
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Largest Paedophile Ring in History, 70,000 Members, Heads of State, the Rats Scramble*

Largest Paedophile Ring in History, 70,000 Members, Heads of State, the Rats Scramble*

VT and Keshe take the lead in breaking the most insidious human trafficking gang on the planet.
By Gordon Duff
Millions read the news today, the paedophile ring “busted” or the earlier article about how the FBI actually ran it for several weeks, expanding it, drawing in tens of thousands. Those who read it thought they knew, thought they were getting the story but as is so often the case, the truth goes so much further.
When Veterans Today tied the murder of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia to a White House blackmail plot and a strange tale involving the Keshe Foundation, it became clear that the highest and most powerful in Europe, the U.S. and around the world, were tied together in a web of ritual child abuse on a massive scale. For the Scalia tale, refer to Appendix I.

Today’s story is one more aspect of this. VT’s involvement goes back to 1991 when key VT staffers worked for America’s intelligence community. A GOP high level staffer approached the CIA claiming that President George H.W. Bush was being blackmailed. It was said that the President was at a political fundraiser in St. Louis where, unknown to the President, top GOP campaign donors were having sex with young males, some of whom had been spirited away from Boys Town in Nebraska of Father Flanagan fame.

The rumours became more than rumours when Bush 43 took office and brought with him, according to a high level White House informant, a virtual army of Neocon paedophiles and “nancyboys” who set the tone for 8 years of crushed civil liberties. staged economic crashes and the dirtiest wars in America’s history.
The door didn’t open again until Iranian physicist, Mehran T. Keshe came to us with his own story. Invited to Belgium, sponsored by the Royal Family, Keshe was introduced to internet guru Sterling Allen and Belgian “fixer,” Dirk Lauressens. Within a short time, it became clear that he was there as a prisoner, not a guest, having fallen into a web of paedophiles that control public life in Belgium and the Netherlands, control corporations, courts, the police and do so rather publicly.
With Keshe’s story, we traced Sterling Allen, through his work with Belgium’s Royal Family, to his questioning by the FBI, to the seizure of his computers and eventually to his real task in life, webmaster for a massive paedophile ring that supplied children for the members of secret societies that control our daily lives through suppression of technology and the waging of endless war.
From NBC News:

“Massive pedophile ring busted; 230 kids saved – US news – Crime & courts | NBC News

An Internet paedophile ring with up to 70,000 members — thought to be the world’s largest —has been uncovered by police, a security official said Wednesday.
The European police agency Europol said in a statement that “Operation Rescue” had identified 670 suspects and that 230 abused children in 30 countries had been taken to safety. More children are expected to be found, Europol said.”
A paedophile ring, 70,000 strong, has been identified and hundreds arrested, an organization run on the internet, centered in the Free Energy Community, including websites run out of Paris, the Netherlands and Belgium.
What isn’t being told is that this same organization, also known as the Red Circle, runs through secret societies around the world:
  • Bilderberg
  • St. Hubertus
  • Federalist Society
  • Knights of Malta (Rome, not KMFAP in Budapest)
  • Council on Foreign Relations
  • Federal Reserve Bank
  • NATO
  • Royal Families of Belgium and Netherlands
  • SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States)
So much of this story revolves around Mehran T. Keshe, whose plasma related defence technologies, threaten the military balance of power, disabling American stealth drones and even leaving an AEGIS destroyer floating, dead in the water, in the Black Sea.

Anti-Keshe “troll” and convicted paedophile Sterling Allen, former Rense Radio host, now serving a life sentence, is said to have supplied the encryption keys that allowed the FBI to take over the Netherlands based site. From NBC:
““The website operated from a server based in the Netherlands and, at its height, boasted up to 70,000 members worldwide,” it added.
“It attempted to operate as a ‘discussion–only’ forum where people could share their sexual interest in young boys without committing any specific offences, thus operating ‘below the radar’ of police attention,” Europol said.
Police infiltrated site
The Europol statement said U.K. and Australian police infiltrated the site to identify the members who posed the greatest danger to children. Police also sometimes posed as children online as part of the investigation.
Law enforcement authorities from 13 countries, including the United States, Australia, Canada, Italy, Spain and the U.K., were involved in the case, Europol said.
In September 2015, Iranian physicist Mehran T. Keshe met with the FBI in Rome, a meeting set up by VT. From a source at Europol:
It was this from Veterans Today that helped push this forward: “It was Keshe’s information given to the FBI in Italy that led to the seizure of Sterling Allan’s computer back in January of 2016, which led to the Obama White House getting files tying Justice “Tony” Scalia to a child sex ring and demonstrating that it was Scalia that had protected Allan. With Justice Scalia exposed to Obama blackmail, his own friends smothered him to death with a pillow, and walked past police, while the world moved on, no autopsy, no investigation.”
That explains why Hollande (President of the French Republic) was scared he is linked to child abuse in France, via Belgium as well. Abdessalem (Foreign Minister of Tunisia) was traded by the FBI so Hollande can stay in power, sign the tafta and much more allow American military presence in France, which is now turning against him… That explains why the U.S. military unit near Milan was behind us to see what we had in stock against Bibi (Netanyahu) and Hollande… now that they have Hollande, they are pushing him to the edge, using pressure on Sarkozy, right hand of Bibi, they moved in Tripoli, blackmailing Roma.
Have you seen this man (Paris, France)?

