
Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Cell Towers and Cellphones. Microwave Radiation, Electromagnetic Pollution, Impacts on Human Health                 ~ hehe what "R" they ...really 4 ?

“Electromagnetic pollution may be the most significant form of pollution human activity has produced this century, all the more dangerous because it is invisible and insensible.” — Andrew Weil, MD, bestselling author
We live in the information age when we’re bombarded every single day with incoming data to process and interpret whether it’s true or not. Because the government and mainstream media have an agenda of false narratives and disinformation propaganda to willfully keep people confused in the dark, the American public is starved for the truth and in record numbers has sought it from alternative media outlets on the World Wide Web.
To circumvent people from grasping the full implications of the ruling elite’s control agenda, hundreds of government shills and internet trolls have been deployed, saturating the net with the expressed purpose of muddying the waters, creating disinfo fog of war to obscure, bury and withhold vital information and knowledge from being accessed and fully grasped by the global masses. Additionally, the fast track pathway to global governance – the TPP and TTIP agreements – are geared to seal off internet flow of lifesaving information that could increase global awareness and coalesce into worldwide resistance and opposition to New World Order tyranny.
CIA invented labels from nearly a half century ago like “conspiracy theory” and its recent mutations like “tin foil hat” and fringe element fanatics have methodically conditioned the public to discard and categorically deny the negative truth that exposes government perpetrators’ treasonous betrayal of American citizens as well as Empire’s global transgressions – especially since 9/11.
In actuality a conspiracy theorist is one who questions the statements of known liars. Speaking of known liars, George W’s admonition to disregard conspiracy theories was just the post-9/11 beginning to squelch the truth that makes him a guilty murderous war criminal of his own people. The same cover-up followed the inside job of the JFK assassination that his daddy played a part in, just like his daddy’s daddy financed Hitler. Unfortunately there’s nothing new about the US government murdering presidents who threaten status quo corruption as well as exterminating national populations to gain oppressive authoritarian control. Democide is the killing of citizens by its own government. Six times more victims in the last century died from democide than fighting in all the century’s wars combined that include humanity’s two bloodiest ones on record. History repeats as the federal government’s currently waging a not so secret war against the American people.
Chief among its formidable lethal arsenal is the feds’ war to control our minds through propaganda, having been crafted and honed now for over a century. Shaping public opinion and perception of reality through any and all means necessary involves deceitful weapons of mass destruction manifesting 24/7 through insidious applications of social engineering, various CIA mind control techniques delivered by mass media propaganda, corporate controlled mass consumerism, and six oligarch owned and operated mega-media corporations controlling the outflow of news and information.
This centralized global spigot spews out materialistic values, warped, distorted messages, dogma and false truths spoon fed globally for mass consumption as the not so covert means to manipulate, brainwash and control the human population. Twenty-first century technology has shrunken our planet into a global village of mass consumers to be pliably manipulated and controlled. This presentation will outline how a sinister globalist agenda is using the incredibly powerful telecom industry as yet another WMD for mass mind control, soft kill eugenics and, when deemed most advantageous, a convenient fast kill, genocidal method for culling the human herd.
Over the last quarter century, cell phones have all but replaced the conventional landline telephone system. 91% of Americans from adolescent to adult ages utilize cellphones as their primary means of spoken word communication, often including texting and other online interactive options as well.
Much has been written about the paradoxical effect that wireless cellphones and tablets offer as convenient multimodal transmitters that both instantly expand our opportunity to interact with fellow humans within a readily accessible cyber-world while simultaneously alienating us from real time, face-to-face, eye-to-eye communication and real world human connection. Today a quick glance observation at any public setting – airports, libraries, doctors’ offices – and the vast majority of people are seen busily interacting with their push button machines far more frequently than direct live conversation with even accompanying friends and family. Like lab rats compulsively pushing levers, people habitually check their cellphones over a hundred times a day. Hi-tech toy gadgetry has become the singular, most addictive device known to modern man. IPhones and Wi-Fi devices control how we increasingly preoccupy our daily waking hours more so than any other modern invention since the radio-television era.
For the last couple decades, countless scientific studies have been warning us of the serious damage being done to our brains and bodies as a consequence of our excessive cellphone habits. The radiation literally fries our neurons, alters our DNA with fractured strand breaks, and causes rising rates of brain cancer, tumors and associated other life threatening diseases. A new study from the British Medical Journal led by Dr. Enrique Navarro concludes that living near cell towers inhibits brain functioning, diminishes memory, disrupts the normal sleep cycle and causes widespread irritability. And an analytical review of all research conducted a half dozen years ago determined that 80% of all studies have determined that a direct correlation does exist between tower proximity and adverse symptoms, tumors and cancer.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the governmental agency that regulates the telecommunications industry, has purposely maintained dangerously high tolerance for the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) - 1.6 watts per kilogram, a radiation level standard that’s literally killing people. Paid off with bribes by the largest telecom giants, the FCC has refused to accurately readjust to lowering its hazardous threshold to save lives despite the preponderance of research showing that it would. Instead at a public meeting last month at the FCC headquarters, the federal agency that’s supposed to protect public safety showed its colors shutting down any dissenting voice. Likewise, Washington has chosen to protect the multibillion dollar industry by historically refusing to fund research that might otherwise decisively reveal the truth and thus hinder telecom growth. The FCC allows the industry to hire its own bogus pseudo-scientists to fudge its own inconclusive data to falsely claim cellphone use poses no serious threat to human health.
