
Sunday, December 18, 2016

DC PizzaGate: A Primer UPDATED 12/15

Warning: Reading this article will result in what is known as being red-pilled.
I’ve created this blog to share the information Anonymous has collectively gathered and researched about a suspected pedophilia and human trafficking ring that we seem to have uncovered existing within our DC politicians and the elite class.
It all started with one incredibly suspicious Podesta email that had skeptics suggesting they weren’t actually talking about pizza, but rather in code. Here it is:
If this is not speaking in code, then it makes absolutely NO SENSE. Not a single person has been able to offer a coherent explanation on what this could mean if ACTUALLY pizza and map related…
Not to mention this disturbing “coincidence”:
Read the headliner above on the website Evie’s Crib Blog: “Evelyn is growing up. Soon she will be the queen of the entire US of A. right now, for a limited time only, you can spend some time with her online, raw and uncut. Take advantage of this now, as in the future she will have the power of life and death over you.” FUCKING BARF. UPDATE 12/12: This blog is now viewable by invitation only. Archived version – Evie’s Crib The bottom email is from JOHN PODESTA’S email dump by Wikileaks and speaks of children in pools as “further entertainment”. The woman pictured above, Tamera Luzzatto (aka “Grand Tam”, “Farmer L”), served as Chief of Staff to Hillary Clinton and now works at Pew Charitable Trusts according to Tamera Luzzatto’s Work History Edit: 1981 documentary Boys for Sale references child prostitution and trafficking as the “farm circuit”.
For those still not convinced there is code being used, here’s a few more examples (although this is not even close to exhaustive coverage):
In other Podesta emails, a pizza joint called “Comet Ping Pong Pizza” is referenced multiple times. You can find this at Wikileaks Podesta search = Comet
This is where it starts to get weird, and I will try to bring in only the most relevant evidence. John Podesta is Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, and he served as a counselor to Obama. He acted as Chief of Staff to Bill Clinton. He is not an elected official, but it is clear he has real influence in American politics. In the emails, you will read this Comet Ping Pong seems to be a hot-spot, serving as a fundraiser location for both Obama and Hillary Clinton. Why would they choose a pizza joint supposedly kid-friendly with the main attraction being PING PONG TABLES??
First suspicious activity is merely its location. Check out the unclassified FBI pedophilia symbology:
^Source: FBI Issued Pedophile Symbols UNCLASSIFIED
Comet Pizza is located across the street from Beyond Borders, which says on its website it works to “end child slavery and violence against girls” in Haiti and it is a subsidiary of the Clinton Foundation Charity. Confirmation of these facts can be found by visiting website: Beyond Borders
Okay, all coincidence so far. Let’s take a look at the symbology seen in this area. First Comet Ping Pong:
Weird, but proves nothing. Now let’s look at the Besta Pizza symbol two stores down from Comet and owned by former DOJ employee Andrew Kline of the human trafficking unit – a position he was appointed to by Bill Clinton. Source: Besta Owner Research
Please refer back to known pedophile symbology. This one is so blatantly obvious, it’s disgusting. But anyone could say this is all just speculation. UPDATE 11/10: BESTA HAS CHANGED THEIR LOGO New Besta Logo
Let’s look across the street from Comet, at the Terasol Bistro and Artisan Gallery that is two stores away from Clinton’s Beyond Borders. This was found on their website. Please look toward the bottom.
Notice the adult hand with a kid’s hand inside unclassified FBI pedophile symbol for girl lover – the double heart. GIVE ME A BREAK. These people are hiding in plain sight. UPDATE 11/13: TERASOL HAS REMOVED THE DOUBLE HEART Updated Terasol Website
Okay, I know everything continues to be just speculation. Now it’s going to take a turn for the ugly, and VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED. THESE IMAGES CONTAIN DISTURBING MATERIAL.
The owner of Comet Ping Pong is James Alefantis. He also owns a Buck’s Fishing and Camping restaurant in the same strip mall which oddly advertises cutting meat with a machete: Buck’s Fishing and Camping Website Alefantis was rated by GQ as one of the “50 Most Powerful People in Washington”.
