
Saturday, September 17, 2016


As I said in last Thursday's News and Views from the Nefarium when I commented on the strange article titled "Vladimir Putin: George Soros wanted 'Dead or Alive,'" this has been one of the very strangest weeks I've ever had running this website and receiving articles from readers and listeners. As most people who are regular readers here are already aware, my blogs are largely "community driven," i.e., they're commentaries on articles that people find and send me. This week I've been receiving some of the strangest collection of articles in the years I've been doing this. And as often happens, occasionally articles that people send me will cluster around "themes and memes."
This week was one of the strangest in this respect as articles have tended to cluster around a number of bizarre stories involving technology, space, and so on, and within this subset, so many people sent articles about police roadblocks stopping people and then taking swabs of their DNA, under obvious duress and implied use of force, that one has to wonder what is going on and why, so my high octane speculation of the day (really high, as we'll see in a moment) is focused on this strange phenomenon.
Here's just a few versions of the stories people sent (and again, a big thank you to all of you sending and sharing articles):
By Claire Bernish Without laws to guide them, police around the country have begun collecting people’s DNA — even when no crime has been committed … Continue reading Forget “Stop and Frisk” — Cops Across US Collecting DNA of Innocent People in “Stop and Swabs”
Here's another:
Of course, there's the disturbing trend of just stopping people and asking them to "voluntarily" supply their DNA, which is then entered into what has become an increasing trend: local police DNA databses:
Over the last decade, collecting DNA from people who are not charged with — or even suspected of — any particular crime has become an increasingly routine practice for police in smaller cities not only in Florida, but in Connecticut, Pennsylvania and North Carolina as well.
While the largest cities typically operate public labs and feed DNA samples into the FBI’s national database, cities like Melbourne have assembled databases of their own, often in partnership with private labs that offer such fast, cheap testing that police can afford to amass DNA even to investigate minor crimes, from burglary to vandalism.
This is clearly a fourth amendment issue, for the whole point of the Bill of Rights was to recognize and acknowledge an individual's God-given right to be secure in their property and person from unwarranted "seach and seizure." Obviously, a man in a uniform representing the power of the state, armed with billy clubs, guns, and tazers, and asking for a sample of your DNA is intimidating, to say the least. Notably, as the articles point out, the targets, for the moment, seem to be teenagers.
Additionally, the articles imply that part of this collection activity is in aid not only of solving crimes, but in aid of solving crimes not yet even committed, invoking Philip K. Dick's nightmarish scenario of a "Department of Pre-Crime", made a film with actor Tom Cruise and veteran Swedish actor Max von Sydow, Minority Report. Let's face it, a teenager being confronted by police asking to donate some DNA is not acting without duress, regardless of all the niceties that and rationalizations that are offered to justify the practice.
But could there be another, even deeper agenda here, one that they're not talking about?
My penchant for high octane speculation suspects there is, and it is even suggested by the father of one teenaged boy who "consented" to allow police to take a DNA sample:
When Adam’s father found out the police had taken his son’s DNA, he immediately contacted the Melbourne Police Department to ask what the department intended to do with the sample and on what legal basis it had been taken. As a doctor, he understood what had happened could have far-reaching implications.
“My concern, being in the medical field, is that it’s not just Adam’s DNA,” he said. (ProPublica is withholding his name to protect the privacy of his son.) “It’s my DNA, it’s my wife’s DNA, and our parents. Not to sound bad, but you just get nervous. There’s some collateral damage there.” (Emphasis added)
Precisely: a  build-out of hundreds if not thousands of "local law enforcement DNA databases" would give enormous insight into the history of various genotypes and haplogroups, in short, unique insight into various bloodlines, genetic pre-dispositions to certain types of diseases, and provide an enormous pool of information not only for medical treatments, but for its opposite: genetically-targeted bio-weapons.
But there is, I suspect, an even deeper layer and this is where our high octane speculation goes "orbital" and gets "way out there." As I've said publicly on a number of occasions, most recently at last year's "Secret Space Conference" in Bastrop, Texas, the proliferation of genetic sequencing technologies and the development of "in-the-field" sequencing technologies gives yet a new twist to the phenomenon. For the spread of the practice suggests that they are "looking for something," and that something, I suspect and suggest, are genetic markers that would confirm, or deny, those ancient stories of the "gods" mingling with "men" and producing modern man. Those ancient texts suggest that we have (or at least, had) "genetic cousins" out there, and moreover, suggest that in some respects at least "they" look like us walk like us and talk like us. There are even indications in some of those texts that some of "them" stayed behind to "watch" humanity.
If one wanted to test this hypothesis, or if one suspected its truth and wanted to track potential "candidates" for such "genetic infiltration," compiling such databases would be essential, and random stops would be the way to do it. Additionally, if one suspected hostile intention from such individuals against the human population, or conversely, wanted to invent a targeted genetic weapon against them, again such a database would be essential.
Of course, all of this is wild and woolly speculation, and the fourth amendment and department of "pre-crime" issues alone are enough to make one question the practice. But I strongly suspect there is much more going on here than meets the eye, or the easy-breezy "law enforcement" explanations we've been given. After all, if one wanted to compile a global database for more occulted purposes, then the way to do it without raising suspicion would be to do it at a local level, without apparent coordination, as if this were just the latest thing in law enforcement.

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