
Wednesday, February 15, 2017

THE GREAT ROBOTIC DOWNSIZING COMETH… TO GOVERNMENT?Image result for pic of frankenstein robot

Finally someone has said it; we all knew it was coming, but finally someone has said it: one of the first areas up for "downsizing" as robots move to replace humans is (drum roll), government bureaucracies, as outlined by this article in Zero Hedge that was shared by Mr. V.T.:
Imagine the consequences: no more having to deal with a heartless human bureaucrat, and, if you're one of those mindless drones lucky enough to have been born into the political class in the West - one thinks of the Pelosis, the Feinsteins, the McCains, Grahams, Camerons, Sarkozies, Hollandes, Merkels &c -this is truly a God-sent deus ex machina, for no more would one have to worry about the heartless human bureaucrat waking up and on occasion succumbing to a bout of real humanity, thus messing up the smooth functioning of goobernment.  One can even imagine modifications of Isaac Asimov's famous three principle laws of robotics: Thou shalt never do anything harmful to Goobernment nor to any of its human officers.
And it would save money.
Want to drain the swamp? "Hire" robots.
It would save money.
Want to solve the "immigration/illegal alien" problem? "Hire" robots.
It would save money.
Want to make sure the Common Core lesson plans are followed rigorously and to the letter, and right on time? Want to make sure those individually adapted personalized computerized standardized tests are administered without muss and fuss from human teachers? "Hire" robots.
It would save money.
Want to make sure those commodities and bonds and stocks purchases placed by grandma at your local brokerage house get placed and executed in time? Want to cut down on the overhead that bank tellers and security guards and cleaning staff require? "Hire" robots.
It would save money.
Want to make sure your pizza/Big Mac/ and drinks order is carried out to the customers' direction? Want to make absolutely certain the employees at your local franchise convenience store aren't dipping into the till? Want to cut down on time at breaks for your blackjack tables and roulette tables and craps tables in your casino that human employees take up? Want to cut down on labor overhead costs to man three shifts per day in said casinos? "Hire" robots.
It would save money.
Want to cut down on the bothersome business of maintaining large parliamentary buildings and keeping them clean? Why even bother hiring robots? Allow your local MPs and congressmen and senators and what not to just stay on the golf course with their robot caddies, and conduct all votes by internet and ipads, logging in for votes with an appropriate avatar.
It would save even more money.
Want to make sure the disenfranchised humans you've just fired behave, especially when their unemployment runs out? "Hire" robots for your police and security forces. It will keep them in line.
And it will save money.
... At least, that's the way all of this will be promoted and sold.

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