
Friday, September 16, 2016

Vaccines found to be tainted with Monsanto's Roundup?Glyphosate

by Vicki Batts

(NaturalNews) If you aren't already outraged by the contents of vaccines, this new discovery might just change your mind. Research scientist Dr. Anthony Samsel has recently found that Monsanto's most prolific herbicide is actually present in most vaccines, according to his test results.

[Editor's note: This is a science note from Mike Adams. I urge caution in interpreting these data, because the analytical method cited in this study is not a mass spec method. In my professional opinion as a leading laboratory scientist who develops and runs analytical methods using mass spec instrumentation, I personally have not been able to verify glyphosate testing results conducted using the ELISA method or other methods. The necessary analytical method to end any guesswork about all this would be a mass spec method, which requires some very complex sample introduction technology due to the difficulty in ionizing the glyphosate molecule. To date, there is no published, accepted method for mass spec glyphosate quantitation analysis. Until that day comes, I do not fully trust other numbers. So take all this news with a degree of skepticism until we can further verify these claims.]

Roundup's key ingredient, glyphosate, has been blasted repeatedly by just about every independent news website and natural health advocate on the internet. Even the World Health Organization has declared that this chemical is a potential carcinogen. Since Roundup's surge in popularity began in the 1990s along with seeds that were genetically-modified to be its perfect match, it has become a ubiquitous facet of the agricultural industry.

Following his discovery, Dr. Samsel wrote a letter to his congressional senator, Senator Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire. He gave his express permission for Senator Shaheen to share his laboratory data on the vaccines tainted with glyphosate not just with all of Congress, but with the public as well. Whether or not Shaheen will have the bravery and conscience to act on this information remains to be seen. Hopefully, the senator will stand alongside U.S. Congressman Bill Posey and stand up for what is right. As The Daily Sheeple reports, Posey went before Congress in 2015 to ask for a "congressional investigation into the science, fraud and collusion regarding the MMR vaccine." His call for action followed CDC epidemiologist Dr. William Thompson's exposure of the fraudulent science that surrounded the vaccine.

Glyphosate is an innately harmful chemical; its sole purpose is to kill things, though Monsanto seems to have spent every effort trying to convince people otherwise. Eco Watch reports, "Monsanto has falsified data on Roundup's safety, and marketed it to parks departments and consumers as 'environmentally friendly' and 'biodegradable, to encourage its use it on roadsides, playgrounds, golf courses, schoolyards, lawns and home gardens.'" By doing this, they have created a literal monster out of the chemical, and now it is everywhere. It is no surprise that it has made it's way into vaccines.

Exposure to glyphosate has already been linked to a myriad of adverse effects. Birth defects, attention deficit disorder, Alzheimer's disease, gastrointestinal disorders and a number of different cancers are just a few of the many horrible side effects attributed to glyphosate. Neural tube defects have been seen in newborn babies that were born to women living within 1,000 meters of areas sprayed with pesticides; investigations showed glyphosate was associated with the defects. As noted by Eco Watch, "Congenital defects quadrupled in the decade after Roundup Ready crops arrived in Chaco, a province in Argentina where glyphosate is used roughly eight to ten times more per acre than in the U.S." The organization also states that even here in the United States, elevated levels of glyphosate and subsequent birth defects have been documented.

Imagine the disastrous results if we continue to allow this poison to be injected into children, if these are the effects of exposure to glyphosate merely in the air or soil. The residues found on our food, in the air we breathe and in the water we drink are already harmful enough. There is no reason for glyphosate to be injected into our bodies.


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