
Sunday, February 12, 2017


~ over & over & Over & OVER  their "playbook"  hasn't/doesn't ...change  folks ! we gotta WAKE the fuck UP !!!               

Most people today believe someone other than James Earl Ray shot Martin Luther King. They have judged the facts, not the standard news media spin. Someday the world opinion will do an about-face and swing in favor of another unjustly convicted man, Tim McVeigh. If AP and the talking heads would only report the truth about ANFO and its impotency, most of the thinking public would have to conclude that Tim McVeigh could not be guilty of murdering anyone. This is already a known fact, but the media are suppressing it. Contrary to news reports, the persons found guilty could not have been solely responsible. An Oklahoma City police sergeant became aware of this before anyone else, apparently during the first hour of rescue. He paid for that discovery with his life.
Terry Yeakey was a giant of a man with a heart as big as the rest of him. I wish I had known him. He was a crusader for truth. Whenever his name is mentioned, I think of the news photo of him sprinting down NW 5th Street toward the Murrah Building on another of the many rescue missions he performed that ugly day. In his blue uniform, he tends to remind us of a NFL linebacker about to put the sack on an unfortunate quarterback, but this is quickly overridden by the grave concern on the face of a policeman in a panic to save lives.
After numerous private investigators produced irrefutable evidence of multiple explosions, unexploded bombs being hauled away after the fact, and the complete and total incapability of an Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil (ANFO) bomb to cause the cause the kind of devastation seen in downtown Oklahoma City, a giant government cover-up became obvious.
Only a couple of hours into the rescue, Sgt. Terrence Yeakey became painfully aware of something disturbing. Did he somehow figure out that the building had been blown from the inside and that the news reports were baloney? Did he overhear a strange conversation from some of the many ATF agents who were on the scene sooner than they should have been? Whatever it was, Terry was upset. He called his wife that morning crying - the big ol' Teddy Bear of a guy was crying - and saying repeatedly, "It's not true. It's not what they are saying. It didn't happen that way." Terry Yeakey may have been the first to discover the sham.
He ran back and forth into that concrete mess of bricks and mortar all day long and continued beyond exhaustion, far into the night. He scraped and crawled and dug until his fingers bled and then kept digging some more. In a cadre of heroes that day, Terry's performance was outstanding. On May 11th, the following year he was scheduled to receive the Medal of Valor from the Oklahoma City Police Department. He never got it. He was murdered on May 8, 1996, in the country - two and a half miles west of the El Reno Penitentiary.
The official report said "Suicide," and anyone who believes an ANFO bomb destroyed Murrah and the other surrounding buildings will believe this. According to the report, Terry slashed himself eleven times on both forearms before cutting his own throat twice near the jugular vein. Then, apparently seeking even a more private place to die, he crawled another mile of rough terrain away from his car and climbed a fence, before shooting himself in the head with a small caliber revolver. What appeared to be rope burns on his neck, handcuff bruises to his wrists, and muddy grass imbedded in his slash wounds strongly indicated that he had some help in traversing this final distance.
The bullet's entrance wound was in the right temple, above the eye. It went through the policeman's head and exited in the area of the left cheek, near the bottom of the ear lobe line. The trajectory was from a 40-45 degree angle above his head. There were no powder burns. No weapon was ever reported as found at the scene, but independent investigators speculated that had Yeakey shot himself with standard police issue - a Glock 9mm or a .357 Magnum - his head would have been far more destroyed than it apparently was.
One of the last people Officer Yeakey talked to was a friend who knew he was on a mission of private investigation. Terry had told him that he was on his way to El Reno to check out something but first he had to shake the FBI agents who were following him. He was traveling in his private automobile, and witnesses said later that the inside looked like someone had "butchered a hog" on the front seat.
While political assassinations within American borders have become more prevalent in recent years, the ploy to place the blame on someone else - even the victim himself - is nothing new. Neither is the gullibility of the American public.
* June 12, 1963 -- Civil Rights and NAACP leader Medgar Evers is shot to death in the driveway of his home in Jackson, Mississippi. In the ensuing daylight hours, a high-powered rifle is discovered stashed in the brush near where the killer had lain in wait for the ambush.
* November 22, 1963 - President Kennedy is shot to death in Dallas, allegedly from the 6th floor window of the School Book Depository Building at Dealy Plaza. A high-powered rifle is found stashed behind boxes across the room on that 6th floor.
