
Monday, March 6, 2017

Jeff Sessions Tells Pelosi He ‘Will Not Back Down’ From DC Pedo Investigations                                   ~ hehe 1 set of deep state ...turning on the ...other ? Oops  ...when do ya think the "whacking" willllll ..start ??  Related image

by Baxter Dmitry

A former CIA agent has warned that the deep state is working overtime to oust Attorney General Jeff Sessions from the White House because he is refusing to back down in his campaign to break up the sex trafficking and pedophile networks that control Washington D.C.
According to Robert David Steele, Jeff Sessions is being set up as another “Russian fall guy“, just like General Flynn, to taint the Trump administration and push the president closer to impeachment.

But most importantly, Steele warns, the deep state is determined to remove the most determined anti-pedophile and -corruption enforcer the office of Attorney General has seen in decades.
The former CIA agent says that the Democrats push to remove Sessions from office, led by House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi, has “every chance of succeeding” because AG Sessions has made it clear he “will not back down” under any circumstances.
Federal authorities have locked up more than 1,500 people on child trafficking and pedophilia charges since President Trump and AG Sessions assumed office, however the huge increase in numbers on recent years is being completely ignored by mainstream media.
According to the FBI there were less than 400 sex trafficking-related arrests made in the entirety of 2014, proving that Trump are Sessions are serious about using “the “full force and weight” of the U.S. government to break up child sex trafficking rings and lock up sexual predators.
In a hard-hitting video released late Feburary, Robert David Steele claimed that President Trump is our best chance to take down the deep state since President Kennedy.
He also claimed that:
* “White hat” intelligence community was able to stop Hillary from rigging the vote electronically like she did to Bernie
* Former CIA head John Brennan committed treason by telling lies intended to overturn the Electoral College
* John Brennan, highest paid agent of Saudi Arabia, should be under FBI investigation
* Reince Priebus is an enabler and cover-upper of pedophilia — Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert is the tip of the iceberg
* WikiLeaks is going to take down Priebus?
* Pedophilia is an “elite privilege” — For the Democrats it’s an “acquired taste” — Podesta is a “pedo-light”
* The Republicans and the elite in banking are the ones who have made pedophilia a “big league thing”
* There are Saudi Arabian and Washington DC restaurants with basements where you can order children off of the menu
* DC pedophilia is the Achilles heel, and Trump has figured that out
* Flynn didn’t get fired because he called the Russians
* Flynn got fired because he “had the arrogance to think” (sarcasm) that he could tell Mattis and Tillerson what to do
* Flynn pissed off VP Pence
* Flynn’s call that got him in trouble included a conversation about a list of high-level pedophiles inside the US, one of whom happens to be VP Mike Pence’s best friend
* Flynn did not tell Pence about the list, or that his “best friend” was on it. Pence found out about this from the deep state (probably NSA taps)
* The NSA has been spying on all of our politicians with impunity!

* The CIA is leaking HIGHLY classified information as part of a political coup against Trump

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