
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

This important article was shared by Ms. B. and Mr. D.W., and I have to talk about it simply because, as most readers familiar with my books are aware, I've posited the existence of a post-war "Nazi International". For those unfamiliar with this concept, however, a brief review would be helpful. By the terms "Nazi International" or "Fascist International", I mean to designate not merely the survival of Nazism and Fascism. Most people are aware that Nazis and Fascists survived World War Two, if for no other reason than by dint of famous novels like Ira Levin's The Boys from Brazil or the movie version with Gregory Peck playing a post-war Dr. Mengele conducting genetics experiments to clone Adolf Hitler himself, and Sir Lawrence Olivier playing a Jewish Nazi hunter determined to stop him. Most people have the idea of post-war surviving Nazis and Fascists hiding out in the wilds of South America, living cushy lives in remote enclaves far from the roving bands of the Mossad hunting them down and (occasionally) finding their prey (Adolf Eichmann).
Levin's famous novel and the famous movie based on it, however, make a more sobering point, and it is exactly the point I have argued in my books: post-war Nazi survival was far from a disorganized rabble simply hiding out in South America. It was organized, financially very well off, deeply interconnected with various levels and agencies of postwar governments and corporations around the world, but it was also possessed of an independent intelligence capability, including the ability to mount covert and "wet" operations, and as well able to conduct and continue some of its wartime black projects and research. Essentially, it is a kind of extra-territorial state, deeply intertwined with other such transnational power networks.  Even Levin's fanciful "plotline" of Mengele conducting advanced genetics projects may have had some kernel of truth, given that only a few years ago a Brazilian village suddenly started producing children with blonde hair and blue eyes from a predominantly Brazilian Indian population. And as for covert post-war operations, in Germany itself there is the famous (though now largely forgotten) episode of the Werner Naumann coup attempt to overthrow the government of Chancellor Adenauer in Bonn and install a new Nazi government, a coup which I detailed in my book The Third Way.
Given this context, this story appeared on RT, and it definitely is worth our consideration and high octane speculation:
I want to draw your attention to these paragraphs:
The German government wants to find out how widely Nazi networks proliferated among the post-WWII chancellery, as well as ministries and agencies, launching an in-depth inquiry to unmask one of the most complex parts of the nation’s history.
The inquiry, at a cost of $4.2mn (4mn euros), will run until 2020, the German Ministry of Culture said in a statement on Saturday. A quarter of that amount will specifically be allocated to uncover Nazi influence on the core of Germany’s political power – the Federal Chancellery.
Investigators want to gain insight into the personal connections among Nazi officials before 1945 and look at how they evolved in the form of post-war networking in the chancellery, the federal ministries, and regional authorities, according to Deutsche Welle.
One of the central figures in the inquiry is Hans Globke, a highly controversial West German official who served as chief of staff and trusted aide to the first post-WWII chancellor, Konrad Adenauer, between 1953 and 1963.
Long before his career on Adenauer’s staff, Globke joined the Nazi Interior Ministry and co-authored the official legal commentary to the notorious Nuremberg laws, the racist regulations that later contributed to a large extent to the rounding up and deportation of German Jews during the Holocaust.
Globke’s bosses at the time were Wilhelm Frick, the Nazi Interior Minister who in 1946 was executed by hanging for war crimes, and Heinrich Himmler, the murderous chief of the SS.
And then there's this:
However, there are signs that the inquiry may not go as smoothly as planned. Many files with tip-offs leading to traces of former Nazi officials in post-war Germany still remain classified, while some of them were even shredded by German secret services.
In the late 1990s, the German intelligence agency, the BND, came under intense scrutiny for destruction of files containing conflicting information as to whether Alois Brunner, a high-ranking SS officer and close confidant of Adolf Eichmann, the architect of the Holocaust, had worked for the agency at some point.
Of course, it is no surprise that the BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst, Federal Security Service) would shred files, for this intelligence agency is simply the official name of General Reinhard Gehlen's old wartime Fremde Heere Ost (Foreign Armies East), the Nazi military intelligence network for eastern Europe and Soviet Russia, which, thanks to bargains made with US intelligence after the war, survived to become the BND. As for Hans Globke and the Nazi influences within the postwar Chancellery, these too I detailed in The Third Way. As I pointed out in that book, many of these influences extend far beyond the German government, into the postwar institutions of "the Europe project." I detailed in that book as well the strong resemblance of the current European Union structure to wartime plans drafted by the Reichsbank, I.G. Farben, and in conjunction and coordination with their Italian Fascist counterparts.
So with all these things already being known, and a matter of public record, why is the German government choosing to do an investigation now? What are the possible motivations for it to do so? What might be the outcome of such investigations? These questions highlight and outline my high octane speculations of the day.
So why now? I suspect the reasons here are many, but there's one in particular that I suspect may be operative. Firstly, Europe is having a backlash against "the European project" due to the refugee crisis and the increasing Islamicization of the continent. This has been largely the policy of Chancellerin Merkel and her lackey in Paris, M. Hollande (who recently announced he would not stand for election again). The governments of Europe have tried to paint the rising political movements on the right against these policies as extremist in their entirety. While I do not doubt that a small segment of these movements are Fascist in ideology and intent, I very much doubt that the vast majority are, or that the leaders of these opposition parties are. But if evidence could be found (or contrived) to connect these movements to post-war Nazi or Fascist organizations, this would go a long way to dissipating them and leaving the current Eurofascists in Brussels in power. It is to be noted that the RT article explicitly states that this investigation will not be concluded until 2020, and that might be an argument against my reading here. However, I doubt very much these opposition movements and parties in Europe are going to disappear by that time, as they are part of an even broader and deeper and increasingly worldwide phenomenon of opposition to the centralizing plans of Mr. Globaloney. They are Europe's version of Hillary Clinton's "Basket of Deplorables."
But I suspect there are deeper motivations and more long-term objectives than this for opening such an investigation. For one thing, it is to be noted that the investigation apparently will be focused on the Federal Chancery and its agencies. This, in itself, only deals with less than half the problem, for as I and others have pointed out, the postwar plans for a continuation of Nazism were less concerned about government than they were about manufacturing and financial institutions and corporations. In a certain sense, then, the such an investigation is already ignoring a significant part of the problem, and therefore will tend to be a whitewash. I suspect a similar goal is at the root of the investigation of the postwar chanceries themselves, for by highlighting the influence of Globke and others in postwar politics (up to and including that of Willi Brandt), the way is paved to draw the conclusion that "after such-and-such-a time" there was no ongoing influence of Nazism, and therefore, no such organization exists. Indeed, I suspect that part of the motivation for the investigation is simply to counter the very hypothesis of a postwar coordinated "Nazi International," for again, the investigation is concentrated on Germany itself; there seems to be no intention to investigate this influence in connection to some famous, or rather infamous, postwar NGO(non-governmental organizations) like the World Anti-Communist League based in Taiwan, or the activities of notorious billionaires in such NGOs who boast of their collabroation with the Nazis.
The bottom line for me is that I suspect whitewash and a political agenda is behind this investigation...
... which could all go completely awry if those Europeans and Germans who are disturbed about the course of their current government and its policies manage to take power, and thus to take control of that investigation.

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