
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Knowledge, Experience and Beliefs of the Supernatural Environment Cooperative Agreement

~hehe ya wonder or THINK"they" know  sum~thin ? (& maybe just maybe "they" have known some~thin)  fer a very ,very,VERY longgggggggggggggggggggg  ...time ( or maybe"they" wanna know what "we" have ....gathered HUH ? 

Knowledge, Experience and Beliefs of the Supernatural Environment Cooperative AgreementImage result for pics of giants

  • Department or Agency: Department of the Interior
  • Category of Funding Activity: Education
  • Estimated Funding: $150,000

Estimated Funding per Award


Number of Awards


Award Floor


Award Ceiling

National Park Service posted this education cooperative agreement on March 15, 2016. National Park Service is awarding 1 cooperative agreement with an estimated funding amount of $150,000 for Knowledge, Experience and Beliefs of the Supernatural Environment.
Below you will find more detailed information on this cooperative agreement, including funding estimates, eligibility information, similar grants that are available to apply for now, and more.
Data is from



General Information


This Funding Announcement is not a request for applications. This announcement is to provide public notice of the National Park Service (NPS), intention to fund the following project activities without competition. ABSTRACT Funding Announcement P16AS00074 Project Title Knowledge, Experience and Beliefs of the Supernatural Environment Recipient Kawerak, Inc. Total Anticipated Award Amount 150000 Cost Share 0.00 Anticipated Length of Agreement 3 years Anticipated Period of Performance April 1, 2016 ⿿ April 1, 2019 Award Instrument Cooperative Agreement Statutory Authority 54 U.S.C. §101702(a) Cooperative Agreements, Transfer of Service Appropriated Funds CFDA # and Title 15.946-Cultural Resource Management Single Source Justification Criteria Cited N/A Point of Contact Erica Cordeiro OVERVIEW Our project is an examination and documentation of the Bering Strait region indigenous residents⿿ knowledge and beliefs about, and experiences with, supernatural phenomena. ⿿Supernatural⿿ is used here to refer to elements in and aspects of the environment such as little people, unexplained lights, sea monsters, invisible sea birds, animals with transformative powers, a variety of other non-human persons, landscape features with special powers, and other similar phenomena as defined by participants. This project includes collaborations with 17 of the 20 tribes in the Bering Strait region of Alaska. STATEMENT OF JOINT OBJECTIVES/PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN The primary objective of this project is to investigate Bering Strait Inuit residents⿿ beliefs and knowledge about (and experiences with) the supernatural environment, and to examine the roles these play in guiding interactions with animals, the landscape and the environment in general. Other project goals include: 1) To document as fully as possible from archival and other sources what is known about traditional beliefs, knowledge and experience regarding the supernatural, 2) To document contemporary beliefs, knowledge and experiences regarding the supernatural, 3) To explore the importance of the form, contexts, and significance of knowledge sharing about the supernatural, and 4) To return knowledge that has been previously documented to communities in an accessible format. RECIPIENT INVOLVEMENT A. Kawerak, Inc. agrees to: 1. Conduct archival research at the Kawerak Eskimo Heritage Program, Bering Straits Native Corporation and at the Alaska Polar Regions Collection at the University of Alaska Fairbanks to produce a detailed summary of the information pertaining indigenous resident⿿s knowledge about the supernatural environment and how these beliefs guide their interactions with animals, the landscape and the environment in general to make this information accessible to Bering Strait communities. 2. Conduct no less than 80 individual consultations with tribal elders and community members in villages across northwest Alaska including: Brevig Mission, Council, Diomede, Elim, Gambell, Golovon, King Island, Koyuk Mary⿿s Igloo, Nome, Savoonga, Shaktoolik, Shishmaref, Solomon, Stebbins, St. Michael, Teller, Unalakleet, Wales and White Mountain 3. Facilitate community meetings and storytelling nights in the collaborating communities. Community members of all ages will be encouraged to participate. Kawerak, Inc. will document these events through digital recordings. 4. Document community member⿿s personal experience with the supernatural through focus groups held in at least five communities with approximately five or six participants/group. 5. Record audio and/or video and transcribe the storytelling and consultations and to archive these with the Eskimo Heritage Program files. 6. Analyze archival material, transcripts and notes, participant observation notes, focus group and story-telling notes and other texts. 7. Produce a book manuscript, in addition to the archival summary, detailing the projects findings. 8. Report to Bering Strait communities through conferences and other meetings the results of the project (Year 3). NATIONAL PARK SERVICE INVOLVEMENT B. NPS agrees to: 1. Act as liaison with the partner and possible individuals or groups in the Beringia region that may be interested in the Traditional Knowledge of the Native People of Alaska regarding the ⿿Supernatural Environment⿝ and their interactions with the environment and natural world. 2. To the extent possible, assist with organizing workshops and trainings, assist making agreements on using government housing, and other logistical support. 3. Provide technical assistance and safety briefings related to project and geographic location. 4. Utilize the Beringia Program⿿s contacts in Alaska and Russia (especially in Native communities) to inform communities and organizations about the project. Assist with the dissemination of information working with local park units to post information, advertise workshops, and share project activities and outcome on the NPS Shared Beringian Heritage Program website and Alaska National Parks Facebook page. 5. Use the network of contacts, the Shared Beringia Heritage program website, and the Alaska National Parks Facebook page to share information from the final and interim reports with the public, as well as with targeted audiences through the development of a project-specific distribution plan. First and foremost it will be targeted toward the communities in the Bering Strait region. 6. Have the project products translated into Russian.

Key Info

Award Title Knowledge, Experience and Beliefs of the Supernatural Environment
Program Title Cultural Resources Management
Funding Type
Cooperative Agreement
Category of Funding Activity
Cost Sharing

Time Frame

Post Date March 15, 2016
Application Due Date
March 16, 2016
Due Date Info This project was submitted and selected from a 'Request For Proposals' posted 5/18/2015-September 14, 2015.
Archive Date March 24, 2016
This cooperative agreement was posted on March 15, 2016. This is not a request for applications, so please do not apply. Read the description for more information on this cooperative agreement.


Funding Opportunity #
CFDA Number

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