
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

DEA claims cannabis holds no medicinal value even as the federal government owns the PATENT on its use as a medicine prez? what say u ? ...Image result for obama smoking bong pic  mr prez ??? Image result for obama smoking bong pic

by L.J. Devon, Staff Writer

(NaturalNews) For decades, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), of the herb cannabis sativa, has been at the top of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) hit list. This targeted plant and its natural properties continue to be classified as a schedule one drug on the DEA's senseless drug scheduling system. Cannabis is listed alongside meth and LSD for having "no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse." The DEA is adamant about controlling cannabis, even at a time when state governments are decriminalizing it altogether and allowing for its use in medical treatments.

DEA refuses to admit that cannabis has medicinal value, despite widespread evidence to the contraryDEA

In August 2016, the DEA was expected to reclassify cannabis or remove it from their hit list altogether; however, when decision time arrived, the DEA refused to remove cannabis from its highly schedule one drug status. Even though cannabis has become a vital part of cancer treatments and an effective treatment for seizures, anxiety, and glaucoma, the DEA stated that "science doesn't support" cannabis as useful for any medical purposes.

Hypocritically, the federal government itself has filed a patent claiming that cannabis has useful medical purposes, including powerful "antioxidant properties." The patent, filed in 1999 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, admits that cannabis is useful "in the treatment and prophylaxis of wide variety of oxidation associated diseases, such as ischemic, age-related, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases."

Government patents cannabis, admitting its powerful antioxidant properties

The 1999 cannabis patent, (code 6,630,507) was a government confession that cannabis wasn't some brain damaging chemical, as it had been depicted through decades of brainwashing. In fact, the patent admitted that cannabis was a "neuroprotectant," capable of reversing neurological damage. The patent confessed that cannabis actually reversed "neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and HIV dementia."

With this patented knowledge coming out in the open in 2003, the DEA no longer had any justification to continue its war on cannabis and its war on the people who reap benefits from this natural medicine. But even seventeen years after the government admitted cannabis is a useful medicine, the DEA refuses to reclassify the plant as having multiple medical uses.

To reschedule cannabis, the government would have to give up control and admit they were wrong all along. For this rescheduling of cannabis to come about, the DEA would literally be declaring that all the lives they ruined, all the people shot and imprisoned, was all in vain. It's hard to imagine the DEA laying down their pride unless the entire organization was shut down and/or given new priorities by a future president.

Science and medicine is rigged: don't believe the official story

This decades-long censorship and control over one of nature's fine, healing plants is a prime example of how everyone is being systematically lied to, top down, throughout many generations on what medicine and science is. This control over cannabis should wake everyone up to the fact that science and medicine is rigged, that knowledge on a multitude of natural healing substances is being suppressed. Americans should free themselves from this dictatorship of science and medicine by rejecting the synthetic chemicals they are told to breathe, inject, and swallow.

Don't believe the official story. For optimal health, Americans should seek out the natural foods and medicines that work in harmony with the human body. This includes cannabidiols and other powerful antioxidants such as lutein, lycopen, betacarotene, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, selenium, and the list goes on.

Clean, effective science and medicine already exists freely in nature, without permission, without a prescription. There are dark reasons why cannabis is controlled the way it is today and this harsh reality serves as a reminder that the world is being lied to at the highest levels by a rigged, powerful system dominated by psychopaths who seek to control the truth and turn people against people in an intricate system of corruption and compliance.

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