James, Instagram user “jimmycomet”, is the ex-lover of Correct the Record’s David Brock (a pro-Hillary super PAC which has gone on record stating it funds millions of dollars for online trolls to confront anyone talking negatively about Hillary Clinton on social media such as Facebook, Reddit, YouTube, Twitter and yes, even 4chan). We happened to find his Instagram… and this is when it starts to get very disturbing. UPDATE 11/08: THE JIMMYCOMET ACCOUNT HAS BEEN MADE PRIVATE BUT JAMES BTFO, DOESN’T UNDERSTAND HOW THE INTERNET WORKS. ARCHIVED VERSION – James “jimmycomet” Alefantis Instagram
Here we see a unique Jeffrey Dahmer-inspired sculpture posted on James’ Instagram. This is important because the owner of this one-of-a-kind art piece is none other than Tony Podesta (John Podesta’s brother). In the comments, Alefantis even admits this is indeed at Tony’s house. Check out the Washington Post article talking about Tony’s “art”…
[…Podesta residence hung with multiple color pictures by Katy Grannan, a photographer known for documentary-style pictures of naked teenagers…]
Tony mentions in a different article one of his favorite artists is Biljana Djurdjevic. Here’s a quick look at some of her art. If this woman isn’t/wasn’t a victim, I will eat my own shoe. (Material copyright of Biljana Djurdjevic) Visit her website if you would like to have nightmares and suffer PTSD from paintings of kids lying face down in ponds.
It is worth reference to look at Kim Noble’s art, who is known for suffering Satanic Ritual Abuse and her personality has permanently splintered into different entities. In this painting, you can see five adults standing in what looks to be a pentagram. Below the child being raped, there is a handkerchief and this appears in multiple of Kim’s paintings. Apparently the handkerchiefs are put under the child to collect blood/semen as a token or “map”. Hmm, where else have we heard about a handkerchief with a map recently?  
Copyright Kim Noble, victim of SRA
Back to the owner of Comet Ping Pong Pizza – let’s take a look at some of his Instagram posts and please tell me it does not make your skin crawl. Is anybody surprised he’s a fan/friend of Marina Abramovic, Ms. Satanic Spirit Cooker herself? If you want to learn how blood, semen, urine, breast milk and slicing your own left middle finger are used in this ‘occult magic’, watch Marina’s very own YouTube guide: Marina Spirit Cooking. She’s relevant because we recently learned through Podesta leaks she likes to hold private Spirit Cooking nights at her house and invite the Podesta brothers. On a Reddit AMA, she even admitted herself, “If you are doing the occult magic in the context of art or in a gallery, then it is art. If you are doing it in a different context, in spiritual circles on in private houses or on TV shows, it is not art.” Marina ‘AMA’ Screenshot Okay, then what is it Marina? C’mon people, don’t be blind.
I’m sure it’s just a coincidence this “performance artist” hangs out with top celebrities like Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Jay Z and Kim Kardashian (to name only a few). Totally normal stuff, guys. More concerning is that she hangs out with arguably the most powerful lobbyist in Washington D.C., John Podesta.

About four years ago, a random baby pops up on his feed. Read the comment “cuteness is very serious business.. Seriously“. Sure, not too disturbing until you look at this pic:
Not too disturbing? THEN WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS.
To me, it looks like she’s being desensitized to bondage. Notice someone even says “this is pretty creepy bro” in the comments. Ping pong table in the background…

La boum boum is apparently slang for prostitution originating from Asian brothel houses in which the women spoke little English.
Here’s a preliminary compilation from 4chan.
^Notice in the lower left corner, there is a picture of a freezer room enlarged below.
James captions it “Oh yeah this looks fun“, a friend comments #killroom and James responds #murder. Going to the friend’s Instagram, user “werkinonmahnightcheese” who also went private since PizzaGate broke, you could find pictures of small coffins and other disturbing content.
Here’s more incriminating evidence:
It gets weirder. Anon found the Instagram of a person named Josh who works at Comet Ping Pong. Check this out:
image2 (1).PNG
Notice he even tags Comet Ping Pong as the location? “CUM VISIT!“. Honey has a specific connotation in the pedophile world – I’ll let you use your imagination.
Some more completely appropriate posts for a “kid-friendly” place:
^For those who don’t know Instagram well, tagging Comet Ping Pong as the location means that anybody can view these pictures while browsing the ‘tagged photos’ tab.
Here’s a man wearing glasses which look oddly similar to the ‘little boy lover’ logo.
image3 (2).PNG

Should we be concerned James Alefantis is invited to the #whitehousechristmasparty to watch a young boy play ping pong with the president?
I am going to move away from Comet Ping Pong now, although there is other very weird things going on there but I can’t cover it all. This is bigger and deeper than just one pizza place.
Comet markets itself to be kid-friendly, yet a woman named Sasha Lord designs and/or promotes these really messed up posters to advertise upcoming bands playing.
