
Saturday, February 25, 2017

A PERSPECTIVE ON AMBASSADOR CHURKIN’S DEATH FROM SPUTNIK…                    ~ hehe the "whack~in" war IS heat~in UP & folks how long do ya think ole Putin is gonna put up wit ...this     4 "he" starts ..."whack~in" ...back HUH ??? 
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Last Thursday during my News and Views from the Nefarium   I pointed out that others are beginning to pick up on the "pattern" that seems to be emerging with the deaths of highly placed Russian officials or ambassadors. I suggested that we were looking at a full scale "mafia" war taking place, with one "family" taking out the "soldiers", in this case, diplomats and other highly placed officials, of the other. Citing an article of Adam Garrie that appeared on the website Global Research, I pointed out that this site, while not officially tied to the Russian government nor any of its media organs, does take a more or less consistent pro-Russian point of view. Because it appeared on such a site, I suggested that if Russia suspected a pattern to these deaths, it would signal this via its official organs, and that, if the activity continued, a response would eventually be made.
As I've said on many occasions, two can play the covert operations game. I suggested, however, that this response would come in the form of highlighting western covert operations activities.
Well... no sooner said than done, for in this week's pile of emails, I found the following stories shared by Mr. D.S.M. First, there was a short message of condolences to Mr. Churkin's family and to the Russian government from President Trump:
However, a much more thought-provoking article appeared in Russia's Sputnik online magazine, indicating that Mr. Churkin had apparently, as early as 2015, been involved in the investigation of - sit down for this one - human organ trafficking rings in Kosovo:
I cite almost the entirety of the Sputnik article:
MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Last month, the West urged Kosovo to create a court to look into the matter after the allegations of organ harvesting were first mentioned in a 2010 report to the Council of Europe.
According to the document, perpetrators killed Serb captives to remove and sell their organs during the war.
"There have been delays in establishing the Special Court to investigate the crime carried out by the KLA including the trade in human organs," Churkin said.
Now it does not take much "high octane speculation" nor "high octane imagination" to see how this connection might spill over into a whole range of connections to similar brewing and simmering scandals in the news, such as child trafficking, Pizzagate, sex trafficking, human trafficking, organ harvesting, abortion mills... you name it. If indeed Mr. Churkin was mentioning such things in 2015, then it was with the knowledge and perhaps even the instruction of the Russian government itself. This implies, in its turn, that the Russian government was investigating such things on an international scale.
If this "reading between the lines" is correct, then Russia was sending messages via its principal ambassador to the world's principal international body, the U.N., and doing so prior to the current scandals concerning such things that have emerged in the American, Canadian, British, and other western press. One is thus tempted to view Churkin's death with an even more jaundiced eye, and to suspect that perhaps his untimely death was engineered as a warning by those parties conducting such activities for the Russians to "back off," which, of course, I highly doubt they will do.
Within this context, it is perhaps significant that one of the Presidential Executive Orders which was issued by President Trump shortly after the confirmation of Mr. Sessions to the post of Attorney General, explicitly mentions international human trafficking in its main text:
Interestingly enough, as all of this is occurring, many members sent me the following story in which it appears the Russian government is officially getting into the "infowars" game, and specifically labeling various articles in the Western press as "Fake News":
As the reader will have noted, this is the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Surprisingly, the following article links to a Santa Monica Observer article which the Russian website says is "Fake News":
However, one wonders exactly why the Russian government has so labeled the article: is it because it raises the question of the pattern of deaths of high Russian officials? Or is it because of something else? Personally, I find this suspicious, because as I pointed out in last Thursday's News and Views from the Nefarium, the same pattern was discussed on the Global Research website, which, again, while not being an official media organ of the Russian government, does have a consistent pro-Russian point of view. All one is told on the Foreign Ministry website is that the Santa Monica Observer article "puts forward information that does not correspond to reality." One is left to guess what this information is, according to the Foreign Ministry.
I suspect, however, that here as elsewhere, one must parse the statement carefully: "information" would imply that there are details within the article that the Russian government disputes. But perhaps what is not being disputed is the overall pattern itself.
Whatever one may suspect here, three things seem clear: (1) Churkin appeared to be familiar with Russian government investigations of human trafficking organizations and, as a diplomat, would have had the sanction of his government to raise the issue in the context of Kosovo; (2) the people running such organizations would therefore have a motive to remove him; and (3) the Trump administration itself, per its executive order, has explicitly stated that such organizations exist and that said organizations are international in extent and organization. In this context, it would seem that the Russian government, in qualifying the Churkin article as "Fake News" and stating that it contains "information" not corresponding to "reality" might be referring to the tangential details concerning Churkin's love life and the places and circumstances of his death. For the moment, we don't know. But for the moment, there is I would aver a larger context from which the event might be viewed, and that is the whole emerging issue of human trafficking and the international organizations conducting it.                                 

