
Friday, March 10, 2017

SUPERWEEDS EMERGE AND TARGET GMOsImage result for evil nazi science

Remember the glorious promise of agribusiness in the 1950s? Or even more importantly, the glorious and breathtakingly exciting days of the Administration of George Herbert Walker Bush, when the doctrine of "substantial equivalence" signaled the glorious end to human hunger, vastly expanded crop yields, and other boons to human health? Remember all the confident and assured results of modern science? Remember how we were assured this was "the solution?"
Well, Mr. C.S., a regular reader here found an important article by F. William Engdahl, which points out yet another emerging trend in agriculture that we're certain I.G. Farbensanto, and its new member-corporation, Bayer (of the real I.G. Farben-Carl Duisberg fame).
To set that emerging trend into context, let us recall that IG Farbensanto was quick to reassure the public that their corporate science was thorough and that there were no dangers to GMOs. Then the independent science began to come in, linking cancers in agricultural animal populations to GMO consumption. Then came the studies of human cancer-GMO correlations. Then came Russia's ban on GMOS (the only sane country in the world, in my opinion, on this issue).
Oh but wait... even though those might be a risk in a certain segment of the population, we need GMOs nonetheless, because they dramatically increase crop field yields, and that will mean more food, and more poor people can be fed.
Of course, they weren't telling us that Indian farmers were committing suicide because they could not afford to pay for the more expensive GMO seeds, and of course, more yield and more GMOs mean more money lining the pockets of IG Farbensanto and its shareholders.
But... woops!... then came studies about how, over time, yields in GMO fields actually decreased, while costs of maintaining production increased, relative to good ole mother nature and her natural seeds, which any one can plant without having to pay a royalty or license fee (mother nature's seeds, you see, aren't patented, and therefore IG Farbensanto can't make money from them).
Well, you can add to the list the following:
The problem is that Mother Nature can react faster than the Rockefailure interests can strategize its plots and cabals:
Now with ruthlessness against the crass violation of natural law that is inherent in the entire GMO eugenics experiment, nature is waging its own clever war on GMO crops in the USA. And make no mistake, the intent of the Rockefeller Foundation in funding the creation of GMO back in the 1970’s was and still is just that–eugenics.
It seems that the lies of Monsanto-Bayer, Dow-Dupont, ChemChina-Syngenta are coming back to haunt them. Far from their widely advertised claim that their patented GMO seeds need far less chemical weed-killers, USA farmers are finding out, over a period of years, that their crop acreages sprayed with ample doses of Roundup or other glyphosate-based weed-killers are fostering the growth of toxic Superweeds. Those superweeds are “glyphosate-resistant” meaning the Monsanto and other glyphosate weed-killers are useless. Farmers are forced to pour on other toxic weed-killer options to salvage their crops.
Three-quarters US prime Farmland
An alarming new study has just been published by the University of Illinois Plant Clinic highly relevant and highly ignored by mainstream irresponsible media. The study took some 593 field samples of approximately 2,000 waterhemp and palmer amaranth (pigweed) plants from ten farm states across the USA Midwest, the heartland of world agriculture, or at least until recently. They conducted careful testing and found the alarming results that across America’s farmbelt, 456 of the whole 593 field sites sampled showed Glyphosate Resistance – a total of 76.8%.
In other words, plant GMO seeds, and over time, your field will require more and more pesticides to deal with the super-resistant weeds. The bottom line: you have to love it, because in their greed and utter lack of respect for the principles of independent science, and for that matter, humanity itself, the GMO companies like Farbensanto are going to be hit - one can only hope hard - in their pocket books. The reason? today it's a trickle, but tomorrow it will be a flood: farmers are avoiding their products because of their cost (and falling yields):
The good news in this chronicle of nature’s stubbornness against mans’ stupidity is that more and more USA farmers are deciding to abandon GMO crops and return to non-GMO conventional seeds. Bill Giles, an Illinois farmer using GMO seeds since 2009 is planning to return to conventional non-GMO crops. He told Sustainable Pulse, “GM crops are on the edge of failure in the US as farmers are asked to fork out more and more money on herbicides to try to control the superweeds. We simply can’t afford it! It is near the end of the road for these crops and many of my friends in the Midwest are on the edge of turning back to conventional farming methods.”
Man and nature need to restore the natural harmony of life and nowhere more urgently than in restoring a natural food chain free from test-tube machinations to produce monstrosities such as GMO corn or GMO salmon whose true effects on humans is entirely unknown.
(Emphasis added)
Of course we fully expect IG Farbensanto to resort to the tried and true and red, white and blue American practice of buying off the government, and trying to mandate GMOs. Of course, it won't work, and I can only add that today it takes no high octane speculation: all I can add is a hearty Amen to Mr. Engdahl's closing remarks italicized above.

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