Iran, Syria and North Korea, I believe that we must take the possibility of nuclear false flag attacks against cities in the USSA very serious.

If such do occur my immediate suspicions will fall on the CIA, Pentagon, Mossad, FBI, DHS, FEMA, and so forth. The usual suspects, in other words. Who else has the motive and the means?

War is what they do. Evil is what they are.     

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