* April 4, 1968 - Dr. Martin Luther King is shot to death on the Lorraine Motel balcony in Memphis, allegedly from the rear window of a run-down flophouse across the street. A high-powered rifle is dumped two doors away at the front of the flophouse and recovered only minutes later.
Political assassinations and their perpetrators were beginning to take on a pattern of incredible stupidity, at least from the government's perspective and news media spin.
In all three cases, the FBI took charge of the investigations.
In all three cases, the bullets could not be matched to the guns.
In all three cases, evidence was suppressed and mysteriously disappeared.
In all three cases, the FBI became highly suspect.
In all three cases, the crimes were declared "solved," but the facts never meshed with the solutions, and grave doubt lingered about the guilt of the three "lone nuts" blamed for the murders.
With the recent passing of former Alabama Governor George C. Wallace, news reports reminded us of the five bullet wounds suffered by him in the May 15, 1972 attack by Arthur Bremer. Some reports reduced it to four at the time, while most avoided the issue entirely.
Here was the problem: Bremer emptied a five-shot, Model 36, Smith & Wesson snub-nosed revolver. Whether Wallace took only four hits or all five, who can explain the other three wounded people? A Wallace bodyguard and a Secret Service agent were seriously wounded and a female campaign worker was hit in the leg. Not even would Arlen Spector be foolish enough to try to create two or three "magic bullets" in this case, and the silence at the time was deafening.
Then those who subscribe to the university propaganda regarding the utter folly of even suggesting a dreaded conspiracy say, "Yeah, well, now I guess you're going to tell me that Sirhan Sirhan didn't kill Bobby Kennedy, either."
No, we won't say such a politically incorrect thing if you can tell us exactly how the powder burns got behind Senator Kennedy's right ear. Famed Los Angeles coroner Thomas Naguchi stated that the gun barrel would have had be within two inches to create the burns. Dozens of witnesses said Sirhan was never closer than "three to four feet." The FBI explained this away by claiming "Kennedy turned his head" following the initial shots, but all ignored the inexplicable powder burns. Then there is the problem with the eleven bullets (found in the walls and people) emerging from an 8-shot Iver Johnson revolver.
Sometimes the perpetrators can fool even their own users. Yes, Sirhan believes he killed Senator Kennedy just as Tim McVeigh apparently believes he blew up the Murrah Building. But the facts show that either supposition is totally impossible.
During the ensuing decades, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has fairly earned the reputation of being more of a Government Protectorate than an efficient investigative agency. One need only reference the cases in more recent years of Gordon Kahl, KAL 007, Tupper Saussy, George Hansen, the Weaver family, the mass murder of the Branch Davidians, the faked suicide of Vince Foster, the Oklahoma City bombing(s), the farcical case against the Montana Freemen, and the likely shoot-down of TWA Flight 800 for confirmation of this on-going duplicity between government and news media.
Although the Yeakey incident occurred some thirty miles away in a different jurisdiction, the investigation was quickly taken out of the hands of the El Reno police and the Canadian County sheriff and turned over to the Oklahoma City Police Department and the FBI. No homicide investigation was ever conducted, and there was no autopsy.
In an interview with Terry's widow, Tonia Yeakey revealed that her husband had been very upset by something he had seen under the day care center on April 19th. He had wanted to go back and photograph it, but the officials would not let him onto the site again. The Oklahoma Bombing Investigation Committee (OKBIC) speculates that what Terry saw may have coincided with the possible evidence of another unreported bombing device uncovered by their "science people."
Mrs. Yeakey also said that Terry was supposed to be decorated for his work as a rescue person, but didn't want to be put in the limelight. Terry felt the investigation was fraudulent and didn't like the fact that the OKPD was honoring people who really weren't deserving of the honor.
Sgt. Yeakey had told friends that he was going out of town to hide or secure "evidence of a cover-up of the bombing by federal agents." It was his day off, and he was traveling in his private automobile. In his last known conversation, Terry reportedly told a friend that he "was being followed by the feds and had to shake them." Previously, his household had been subjected to numerous threatening phone calls by persons unknown, threats which have not ceased even with his death.
Tonia Yeakey has moved five times in three years since the Oklahoma City tragedy. She continues to get intimidating letters and threatening phone calls. Since her husband's death, her home has been broken into and personal threats have been written on her living room walls. She remains in fear for her life, constantly seeking asylum, with no place to turn.
Sgt. Terry Yeakey was murdered, and just as with the absurd conclusions in the Vince Foster case, the closing of the case as a "suicide" is ludicrous.

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