Four Dead Russian Diplomats in Three Months



Dead Russian diplomats: others are noticing the pattern now:
Vitaly Churkin was one of the wisest voices in international diplomacy.  His voice will no longer echo in the halls of the United Nations. Articulate, polite yet commanding, wise yet affable, he oversaw some of Russia’s and the world’s most important events in a position he occupied since 2006.
Churkin had to face a great deal of hostile criticism from both the Bush and Obama administrations during his time at the UN, but he always did so with grace. He never failed to explain the Russian position with the utmost clarity.
Standing next to some of his colleagues, he often looked like a titan in a room full of school children.
His death, a day before his 65th birthday, is a tragedy first and foremost for his family, friends and colleagues. It is also a deeply sad day for the cause of justice, international law and all of the principles of the UN Charter which Churkin admirably upheld in the face of great obstacles.
His death however raises many uncomfortable questions…
Here are 5 things that must be considered:

1.  A Macabre Pattern Has Emerged

Beginning in 2015, there were several deaths within the Russian Diplomatic corps and a special Russian Presidential adviser.
First there was Russia’s RT founder and special adviser to President Putin, Mikhail Lesin. He died in November of 2015 in his hotel room. Reports said that he appeared discombobulated during his last sighting before he died. Later it emerged that he died of a blunt head trauma. Drinking was blamed, but many questions were left unanswered.
Earlier last month, Andrei Malanin, a Senior Russian Diplomat to Greece was found dead in his bathroom. The causes of death remain unknown.
Just last month, Russia’s Ambassador to India, Alexander Kadakin, an always prestigious role, died of a heart attack, although no one was aware of any previous health issues.
In December of last year Russia’s Ambassador to Turkey was assassinated by a lone jihadi gunmen in an art gallery.  There was no effective security as the killer simply walked up to Ambassador Andrei Karlov and shot him multiple times in the back.
Vitaly Chirkin is the highest profile member of Russia’s diplomatic corps to die in recent years.

2. A Motive For Foul Play?

Each of the recently deceased Russian Ambassadors were high profile targets for miscreants and criminals, whether state actors, mercenaries or fanatics.
Lesin was a instrumental in the creation of RT, a news outlet which has come under constant attack from the western establishment.
Malanin had overseen a period of warming fraternal relations between Greece and Russia at a time when Greece is feeling increasingly alienated from both the EU and NATO.
Karlov is said to be responsible for helping to facilitate the rapprochement between Presidents Erdogan and Putin.
Kadakin oversaw a period of renewed tensions between India and Pakistan at a time when Russia was trying to continue its good relations with India whilst building good relations with Pakistan.
On the 31st of December, 2016, Churkin’s resolution on a ceasefire in Syria passed in the UN Security Council after months of deadlock. The resolution is still in force.
Anyone who wanted to derail the diplomatic successes that the aforementioned men achieved for Russia would have a clear motive to extract vengeance.

3. Who Stands To Gain?

In the matter of Karlov, any derailment of restored Russo-Turkish relations would be good for those happy for Turkey to continue her support of jihadists in Syria rather than moving towards accepting a Russian and indeed Iranian brokered peace process which respects the sovereignty of Syria as Russia and Iran always have, but Turkey has not.
In the case of Lesin, anyone wanting ‘vengeance’ for RT’s popularity would be able to say that a kind of former media boss was taken down.
For Malanin, many fear that if ‘Grexit’ happens, Russia will become an increasingly important partner for Greece. The EU would not like one of its vassal states enjoying fruitful relations with Russia, a country still under sanctions from Brussels.
For Kadakin, it is a matter of interest for those wanting Pakistan to continue favouring western powers and not wanting Russia to be able to mediate in conflict resolutions between New Delhi and Islamabad.
Churkin had come to dominate the UN in ways that his counterparts on the Security Council simply could not. No one really stood a chance in a debate with Churkin. His absence leaves open the possibility for a power vacuum that would makes other peoples’ jobs easier.

4. Where The Deaths Took Place

Each death took place on foreign soil. Mr. Karlov’s killing in particular, exposed the weakness of his security contingent. If security was that weak in a comparatively volatile place like Turkey, it goes without saying that security in states considered more politically stable would be even more lax.
Again it must be said that a non-biased detective might say that the only pattern which has emerged is that many people in the Russian diplomatic corps and related institutions have heart attacks. Maybe they eat fatty foods every day and drink and smoke too much. But if this was this case, why are the heart attacks all on foreign soil?
If all of the former Ambassadors except Karlov were really in bad health, is it really just a coincidence that none of these men had a health scare on Russian soil? Again, a pattern has emerged.

5. The Ethics of Speculation?

Many will say that it is too early to suspect foul play. Indeed, I must make it clear that this is simply speculation based on a pattern of tragic and at times unexplained events, combined with the objective reality that because of Russia’s recently elevated profile as a born-again geopolitical superpower, Russia is a bigger target for international criminals than it was in the broken 1990s or the more quiet early 2000s.
When such events happen, one’s duty is to speculate so that better health and  safety precautions are taken to ensure the wellbeing of Russia’s important diplomats. Furthermore, if foul play is a factor, it means that such seemingly unrelated events must be investigated more thoroughly.
Russia has historically suffered from invasion, revolution and more recently from immense international pressure. The Russian people, like Russia’s ambassadors are entitled to the peace and long lives deserved by any member of a country that has suffered for too long.

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