Just as the FDA is a bought and paid for Big Parma whore intentionally allowing damaging drugs on the market without adequate testing, and the EPA looks the other way when giant corps. like Monsanto spread deadly contaminants throughout our air, soil and water supply, corruption across all federal and state levels could care less about public health and safety, but instead blindly support transnational killers to ensure maximum profits are achieved at horrific human cost. These across the board policies are consistent with how the US government operates as a corrupt oligarchy acting on behalf of Fortune 500’s special interests – not the people’s, knowing a growing number of Americans are becoming sick, suffering and dying as a result of a government that’s turned its back on its citizens. The cold hard facts clearly show that Washington is a fascist crime cabal at war with its own people, now eliminating us through slow death, soft kill methods that only pad telecom/Monsanto/Big Pharma/health industry profits.
True to form, the co-opted FDA, EPA, World Health Organization (WHO) and American Cancer Society have all gone public claiming that radiofrequency (RF) radiation from cellphones and cell towers carry no determined health effects. That said, in 2011 even the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) conceded to classifying radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as “a possible carcinogen to humans.” Then last October another recent study coordinated by IARC examined over 300,000 nuclear workers from US, UK and France and found even low level radiation exposure over time increases the risk of cancer.
But from the American Cancer Institute’s own website, it states that non-ionized radiation from cell towers and cellphones “do not directly damage the DNA inside cells.” This is a blatant lie. Two decades ago pioneering scientist Dr. Narendra Pal Singh and Dr. Henry Lai empirically demonstrated that DNA single and double strand damage does occur at only 2.45 GHz radiation, a rate of one fifth the level producing previously known toxic biological effects and well below the so called FCC regulated “safe” levels that cellphones emit. Lai and Singh’s valuable research supports the widely accepted (amongst honest observers) the very logical conclusion that cumulative DNA damage occurs over time from prolonged use of cellphones. Two years ago a peer review of 80 studies found that 92% showed that non-ionized radiation from cellphones do damage DNA. Yet the Cancer Institute chooses to continue living the lie.
Megras and Xenos found that five generations of mice exposed to extremely low RF rates from .168 to 1.053 microwatts per square centimeter sustained irreversible sterility. These relative low exposure amounts are equivalent to living near a cellular tower. Thus humans living, attending school and working so close to towers are being dangerously radiated, yet the current FCC safe standard remains at 579 microwatts per square centimeter, a full 500 times higher than what causes sterilization in mice. In a related study, males who carry cellphones on belt clips or in their pants pocket have a measured sperm count 30% lower than men who don’t. The globalist overpopulation cheerleaders wouldn’t have it any other way.
Sweeping all this established hard evidence under the carpet just like the tobacco industry perpetrated for decades has been but a temporary fix strategy that buys more time to sell more wireless products and build thousands of more towers. But just over two months ago for the first time in history even a US federal study under the National Institutes of Health confirmed what the prevailing body of honest researchers have indicated all along – that radiation emitted from chronic use of cellphones does in fact lead to rising cancer rates. The former head of NIH’s National Toxicology Program (NTP) that performed the research study states that the findings between radiation exposure and rare forms of brain and heart cancers are definitely causally-connected. This NTP research is the most comprehensive and robust long term (2 years) investigation measuring varying exposure levels of radiofrequencies on rats ever conducted. But this study applies only to simulated radiation emitted from chronic cellphone use only, not exposure to the radiofrequency waves dangerously released from massive cell towers at close distance nor other wireless devices commonly found in both the home and workplace.
Cellphone and cell tower radiation also cause lowered immune systems and alter hormonal levels, adding further complications posing a serious detriment to human health. Still other recent studies from earlier this year for the first time are indicating that certain individuals experience physical pain accompanied by physiological bodily changes from tower signals at even low, regular levels. This finding validates the very real existence of a growing population of about 5% around the world who may be especially sensitive to wireless radiation. Their medical condition known as electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) typically afflicts them with physical pain, headaches, nosebleeds, fatigue, insomnia, anxiety. Previously many uninformed and/or biased medical practitioners automatically dismissed individuals suffering from EHS as hypochondriacs. Lawsuits have generally ruled against those claiming EHS, citing medical literature that concludes it’s merely a psychosomatic illness not caused by electromagnetic radiation. However, last August a French court ruled in favor of a victim complainant. EHS appears to be following the same path that Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Syndrome have undergone in their gradual acceptance within the medical community.
