
Monday, November 14, 2016

Report shows Monsanto has too much power, influence

Image: Report shows Monsanto has too much power, influence
The Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) is a group of researchers and policy observers in the EU who work to hold corporations accountable and shed light on the global power structure. CEO engages in lobbying to mitigate the poverty and social injustice caused by finance, international trade, the environment and food and agriculture practices. Their work, according to Tele Sur TV , included the preparation of a detailed report about Monsanto’s nefarious activities, which was used as a guide at the International Monsanto Tribunal, held  Oct. 14–16 in the Hague.
In the report, which is titled Monsanto Lobbying: An Attack on Us, Our Planet and Democracy , CEO adds another layer to the existing evidence about Monsanto’s undeniable lobbying power, monetary influence, lies, subterfuge, strong arm tactics and the aggressive measures they take to influence governments, universities, farmers and the general public.
The Organic Consumers Association says that the only reason Monsanto’s GMO seeds even got into the marketplace is because serious warnings issued by FDA scientists were covered up. Monsanto also “misrepresented the facts,” and the government actions taken when GMOs were approved “violated explicit mandates of U.S. law.”
Back in 1992, a compromised FDA said that GMOs were “substantially equivalent” to any other food, so there wouldn’t need to be any testing. And for a quarter of a century, Monsanto and the FDA have continued to perpetuate that lie. Monsanto’s  sophisticated public relations and marketing firms continue to spread myths about the safety of their products. They also claim that a farmer’s yield will increase, he’ll use fewer chemicals, and that GMOs are the only way to feed the world. As documented by the organization Earth Open Source , all these claims are lies.
The CEO report describes the relationship between Monsanto and government regulatory agencies as a “perverse symbiosis.” Monsanto controls governments by hiring individuals that work for the government. People that work for Monsanto will also quit to take a government job to ensure Monsanto’s wishes are adhered to. It’s a “revolving door” strategy.
The International Life Sciences Institute ( ILSI ), which sounds respectable, is used as a cover to “promote co-called ‘science’ into food and health policy.” Monsanto, Coca-Cola and McDonald’s use this organization to assure the folks eating and drinking poison that it is perfectly safe to do so.
Monsanto represents everything that could be wrong with a company or product. But that didn’t stop Bayer from making a $66 billion dollar bid for the company. Revolving door or not, it’s time to buy your own seeds and grow your own food .

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