Notice how the poster on the left looks a lot like the Jeffrey Dahmer art. Also, on the pizza poster, WHAT THE FUCK IS PIZZA EXORCISM? And why is it all ages? Internet searching the band Heavy Breathing returns interesting results. A member of the band is named Amanda Kleinman, aka “Majestic Ape”. Check out one of her many seriously disturbing YouTube videos where she refers to herself as “puppet” and literally talks like a baby (using w’s instead of l’s, etc.). I chose this video because she has drawn what is known as a “changeling” – a mythology reference to a spirit that steals a human child and replaces it. Fucking creepy. Kleinman Puppet Video UPDATE: (REMOVED BY USER) Here’s a different unsettling video of her “performance art” at Comet Ping Pong in which she jokes about pedophilia and euthanizing a baby.
Here’s a totally normal picture from Heavy Breathing’s mobile website:
^I don’t recommend going there because it’s just plain gross, and yes there’s lots of pedophile references by this band. But if you insist: Heavy Breathing Website
Here’s another band apparently worthy of performance at a family-friendly pizzeria:
If your child told you they were going to an all ages show by a band named Sex Stains, would you be cool with it or call the police? What about if you watched one of their videos and saw the boy lover logo in it??
The picture on the left is art from Comet Pizza. This was visible from multiple posts and YouTube videos from Comet’s own social media. Notice the two people with antlers are holding decapitated heads. Okay… *shivers* Picture on the right is a leaked photo from the Rothschild “Illuminati Party” in 1972. We see Philippine Rothschild wearing similar antlers. What does it mean? Maybe it’s some rich people pedophile thing we peasants don’t understand. UPDATE 11/27: I looked into antler symbology  and found the following sentence… “When we see antler horned gods they usually are associated with fertility, nature, sexual\creative energy, and earth magic.” 
The artist of this particular piece featured in Comet is Arrington de Dionyso. Here’s some more of his art, in case you think the decapitated heads thing is purely coincidental:
Okay so at very best, these are very odd, probably Satanic people. At worst, they are part of a massive pedophile and human trafficking ring that involves some of the world’s most powerful people. Is it a coincidence Clinton Foundation only works in countries that do not issue birth certificates? Or that Bill Clinton rode on Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’ 26 times (that we know of)?
Even creepier is that we KNOW there are abandoned underground tunnels in DC, and there are some very close to Comet Pizza’s Connecticut Avenue. Look at these posts:
What are they doing? Notice the ping pong table against the wall? UPDATE 11/12: Anon checked with the city, and neither Comet Pizza or neighboring businesses have filed a building permit within the last three years. It is off record whatever they had done here.
Knowing all this, it may become creepier to see John Podesta has a piece of artwork in his office portraying cannibalism. Below is a real picture from his office seen in a Politico exposè about the Clinton campaign in 2015, with his face photo-shopped in so casual observers know who this art belongs to. Source: Podesta’s Art Depicting Cannibalism
Another name of interest is Rachel Chandler. She is pictured below with Bill Clinton at what most expect is age 15. She even writes on her Instagram (before it went private) she was only 14 when pictured with P. Diddy, 17 with Eminem. Now on her Tumblr and Instagram, there are photos of random half-naked children. Rachel “Child Handler” Tumblr  We believe she might be involved in recruiting, or what is known as a “handler” in the human trafficking world. Rachel Chandler is a professional photographer seemingly in the fashion industry whose own wedding was featured in Vogue, yet a lot of the photos of the very young “models” on her social media accounts have sexual tones to them. The evidence on Instagram was more damning, but we can no longer access her posts.

Researching Bill, we have encountered the name Kevin Reynolds who owns suspicious East Hampton Babysitters and Vacation Concierge. The East Hampton Babysitters business website asks “Need a massage?“. The link takes you to a site which explains Kevin Reynolds actually “pioneered infant massage programs“. 

^Links (WARNING, UNCENSORED):     Photo 1      Photo 2      Photo 3
It doesn’t stop there. Look close enough and you may see it in places you’d never believe.
Actual friendship bracelet these sick fucks made public on Joe Biden’s Twitter
This is very disturbing stuff, and I believe any sane citizen can connect these dots and say something very sinister is happening. I am honestly horribly frightened at what we’ve uncovered, and I fear for the life of those who try to expose it, including my own.
