
Thursday, January 5, 2017

PARABIOSIS AND THE “ELITE”          ~what's "happening" 2 ALL the "missing" ! HUH !!!

This very important article was shared by Ms. S.H., and it's one of those articles that compels attention, and sharing here.
But first a little background. My co-author Dr. Scott deHart and I noted in our book Transhumanism: A Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas, that various schemes were being pursued by the super-wealthy and their subsidiary technocratic "elites" to transform mankind into... something else. Chief among these pursuits and schemes are various ideas to render humans immortal, or to come as close as possible, via scientific and technological means. The schemes range from downloading and uploading a person's memories and so on, into a computer, to cloning, genetic and nano-medicine designed to combat diseases and repaid body tissue and organs, to 3-D printing and manufacture of organs, and so on. Some transhumanists speak openly of the prospects of virtual immortality by these means, endless clones of an individual whose personality "emgrams" are downloaded and uploaded.
And among the means being pursued for this "alchemy of immortality" is parabiosis:
The essence of the concept, as reported in the article, first was reported in an article in the scientific journal Nature, which stated the following:
In the past few years, however, a small number of labs have revived parabiosis, especially in the field of ageing research. By joining the circulatory system of an old mouse to that of a young mouse, scientists have produced some remarkable results. In the heart, brain, muscles and almost every other tissue examined, the blood of young mice seems to bring new life to ageing organs, making old mice stronger, smarter and healthier. It even makes their fur shinier. Now these labs have begun to identify the components of young blood that are responsible for these changes. And last September, a clinical trial in California became the first to start testing the benefits of young blood in older people with Alzheimer’s disease. (Emphasis added)
And there you have it: the "blood of the young" apparently rejuvenates older tissues when injected into a compatible organism, in this case, mice. The article raises some disturbing questions, but there is a statement that caught my eye, and I suspect it caught yours as well:
McCay’s experiments were originally funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. Scroll down the sample page and note the study was done with grants from the Office of Naval Research in conjunction with none other than the Rockefeller Foundation. It seems this organization has it’s fingers in every little pie. (Emphases in the original)
Rockefeller, and ONR(The Office of Naval Research). While nothing surprises me any more about the ghoulish and macabre activities funded by the Rockefailure foundation - after all, these geniuses were the ones who also gave us agribusiness, and with that, ultimately the GMO, and let's not forget their involvement in the 1930s eugenics research, progressivist "edgykayshun" and a whole host of other nutty ideas - what caught my eye here was the Office of Naval Research. While doing our research for our book on Transhumanism, Dr. deHart uncovered something that to this day perplexes me, and that was the discovery that the Department of Energy at the Oakridge National Laboratories in Tennessee was sponsoring research into the genetic basis of a list - and a very odd list it is, too! - of traits, from genetic predispositions to alcoholism, perfect musical pitch, tongue curling, ear wiggling, and homosexuality! One wonders indeed what any of these things have to do with energy, and why one would be researching them at a nuclear energy laboratory.
What unites these bizarre stories is the connection to the military, and to the "elite." All of that suggests that these things are being researched for one simple reason: they are perceived as avenues to the expansion of their power, and certainly longevity and control of its means would be one such expansion.
But another thought occurred to me as I read this article, and herewith my high octane speculation of the day, for I cannot help come away from this article feeling - perhaps a better word here would be intuiting - that there is some sort of deep connection between the phenomenon of parabiosis, and all the stories we've seen in the past few decades, of pedophilia scandals and child sex-slavery rings, from all over the world, stories that have ranged the whole spectrum, up to and including occult rituals and human sacrifice. Certain members of the "elite" do seem oddly long-lived, even as their faces sag like melting wax on a wax museum replica. And some of these have publicly expressed an interest in parabiosis.
Of course, it's purely speculation. I know of no detailed evidence of any sort to connect the two stories. But then again, there have been people who have suspected such connections. And they end up vilified, persecuted in various ways, laughed at, or simply dead by all-too-convenient accident. And perhaps that information about ONR and the Rockefailure foundation is a clue as to why. The article ends on this note, and it echoes my own suspicions:
This is all very disturbing and not pleasant to consider by any means. The logical deduction does not lead to a good place. An industrial procurement system would have to be established cataloging the type of blood, it’s origin and vintage(age). We know that ethics are no boundary to the elite throughout history. Any rational person would have to ask themselves this question. How long before the appetites of the rich and powerful create a  market for the blood of the young? If they haven’t already.

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