
Saturday, February 18, 2017

INDIA TO GATES, NIGERIA TO I.G. FARBENSANTO: GET OUT: TIME FOR A ...Image result for evil nazi science

Things are definitely getting interesting, if you haven't noticed. Two of the stories that have attracted my interest recently are, firstly, the studies of vaccines conducted in Italy, and (surprise surprise) the Italians found all sorts of ...well... just plain old crud in them.  It's been getting so bizarre than there are actually indications that animal vaccines are cleaner than the vaccines that Big Pharma wants to give you and your kids. Secondly, the other story that has captured my interest was, of course, the rumors that President Trump's administration was considering appointing Reobert F. Kennedy Jr. to chair a panel to investigate the CDC and the alleged science behind the safety of the modern vaccine.  In fact, things are so interesting I don't know whether to categorize this under "Babylon's Banksters" or the "GMO Scrapbook" or "Call it Conspiracy," and you'll see why in a moment.
In any case, I say "alleged science" because it's looking increasingly like there wasn't much of it: corporately approved "science" continues to assure us that all vaccines are safe (and that mercury and aluminum in them isn't harmful and doesn't cause Alzheimers or autism), that all GMOs are safe, that there's no human cost to their consumption, and that it will solve world hunger in spite of real studies of rising costs, falling yields, and increased risks.
Underlying all this, there's a growing revolt against not only Mr. Globaloney, but against his mega-corporations and what appears to be, at best, a consistent policy of profits at any cost, and at worst, a deliberate policy inhumanity designed to depopulate, to strip the middle class of every last breath of their wealth and labor, and to make people perpetually sick and dependent upon them. But there's growing backlash to them. Consider these two stories from that perspective:
India has, of course, suffered tremendously under the assaults of "Amerimegacorp" (for want of a better expression). We recall the stories about vaccine experiments from a few years ago being sponsored by said foundation. But the timing of this story with the Italian story I blogged about last week is interesting.  Similarly, Indian farmers were committing suicide a few years ago under the onslaught of GMOs (guess what company was involved?): loans were made to buy GMO seeds, the cycle of Indian agriculture  was disrupted as natural seeds were abandoned. The more expensive seeds ruined many Indian farmers. The study cited by the Indian government captures my fundamental contention that one of the memes of the major cultural paradigm shift we've been entering for the past decade:  big mega-corporations and their ideologies are now under assault, and this, I suspect, is a generalized cultural phenomenon that will not go away. Here's how that study put it:
According to the Global Policy Forum, who’s study was used in India’s decision to cut their ties with the Gates Foundation, BMGF is not always a force for good. In their report, Gated Development – is the Gates Foundation always a force for good? — Mark Curtis explains:
Gated Development demonstrates that the trend to involve business in addressing poverty and inequality is central to the priorities and funding of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. We argue that this is far from a neutral charitable strategy but instead an ideological commitment to promote neoliberal economic policies and corporate globalisation. Big business is directly benefitting, in particular in the fields of agriculture and health, as a result of the foundation’s activities, despite evidence to show that business solutions are not the most effective.

Perhaps what is most striking about the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is that despite its aggressive corporate strategy and extraordinary influence across governments, academics and the media, there is an absence of critical voices. Global Justice Now is concerned that the foundation’s influence is so pervasive that many actors in international development, which would otherwise critique the policy and practice of the foundation, are unable to speak out independently as a result of its funding and patronage.
The Nigeria article confirms yet another connection:
It reveals that, Bill Gates and Monsanto in collaboration with the WFP and World Bank are implicated in the carnage created by Boko Haram’. It is inevitable that the poor farmers must buy the new seeds from Monsanto or else they would be out of business. The devastation that awaits the farmers in the Northeast is even greater than the present. The cost of seeds from Monsanto could go as high as 30 times as was the experience in India with Bt Cotton , where 300,000 farmers committed suicide because they could not meet up with costs of seeds.
Despite the false promises and propaganda, the scientific facts show that GMO crops are failing to control pests and weeds, and have instead led to the emergence of superpests and superweeds. 
Monsanto which is owned in part by Bill Gates, the American billionaire who is actively engaged in Nigeria personally, and through several envoys including Melinda Gates, NGOs, and proxies in the World Bank and Africa Development Bank, has worked relentlessly to deceive Africa leaders and trick them into approving GMOs and Hybrid seeds. Bill Gates wants to control the seed market for all foods in Africa’s most populous nation, Nigeria. (Italicized-bold emphasis added).
Now throw in one more context for this emerging trend: the clear involvement of billionaire busibodies like Gates and Soros in formulation of domestic and foreign policy via their privileged  tax exempt foundations. And increasingly, their policies and "science" are revealed not only to be inhuman, but anti-human, regardless of the rationalizations they may tell themselves.
So where am I going with all this? It's time to have a discussion about "charitable foundations" - all of them - and their relationship to governments and the big mega-corporations.  I think it's high time for another Reece committee investigation of foundations. And my suggestion for chief counsel for said committee would Julian Assange. And my suggestion for that putative committee would be to start at the top: Rockefailure, the billionaire busybody Gates,  Darth Soros, the whole lot of them.
Let's call this moment of history, the "Philippe le Bel" moment of history.
Philip was, of course, the King of France who - so the official narrative goes - had so indebted himself and France that he approached the Templar Order for a loan, and was refused. He then decided to shut down the order in a coordinated raid on all their houses and preceptories throughout France, all on one day, via secret and sealed orders. The reason, he wanted to get his hands on the fabled "Templar Treasure" and "ledgers and papers." What he found was nothing. And ever since academics have listed the "fabled Templar Treasure" and "ledgers" as just another conspiracy theory for which there was no evidence. Templar fleets had set sail (so the story goes), perhaps taking their archives and treasure with them.  Academics, of course, miss the point, but it's one that anyone of common sense will understand: the Templar order, the richest in Europe, was involved in banking, in policy making, in warfare. To find the treasure, to know for sure if they were up to sedition against the King, one had to have the key to all that: not the physical stocks of bullion, but the ledgers, the records.  And yet, when Philippe le Bel struck, there was...
... nothing.
Let that sink in for a moment, and while you do, recall that the  chief council for the Reece committee, Rene Wormser, stated in his book about that committee, Foundations, Their Power and Influence, that the modern tax-exempt foundation was but a new form of the old mediaeval military crusading orders, like... the Templars.
So what would such a committee find by summoning and subpoenaing the records of those foundations? Probably nothing... sanitized records, missing records... but that, in itself, would speak volumes.  Especially if those foundations have been penetrated, and copies made...

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