UPDATE 11/9 – Anon has learned of a password secured area for Comet Pizza This is extremely odd for a pizza place. Within hours, Anon had infiltrated the servers. I’m not a hacker, so I’m just relaying information here, but it seems there is extensive security which even our best men have not been able to breach. ALL THAT TO PROTECT A PIZZA JOINT? They have confirmed the coded files able to be viewed but not downloaded are video files.
UPDATE 11/10 – Besta Pizza officially changed their logo. Dr. Pong Site is hosted by the same admin that hosts They advertise on the Dr. Pong menu “sticky as a long, slow summertime fuck – 10,000”. WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK.
Regarding the Clinton-Haiti child trafficking suspicions, read this article: Clinton Foundation Connected to Convicted Child Trafficker Laura Silsby  Guess who is VP of Marketing at AlertSense, the company which provides the technology for the Amber Alert system? LAURA SILSBY (now with new last name)! AlertSense Executive Board
UPDATE 11/12 – 4chan was under DDoS attack yesterday. This began around the time we discovered two things: 1) the images in Podesta Wikileaks may contain encrypted data through steganography. So far we have not been able to extract the data, but it seems a promising lead. Many suspect if extracted, we would find the smoking gun – child porn. Obviously this is just speculation at this point. UPDATE: I am reading conflicting anecdotal reports. Some people say there is nothing there. Others say it is nearly impossible to decrypt without the key. Some agency is continually muddying the waters in our platforms. When Anon first suggested pizza.jpg contained encrypted data in the 4chan thread, all these shills came out of no where and started screaming absurd things such as “run a magnet over your hard drive” and “destroy your computer now or you’re going to prison!”. This reaction alone seems highly suspect. 2) The name Arun Rao is connected through James Alefantis’ Instagram. He works for the DOJ and he is also responsible for prosecuting human traffickers. Many people have accurately pointed out between Arun Rao and Andrew Kline, this may be the most significant incident of the ‘fox guarding the hen house’ we have ever seen.
 ^Best pic I have for now.
Unfortunately, 4chan mods started deleting the 100+ thread archives of over five days worth of collective investigative research. Some of this information is likely lost forever. We had a huge crowd-sourced investigation, like nothing ever undertaken before with hundreds of leads and connections documented, and now most threads are gone. 4chan also started banning users randomly. I posted a few pics like I had been doing for days now related to Podesta and PizzaGate, and suddenly I was given a four day ban for failing to post content “related to current events or politics”. They are definitely trying to silence us, there is no doubt. If that is not admission of guilt, I’m not sure what is.
UPDATE 11/17 – A woman by the name of Monica Petersen who was investigating child trafficking in Haiti in possible connection to the Clintons has been reported deceased. This was confirmed through her personal Facebook page. We continue her fight.
UPDATE 11/21 – Anonymous members 0hour and Eclipse_OW found THOUSANDS of Twitter accounts with ACTUAL child porn posted. Please remember that Twitter has permanently banned people like Milo for ‘saying mean things’, yet somehow these accounts remained. Before being suspended, 0hour had linked to one username saying it was an FBI account. Eclipse_OW was also suspended for trying to report disgusting pedophile accounts. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE 0HOUR AND Eclipse_OW! #TwitterGate
I also read that 2GB of child porn was obtained from WeThePizza’s website. I have not seen confirmation of this yet, though. Quite frankly, I hope not to. This entire experience has shaken me to the core.
If you would like further information, please visit for a comprehensive review of connections and links by this amazing, now international crowd-sourced investigation. EDIT: R/PIZZAGATE BANNED
20:46 UPDATE – Don’t worry, folks. We can all stop investigating. New York Times’ Cecilia Kang calls us crazy and says we should feel bad for the Satanic, sociopathic pedophiles. NYT Calls PizzaGate “Fake News” and Victimizes Pedophiles Snopes’ Kim LaCapria also “confirmed false” without disputing any of the disgusting Instagram pics or the “coincidences” of pedophile symbology all over the block. Now we can all stop talking about it and my PTSD from this investigation can magically disappear! EDIT: VETERANS TODAY SPECIFICALLY ATTACKS MY BLOG Veterans4Pedos
UPDATE 11/22 – The powers that be just shut down the subreddit r/pizzagate, but they let r/pedofriends exist. THINK ABOUT THAT FOR A MINUTE. 1984 is real, folks. Deleting subreddits and 4chan threads surely just SCREAMS innocent, right?? They claimed our crowd-sourced investigation is a “witch hunt”. LOL at admitting your Satanists. It’s not our fault Alefantis post incriminating photos sexualizing infants to the internet publicly. Too many mothers, fathers and concerned citizens have seen the Instagram pictures and nightmare-inducing art to just let this all go as “fake news”.
