
Friday, September 30, 2016

Politically correct societies encourage Nazi-like oppression, complete with acts of violence

Image: Politically correct societies encourage Nazi-like oppression, complete with acts of violence
An explosive new video produced by the editor and founder of the popular alternative health site Natural News lays bare both the origins of the modern “political correctness” movement and how it causing irreversible damage to our free society.
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, begins his new video by noting how Adolph Hitler managed to rise to power in Nazi Germany and give rise to the Third Reich using language control, which forms the bedrock of politically correct speech.
“At it’s core, political correctness is a form of socially enforced thought control, through language control,” Adams – who is also creator of – said. “It is a clamping down of freedom of expression to force the mass consensus obedience to a given political narrative that conforms to the aims of the global elite” or the elite of any particular society at the time.
Adams says that today, radical “progressives” with the same fanaticism that Hitler demonstrated are using similar intolerant obedience strategies to force their version of society onto the public. In the process liberty, freedom and constitutionalism are being usurped and destroyed.
Political correctness is all about shaming people into compliance, using heavy social pressures like mocking and embarrassment, as well as other tools. In some cases physical violence is employed, for example when Hitler’s “Brownshirts” attacked and beat ordinary German citizens who opposed the Nazi Party. Or, as a more modern example, when today’s university students cajole, shout at and even attack professors and other students when they don’t bend to the fanatical demands.
Like in 1930s Germany, today’s PC movement is leading to the death of freedom of speech, expression and association, the diversity of which is vital to the survival of a democratic society. That this is happening on college and university campuses is especially troubling, given that institutions of higher learning in America have traditionally been fertile ground for all ideas, ideals and viewpoints.
Not anymore.
“Political correctness is an insidious form of what you might call mandatory mental servitude to an agenda or a set of ideas,” Adams noted further in the video (below). He added that those ideas are usually rooted in falsehoods or mythologies.
In the end, all there can be is tyranny – just like that which Hitler created.
Adams, in a column related to the video, pointed out that the Nazi Party was also known as the National Socialist Party, and was not “far-right” as many academics and media attempt to portray it. While Hitler’s nationalism can be said to be right-leaning, his government was premised more on an “extreme rendition of corporate-government fascism, a powerful centralized socialist government, and the kind of strict demands for cultural obedience that we [frequently] see from the extreme left.
Watch the video presentation below:


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