In order to provide service to millions of customers globally, cellphone companies have constructed cell towers and antenna towers across an entire overlapping region since the 360 degree radius of each tower only extends less than 25 miles. That’s why thousands into the millions of towers have been springing up around the globe, especially in densely populated areas where cell phones are at peak use. The trade industry website lists an updated total amongst the top 121 telecom companies of 118,173 towers in the US. However, the same site maintains that the tower count as of 2009 that includes rooftop antenna transmitters and cell towers number 247,081, further admitting that there is no accurate count. Yet another site has an updated US tally of 612,477, and 2,456,899 with wireless rooftop antennas included. Thus, the guesstimated range is enormously wide and for all intents and purposes unknown, but rapidly growing daily around the world.
Meanwhile, a wireless news site article from a year ago stated that due to exponential consumer demand for mobile data, Cisco estimates that by 2019 US mobile traffic will soar to 7 times its 2015 rate. This foretells a far denser concentration of yet even more harmful towers erected in ever-closer proximity to America’s vast sprawling urban population, typically impacting and endangering America’s youth in schools, adults in office buildings and families living in multistory apartment complexes.
In view of thousands of towers built next to or even on school grounds, a growing body of research on children and pregnant mothers is also producing extremely alarming results. Many public schools and universities are also being given cash bribe incentives to permit towers on their premises. Though some local parent and community advocacy groups are beginning to fight back, many education officials are choosing money over their own young people’s health and well-being. Meanwhile, it’s been shown that children absorb twice as much cell phone and tower radiation in the brain, up to three times in the hypothalamus and hippocampus regions, and their blood brain barrier leaks at the smallest traces of radiation. And incredibly kids’ bone marrow takes in ten times the amount of harmful RF waves as adults.
Spiked rates of electromagnetic pollution and its devastatingly harmful effects on human health is a pandemic train wreck currently exploding across the USA and the entire world. And as a direct consequence of chronic, indiscriminate use over the last 25 years, rare forms of brain cancer are now beginning to skyrocket. Predatory telecom giants and bribed governments are exploiting the fact that this weapon of mass destruction cannot be felt as an odorless, tasteless, silent, invisible killer.
All of this is bad enough news, dumbing down citizens and making us ill at national levels, but it’s just now becoming more widely known that a far more diabolical plan is presently in place that is zapping Americans with deadlier levels of radiation from cell towers than before. The most appalling realization is these dangerously higher levels of radiation emanating from weaponized cell towers have absolutely nothing to do with cell phone transmission, but everything to do with democide. They prove that the US government has shifted its soft kill eugenics plan to a faster hard-boil roast of the American population.
A former senior scientist from DARPA, the US deep state black ops research lab that channels all advanced technologies into military WMD’s, recently went public alerting fellow Americans that the federal government is misusing lethal cell tower transmissions as an “act of terrorism” against the US population. With a PhD from Princeton in computational physics and nearly three years at the DARPA Los Alamos National Laboratory, Dr. Paul Batcho is a more than credible source who knows what he’s talking about. When he first began noticing high powered radiation radiating from cell towers in his home in St. Petersburg and surrounding areas of central Florida and Tampa, he followed standard protocol contacting his previous employer DARPA along with DHS, informing them that he believes that the cell towers present a “terrorist” threat. After his repeated attempts to alert authorities drew no response, Batcho contacted longtime activist-writer Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show. The scientist has written:
These transmissions will cause harmful health affects in the form of enhanced microwave radiation illness. It is imperative that these frequency bands be measured and verified by an official source. These frequency bands do not exist naturally, and there is a technology targeting individuals. The verified measurement and existence of these RF band transmissions constitutes a terrorist act.
The FCC officially limits cell towers to 400 watts of energy output for cell phone data transfer. However, it’s been reported that mammoth sized cables leading into a typical cell phone tower is capable of emitting far greater power, especially when equipped with amplifiers. This makes the enormous level of microwave radiation each tower can project a potential mega-death weapon. And this is the alarm that Paul Batcho is railing against. The death ray machine that each tower represents can generate enough juice to literally cook every human within its city limits. So if the elitist powerbrokers in control plant these WMD’s strategically and so densely across America happen to desire the US population dead, or perhaps under the guise of an invading foreign enemy on American soil, these tower transmitters could conceivably eliminate the entire living population with several million towers at full wattage throttle.
Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled “Don’t Let The Bastards Getcha Down.” It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In recent years he has focused on his writing, becoming an alternative media journalist. His blog site is at:

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