UPDATE 11/23 – We are being bombarded by trolls continually gaslighting the accounts talking about PizzaGate online. Who pays these people? Only ad hominem attacks, nothing of real merit. Trust me, I do NOT want all this to be true, but until someone can explain the code talk, the Instagram pictures, the bands and businesses with all the pedophile symbols, I have to assume this is AT MINIMUM very important to look into. I keep reading the same robotic talking points, “This is a 4chan hoax!”. In response, I say Wikileaks emails are 100% accurate. The screenshots of James Alefantis’ Instagram are 100% genuine (I saw them personally before he went private). All other information is available online to confirm for yourself, please DO YOUR RESEARCH BEFORE SPREADING DISINFORMATION THAT THIS BLOG CONTAINS “FAKE NEWS”. The only thing I can not 100% verify the source from is the Obama picture. Some Anon posted it on 4chan and I haven’t seen any other sites reference it. Was it FBIAnon helping us out?
UPDATE 11/24 – Reddit CEO u/spez admits to shadow EDITING user comments without admin permission. Suspected Media Matters (connected to Alefantis’ ex-lover David Brock) disinformation talking points re: PizzaGate identified and seem to be an adaptation from Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals (dedicated to Lucifer) which is meant to create “agitator-propagandists”:
  1. Accuse the accusers of what you are guilty of
  2. Gaslight (make one question one’s own sanity)
  3. Discredit source: 4chan hoax, autistic troll, obsessed with pedophiles, conspiracy theorist, alt-right, internet sleuths, psyop to false flag for fake news suppression etc.
  4. Do not acknowledge evidence, EVER
Please take this knowledge with you when on social media. Do not engage the trolls – just block them, otherwise they SUCCEED BY DISTRACTING YOU FROM INFORMING REAL PEOPLE. #PizzaGate #PedoFiles #Pedosta Highjack trending tags.
Go to your local independent media. Keep addressing the issue until they’re forced to acknowledge it. Go to the church. Angry Christians will unite to make their voices heard. If everybody tells only three people, we can multiply our forces exponentially. The more people that know, the more likely law enforcement will be forced into making arrests.
UPDATE 11/27 – Twitter has started locking my account for posting about #PizzaGate. I was forced to delete a jimmycomet’s Instagram pic due to “child sexual exploitation”. Does that count as solid evidence? Fox News and NPR join the list of pedophile protectors today. Below is a collective list of MSM which has completely distorted the facts of the PizzaGate investigation in attempt to slander us as tin-foil hat conspiracy theorists.
  • New York Times
  • Washington Post
  • Bloomberg
  • Zero Hedge
  • Veterans Today
  • NPR
  • Snopes
  • Yahoo
  • Fox News
  • BBC
  • RT America
  • Independent
  • Guardian
  • Seattle Times
  • Globe and Mail
  • CNN
  • CBS
  • NBC
  • The Young Turks
  • Sky News
  • Mashable
  • Daily Kos
  • TIME
  • Colbert Report
  • Business Insider
  • Japan Times
  • BuzzFeed
  • The View
  • SNL
  • Richard Dawkins Foundation
  • YouTube, Google, Twitter, FB, Reddit, Wikipedia, 4chan in the form of censorship
We will not forget. We are the media now. Please comment other MSM sources I have missed attempting to silence us through the “fake news” narrative.
UPDATE 11/28 – New York Times CEO Mark Thompson accused of concealing evidence about notorious pedophile Jimmy Savile; now conceals evidence of #PizzaGate.
UPDATE 11/29 – I was contacted by a producer at The Daily Show for interview. I responded with an email address which presents my real name, so if I stop updating soon then RIP me. Feel free to voice opinions on the matter in the comments. I honestly don’t know if I’m better off revealing myself (because the government already has my IP address, duh) and therefore it would look shady if I died suddenly… or I am better off as simply Anon.