Thus, what begins as a hundred arrests, when you peel the levels, involves the French elections and even the recent Bataclan attack in Paris now tied to, if you can imagine it, a police informant smuggled into France through Italy by Tunisia, who out of curiosity runs an anti-Keshe website.
Why do they hate Keshe?


From March 1, 2016
Scalia’s funeral
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor and Ian Greenhalgh
Note: Revelations on the Allan case, which led to Scalia now lead into the entire Koch network, including the Federalist Society, said to be operating not simply in law schools but America’s high schools as well, and into the Heritage Foundation.
We don’t know when it began, maybe at the Presidio under Michael Aquino and the Temple of Set or before. We do know it has victimized thousands of children around the world, not only in America but channelling children through Belgium and the Netherlands into sexual slavery and death.
What is it that makes the powerful desire what is so hurtful and obscene? When we ignored the Franklin Cover-up, we opened ourselves to this… Gordon Duff
Scalia – What really happened?
Justice Antonin Scalia was surprised when he was ordered to the White House. This was not a man you gave orders to, especially not President Obama. It was Justice Antonin Scalia who vacated the long sacrosanct immunity from civil lawsuits, opening the door for a weakened presidency.
Sources say that Scalia was the single actor behind the impeachment of Bill Clinton. President Obama was aware of this and had ordered the FBI to set out traps for Scalia. We will now outline the downfall of Antonin Scalia. Yes, this is a story of secret societies, operating worldwide and ritual Satanic child abuse that permeates Washington.

When Scalia left the White House after a meeting with the president just before flying to Texas, the manila envelope he was carrying had printouts from a computer seized by FBI Special Agent Jeff Ross of the Salt Lake City, Utah field office, or so informants tell us.

Scalia left the White House carrying “slam dunk proof” that would lead to the arrest, conviction and, of course, impeachment of a seated Supreme Court Justice, files that contained names of victims and details on sex acts, preferred “types” along with dates and places. All of this was on the seized computer and these files went “up hill” from the FBI to the Department of Justice and directly over to the White House.
There, political advisors leapt on them, seeing a chance to leverage a justice and, in this case, and this is very important, bring down Scalia in such a way that conservatives would be forced to accept virtually any Obama nomination.
When Scalia arrived in Houston and chartered a plane after ditching his US Marshall protection detail, Scalia and his companion, C. Allen Foster. Foster heads the Order of Hubertus and is co-owner with John Poindexter of the Cibolo Creek Ranch, 25,000 plus acres free for anyone to use, according to John Poindexter, “free of charge,” so long as they are a supreme court justice, “A list” celebrity like Mick Jagger or billionaires, others need not apply.
St. Hubertus ritual mask taken from Cibolo Creek ranch

The crux of the story is how they got Scalia. According to sources, Scalia had been providing protection for an international paedophile ring and was murdered by “friends” who he had informed of the nature of his visit with Obama and the doom it signalled for those around Scalia, prosecution, ruin and Citizens United reversed.

The mechanism Scalia used to provide this protection was the Federalist Society which chooses the judges throughout the U.S. judiciary system so should any unfortunate paedophile find himself in court, the judge was under Scalia’s control, thus making a successful prosecution difficult to achieve.
The Federalist Society grooms and recruits candidates to become judges at a young age – college age kids; they specifically seek out suitable candidates who have certain moral ambiguities that can be exploited.
Thus a stranglehold is placed on the judicial system of the United States by a group which serves the interests of big business – corrupt corporations, big pharma, the oil and coal barons; this is how their interests are, time and again, placed ahead of those of we, the people with the result that our environment and our bodies are polluted by the products of these corporations, be it poisons like aspartame and GMO crops in our food, toxins in our ground water (see Flint, MI) or just plain old exploitation of poor people such as the coal miners of West Virginia and Kentucky.
Scalia met with the Order of Saint Hubertus, the patron saint of million dollar dude ranch hunting. As of yet, no one has identified who was there, it seems that Supreme Court justices are found all the time with pillows over their faces and nobody asks a thing, but this was Texas and they make their own rules down there.
We remember former FBI director and founder, J Edgar Hoover, the man who said ritual satanic child abuse was a conspiracy theory. He is also the man who said the mafia didn’t exist.
Scalia’s talk in Texas was said to have gone like this:
 “They have us, we are all going down unless we can give them what they want and they are holding all the cards, they have everything.”
There was no negotiation with the White House, instead Scalia got, we are told and multiple sources confirm, a pillow over the face and a heroic funeral, one that President Obama refused to attend. Now we know why.
For a seated president to not attend the funeral of a paedophile is unthinkable.
The computer itself belonged to a Sterling David Allen, arrested and charged with child rape and sodomy by the FBI after an investigation that began with a meeting in Rome, Italy. The FBI had known about Allen for some time, had wanted to arrest him since 2014 but had been blocked, they just didn’t know why or who was behind it, not until Justice Scalia died. Within 9 days, Allen was jailed, and the evidence he held began to yield gold.
Allen is being held on these charges with bail set at $250,000.
We were shown an email from Allen where he tells of his January 15, 2016 meeting with Agent Ross at which time his computers were seized by the FBI. What we are told was on Allen’s computer and what Allen told agents is astounding. Allen confessed, we are told, not only to his own sex crimes but to being recruited by a powerful international organization that provided him broad protection from prosecution.
From Ian Greenhalgh:
“It is very sick, but if you really want to watch and hear the ramblings of a mad man just watch this video where Sterling D. Allan says he is GOD in the flesh, admits to being a paedophile, admits he has committed sexual abuse with an underage child, and says that he is waiting to be arrested. Mr. Allan claims he chose this life before coming to Earth to be a “scapegoat” which of course is all foretold in his insane “alphabetics.”