UPDATE 12/01 – BBC joins pedo protectors and runs #PizzaGate hit-piece. It is worth mentioning James Alefantis has now professed on multiple platforms that Comet “doesn’t even have a basement”, yet just last year in an interview with Metro Weekly, he specifically said “Like our sauce — we harvest a whole crop of organic tomatoes — 10 tons of tomatoes every year. Can them all, store them in the basement…”. Ask a police officer whether lying is indication of guilt.😉
I also would like to mention I Google Maps searched Lovettsville in further investigation of the Tamera Luzzatto email to John Podesta which references a “farm in Lovettsville” and children for entertainment. It turns out only one Lovettsville exists and it is in Virginia – only one hour and five minutes away from D.C. in driving time. There are not many farms in this town. That’s why it stood out when Quarter Branch farm had something called the Fazenda Burity located on what looks to be pretty much the same property. The Google Maps description calls the Fazenda Burity a farm, but yet it has photos of a long building with many doors, people dining in an outside gathering area, a pool, and other photos which do not look anything like a farm. Even stranger still, the website listed on Google Maps for this location sends you to a site with a .br (Brazil) extension in Portuguese. Something does not seem right. Hai FBI, I know you’re probably reading this blog. PLEASE INVESTIGATE THIS SHIT.
12/03 – Strong evidence Facebook is censoring (or at least suppressing) #PizzaGate:
All those tags just magically happen to be at 1k? Get real. And I know a lot of us are losing stamina… Feeling helpless because we all know arrests can’t happen now or Obama will just pardon them. I received this email two days ago; at first I didn’t think much of it but it is unlike any other email I’ve received thus far – it featured a lot of extra code, so it has piqued my curiosity. Here it is:
It is cryptic. “You aren’t alone. Friends on the other side, will provide.” I hope it is true.
12/05 – FALSE FLAG ALERT! Many people suspect the supposed gunman yesterday was a false flag meant to be used to scrub PizzaGate from the internet in a way less obvious than the Orwellian route. Why do we think so? Number 1) They released his name as “Edgar Maddison Welch”. Edgar is a failed ACTOR; here’s his IMDB. Number 2) Just last month, the same Edgar Maddison Welch ran over a 13-year-old with his car. This leads to speculation the Comet “shooting” may have been part of a sweetheart deal. Number 3) Somebody moved the street camera which originally faced Comet Pizza so that it’s mostly blocked by a pole when viewed online through the city’s site. Check out this tweet from December 3rd, a day before the Comet incident: Thomas Bernpaine Sees the Future
Take all these odd circumstances into consideration, and you still may not be convinced. The biggest thing that sealed the deal in my mind is the reaction by the mainstream media. Instantly the biggest DNC shills, Jake Tapper etc. begin tweeting about the “dangerous consequences” of “fake news”. A verified account of some unknown-to-me Guardian/Huffington Post/Vice journalist by the name of @karengeier on Twitter begs WordPress to take down MY BLOG because “this is where a lot of them are getting information from” and “why have something even Reddit didn’t want”. CENSORSHIP ALERT, RESISTANCE IS FUTILE. Later at night, I began to see a call from journalists to SUE people like me. Folks, please ask yourselves this – if #PizzaGate were not real, would they have needed to delete 4chan threads and subreddits and now attempt to DELETE AND SUE A PERSONAL BLOG to hide something that is so obviously fake, in their opinion? I must ask why James Alefantis has not contacted me once either to A) clear his name and provide the rational explanation to all this or B) send a letter threatening defamation/libel if I do not take down this article. A friend who is a lawyer told me it is unlikely they would risk the investigation of a defamation suit due to things such as discovery depositions which they open themselves up to. I will provide update if any of the people in this blog contact me, which they can easily do through the contact link on this page… But alas, not a single communication has been made by the whole lot of them. What would be your first course of action if suddenly the internet [wrongly] thought you were a human trafficking pedophile?
12/08 – CENSORSHIP ALERT! Just as many had suspected, the powers that be have now begun the process of removing PizzaGate from the internet. As we speak, YouTube is deleting HUNDREDS of videos which display the evidence presented against those accused. I find this incredibly shocking and appalling because 99% of the information gathered in this investigation has been legally and publicly obtained through Wikileaks, search engine results and James Alefantis’ once PUBLIC Instagram (which has since been archived). I honestly feel I have awoke to find myself in a bad nightmare; I see the difference between North Korea and America is more arbitrary than previously conceived. During the first days of the investigation, this blog was on the first page of Google search results. Even just a week ago when I searched, was on the third page of search results. I searched last night and when simply typing in “pizzagate”, this blog no longer appears in any of the 20 pages of filtered results. That tells me this blog is effective in changing opinions, and it is therefore dangerous. Knowledge is power. Knowledge is a weapon. And that’s why they fear the spreading of this information. For weeks I have been looking at posts which include my blog through Twitter search, but suddenly today the “all tweets” section yields “zero results”, even though the “top tweets” still displays results. Just yesterday, former State Dept. official Steve Pieczenik shared my blog on his Twitter. He has long spoken out about pedophilia within American government. Thank you for your dedication to exposing the truth – you’re a true hero.
Since the false flag event, I have been getting some threats… Calling me a sick fuck, saying I should give out my address so people kind find me, etc. Undoubtedly the majority of the emails I have received have been “thank you for exposing this” and people claiming to be somehow knowledgeable of the inside all saying that everything presented here is true and it goes even deeper. This blog is not meant to present all the evidence gathered; it is simply a red pill for normies.
12/09 – On December 1st, I updated about a farm in Lovettsville (a reference from the Tamera Luzzatto email to John Podesta about kids in the pool as entertainment) I found called Quarter Branch Farm. On December 7th, Quarter Branch posted on Facebook that they are closing permanently. Coincidence or guilty as sin? Thanks to the reader who sent me this tip.
12/14 – BBC has contacted me for comment. Sorry, I don’t do interviews with pedo protectors. I went to the reporter’s Twitter and it was filled with anti-PizzaGate propaganda. I will gladly do interviews with real journalists, as in those who aren’t presstitutes peddling our global overlords’ talking points.
If the mainstream media genuinely wants PizzaGate to go away, they need to SERIOUSLY address these questions instead of dismissing all circumstantial evidence without even acknowledging it.
  1. What was meant by “do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese or pasta?” in the email to John Podesta?
  2. Did Russia plant four years worth of pedophile-themed pictures on James Alefantis’ Instagram? If not, doesn’t he have to answer to what those photos are meant to represent, if just ‘harmless inside jokes’?
  3. Why would the FBI declassify pedophile symbols if they were not well-established? Why did bands (Sex Stains specifically) which performed at Comet for all ages shows contain these near identical symbols in their videos?
  4. What did James Alefantis mean by hashtagging the picture of the freezer room with “murder”?
  5. What did James Alefantis mean by hashtagging the picture of the young toddler with “chickenlovers”, which is known pedophile slang for underage boy lover, while there was no hint to anything relating to chicken in the picture?
  6. Why has mainstream media dismissed PizzaGate as fantasy for weeks now, while producing exactly zero articles which address and counter the evidence in this blog? Why does mainstream media dare not show the actual Podesta emails or Instagram pictures? (I think I know why… THAT SHIT IS DAMNING AS HELL.)
Other points of interest:
For those who are unconvinced such powerful people could sexually abuse children and get away with it:
  1. Banned documentary Conspiracy of Silence CoS on YouTube
  2. The Franklin Cover-up
  3. Boys for Sale (1981 documentary) BfS YouTube
  4. Johnny Gosch’s mother interview Noreen Gosch
  5. Hollywood’s Documented PizzaGate YouTube
If you would like to continue the research and help the global, crowd-sourced investigation to save the children from these horrific, unimaginably evil abuses, many say this is a good place: Voat Pizzagate Thread
Twitter is shadow banning or suspending those who speak up about #PizzaGate. will make Twitter the new Myspace.
Video Responses to PizzaGate:
Message from Anonymous
Titus Frost PizzaGate Intro
PressResetEarth Washington DC Elite Pedophile Ring FULLY EXPOSED
James Alefantis Answers to Angry Protestors
Activist Angel Promotes PizzaGate on Seattle TV Show
Response to ‘Fake News’ MSM Hit-piece
Besta Pizza Employee Admits their Logo was Pedophile Symbol
Payday Monsanto Calls the FBI to Report PizzaGate
Grown Man Teary-eyed Over PizzaGate
PizzaGate en Espanol
PizzaGate in Polish
PizzaGate in Finnish
PizzaGate in German
PizzaGate in Greek
Dank Memes for the Great Meme War 2:
Update 12/15 – A Philosophical Consideration of PizzaGate
Five weeks after discovery of James Alefantis’ Instagram and connecting the dots to Podesta emails, I have had some time to reflect on the ‘bigger picture’.