We are told that Allen became increasingly unstable as his own feelings of guilt and his own public confessions of child sex crimes were inadequate to bring about his own arrest, an arrest he openly asked for time and time again.
Allen, who using his computer skills helped fellow paedophiles scour the internet for vulnerable children.
High level sources confirm that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was murdered, that in itself is neither an original claim nor beyond the realm of likelihood based on circumstances allegedly tied to his death. By that, we are speaking of the “pillow over the head” and allegations of a “cover-up autopsy,” well outside legal requirements for someone of Scalia’s position.
Sources in the White House confirm that immediately prior to his flight to Texas, ostensibly for a hunting trip with 35 “close friends,” many of whom are members of the highly secret Order of Saint Hubertus. As is being reported, initially in the Washington Post with broader allegations made on the InfoWars website, tying the Hubertus Order to Bohemian Grove antics, long subject to speculation in the alternative media.
We became aware of the case in August 2015 when we were shown correspondence between Allen and representatives of the Keshe Foundation. Allen ran several popular websites on alternative energy and was a popular speaker, often appearing on the Coast to Coast radio show with Detroit native, George Noory.
Increasingly it became obvious that Allen had been using these venues for sexual trafficking of children. It wasn’t hard to figure out, he did it openly spoke of it constantly (as seen in the YouTube above) and lived as though he were above the law. Over the next few months, particularly when confronted by Iranian born physicist MT Keshe, who ordered Allen and those around him banned from all Keshe forums, Allen openly flaunted his criminal activities.
What made this particularly insidious is that it was obvious not only that Allen was not acting alone but that he had broad support not only in his home state of Utah, where he was able to avoid prosecution, but in Belgium as well. There, Allen and associates Hans Bracquene, Dirk Laureyssens and Ad Van den Elshout moved against the Keshe group, securing against Keshe’s wishes technologies with defence related applications and passing them on to MI 5 in Britain.
When Keshe moved against this group and tried to secure his patents, he found himself being chased down the highway, shots fired, his car run off the road. Police arrested and soon “misplaced” the culprits, and soon thereafter, representatives of Belgium’s “royals” told Keshe to leave Belgium or be buried there.
On the European end of the FBI investigation, the trail, all of which is easily followed by the “breadcrumbs” Sterling David Allen has left, leads to the highest and most powerful of the scientific communities where blackmail, kidnapping and torture, threats against families and in particular, threats against children, have placed members of secret societies in positions of power at universities, think tanks, police and counter-terrorism agencies and even the European Space Agency.
More to come…
Related Topics:
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was Found Dead with a Pillow over his Head*
Scalia Murdered After Obama Meeting*
The Bush Syndicate: Kansas Children for Sale*
British Paedophile Who Abused Over 200 Children in Malaysia Gets Life in Prison*
Satanic Paedophilia Network Exposed in Australia*
Power and Paedophilia Rife in the US Government*
Fears of a British Policed State Rising Midst the Elite Paedophile Scourge*
A Global Paedophile Ring Busted from Australia*
U.K Govt Conveniently Deleted Entire Evidence on Paedophile Rings*
Paedophilia becoming the Accepted Norm in Germany*
Paedophilia: Enough Evidence against the Queen of England and Her Prime Minister*
Former Head of FBI Speaks on Rothschild, Illuminati, Satanism, Paedophile Rings = NWO
Protecting Elite Paedophiles
A Canadian Cabinet Minister and the Ninth Circle Cult*
Canadian Child Sacrificial Cult Exposed*
Moroccans Say No Royal Pardon for Spanish Elite Paedophile Network*
The Paedophilia Past of Eurozone’s Chancellor Merkel’s Coalition Party*
Conscientious Police Officer Warned off British Elite Paedophile Ring*
Child Sacrifice and Trafficking in Holland, and Abroad: An Eyewitness Comes Forward and Names her Torturers – An Exclusive Breaking News Report from ITCCS Central Office and its Dutch Affiliates

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