Firstly, I have been formally trained in logic. It seems clear to me why they do not require this course in high-school; it would make fooling the masses much more difficult. The strategies currently being used are completely fallacious. Their first line of defense is ad hominem (attack the character rather than refute the argument). Next they turn to strawman fallacy, in which an argument is distorted to make easier to attack (e.g., PizzaGaters think Hillary Clinton is running a sex trafficking ring out of a DC pizzeria!… Um, can I get a citation of who ever said that and when? The woman has Clinton Foundation to do her bidding, obviously!). When even calling us every derogatory name under the sun and gaslighting still does not convince people, they have now begun to completely muddy the waters by instead of acknowledging they are perpetrators of an elaborate, evil conspiracy, they claim to be the victims of one (e.g., Russia helped hack the election, McCarthyism hysteria etc.). It is incredibly frustrating because they intentionally will say and copy the EXACT things you accuse them of. This makes it confusing for outsiders to understand who is guilty of what.
Secondly, the response of censorship we are seeing to counteract the spread of PizzaGate is in my eyes just as concerning and dangerous to the welfare of the American public as the suspected Satanic, pedophile thing. IF we allow them to censor THE INTERNET by asking their pals in Silicon Valley to block and delete this content, and suspend this and that account (*cough cough* Twitter), we literally will be unable to prevent other atrocities of high nature because we have set and agreed to a precedent. If we let them silence this issue, we acknowledge moving forward that it is okay for the CIA to sweep this under the rug. It doesn’t matter if a different president comes in – we want ALL administrations to understand exactly who they work for and when there is public outcry, you don’t fucking censor it… YOU ANSWER IT. And not with god damned smear pieces calling all of us nutjobs and “stupid” enough to believe “fake news”. This blog is approaching half a million views. They tried to stop #PizzaGate but just as I predicted, it gained more traction from the Streisand Effect. Next they will likely hire or blackmail someone into actually shooting people at Comet, and then they will try to press legal charges against alternative media like Alex Jones (who was the first and only journalist to sneak into Bohemian Grove and show that our elite ACTUALLY DO participate in Satanic rituals) in attempt to shut them down for good, even though Alex Jones has never said PizzaGate is true but merely acknowledges there are some strange coincidences.
The establishment relies on keeping us divided to prevent us from realizing who’s truly the root of our problems. It is my opinion mainstream media has recently highlighted systemic racism not because they care about black people, but rather to fuel a race war. They want us to be too busy hating each other instead of hating the government. Their worst fear is for ALL Americans turn against them. Our forefathers predicted and put in place protections (IN THE CONSTITUTION) perimeters to guide us in situations of mass corruption. After considering the evidence presented in this blog, I think we can see how arbitrary political lines are now. I feel deeply connected to my fellow humans, because so many of you have publicly decried the abuses and perversions which seem to obviously exist in some form currently in the American elite. I believe it’s because anybody who is not a sociopath can objectively view these matters as morally wrong and reprehensible.
Plato said 2500 years ago that democracy was the second worst type of government, right after tyranny. He said the masses are not well educated enough to elect those those truly in their favor. I did not feel this way initially, but this seems true today. I hope all PizzaGaters remember the lessons here. “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.” – Desmond Tutu. This is for the children.
I have to go to work now, I will edit this philosophical consideration to be better later (if they let me… on Google Chrome and Firefox the edit link began redirecting back on itself. I had to use Tor this time in order to open the edit link. If I stop updating, either I’m dead or they won’t let me lol).

And lastly, I want to say THANK YOU to all my readers, people who have shared this blog and made YouTube videos referencing it to get the word out. The only thing that can possibly overcome this level of evil is a very concerted effort by the masses to stand up and say, “I’M MAD AS HELL AND I’M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!” You all have started the fire, and for the first time in a while, I actually feel hopeful that we can bring these sick perverts to justice. 

Sign off note: Dear MSM, I voted for Bernie then third party. Stop smearing everyone investigating this as alt-right, Trump-supporting internet sleuths! This goes beyond politics; we are all merely concerned citizens and I believe rightfully so. If even 4chan is nauseated by this stuff, it must be pretty bad. Edit: In regards to criticism of the Satanic considerations – I don’t even believe in Jesus or Satan, but I’m calling it like I see it; these people think it’s fun to worship Satan, whatever that may be in reality. I simply think of it as evil and sociopathology. I acknowledge this problem does not inflict only the Democrats, and I know it is documented this exact phenomenon has been happening for decades, if not longer. This is bigger than Comet Ping Pong or even Hillary Clinton; this problem runs deep and that is likely why the entire media is scrambling to cover it up. America is basically at the final boss right now. MSM and the pedo elites underestimated weaponized autism. BTFO.

Disclaimer: I do not condone or support the harassment or any sort of violence against the people listed or referenced in this blog. I do, however, condone peaceful protest and civil investigation, along with the death penalty for convicted pedophiles🙂

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