
Sunday, July 31, 2016

WHAT’S UP WAY DOWN THERE? AND WHAT’S GOING DOWN WAY UP ...   ~ hehe thum dot's  ,Dot's    ,   DOT'S  ...

 WHAT’S UP WAY DOWN THERE? AND WHAT’S GOING DOWN WAY UP ...  A couple of weeks ago, more or less, I blogged about the unusual goings on in Antarctica, as an evacuation aircraft was making its way to our southern polar continent. What I found quite strange at that time was the presence of Lockheed-Martin, the famous US defense and black projects contractor, on that continent. A few years prior, you'll recall, there was much speculation about what the Russians were doing, or had found (or both), at Lake Vostok, the large submerged lake in Antarctica. The Russians weren't talking; which left everyone else to talk and guess. More recently, after his historic meeting with Pope Francis I, Kirill III, Patriarch of Moscow, made his way to Antarctica as well, took a couple of photo op pictures with the penguins, and blessed a Russian church there, apparently the first Orthodox church on that continent. But I cannot help but think that maybe there was more than that at work.
In any case, the strange goings on in Antarctica don't stop there. A few years prior to that, as I noted in Roswell and the Reich, a German amateur seismologist had allegedly recorded extraordinarily large anomalous wave fluctuations in the region. And of course, prior to that, we had the whole Nazi expedition of 1938-39, the equally curious "silence" surrounding it after its return to Germany, and then the post-war expedition of Admiral Byrd, Operation "Highjump", which was cut short dramatically after some American pilots had crashed, or, as some of the lore has it, were shot down. Byrd, of course, gave his now well-known statements to the Santiago El Mercurio, in which he stated the USA had to prepare its defenses against enemy fighters that could fly from pole to pole with tremendous speed. Then we had the stories in Nexus magazine and other outlets about secret postwar British SAS operations on that continent, allegedly against a group of surviving and fanatical Nazis. And finally, there have been the occasional internet articles alleging that large pyramidal structures have been discovered there.
Whatever one makes of all of this, it is clear that the polar continent is the center of some very bizarre activity and attention: German Nazis, American Admirals and marines, British special ops forces, Orthodox Patriarchs, and American black-projects aerospace companies, and pyramids.
The picture this paints could have been painted by Hieronymus Bosch.
Well, it just became stranger, for several people emailed this article to me, and one regular website reader, who lives in Russia, assures me that this story has also run on Russian television, for now it seems there is something strange going on in the opposite polar regions, in the Russian Arctic:
What's the infection? Well, as the article makes clear, it's an outbreak of anthrax, a disease one normally does not associate with the Arctic. But the deployment of 1,200 biowarfare specialist troops does make one wonder whether the Russian government may suspect more is going on than they're publicly admitting. Indeed, the article states that other deadly agents may have been involved. But then comes the strangest zinger of them all:

Russian officials said the infection may have started after a contaminated corpse was exposed following a warm summer in the Arctic which saw temperatures rise as high as 95 degrees Fahrenheit.
95 degrees Fahrenheit!? In the Arctic!?!? Anthrax and "other" notably unspecified "agents"? Russian biowarfare troops? I can't help but think that perhaps some sort of deliberate weather modification might be behind at least the high temperatures, and that raises the stakes of our high octane speculation considerably, for the deployment of biowarfare military troops suggests the Russian government suspects something more is going on than merely freakish weather and the natural thaw of an anthrax-contaminated corpse. Indeed, Russia surely has civilian authorities able to quarantine and deal with such outbreaks. Of course, the Arctic is a heavily militarized area in Russia, and this might explain the presence of biowarfare troops, but again, my suspicion here is that this doesn't explain the Russian government's reaction. So, this is one for the you tell me folder.
And while you're telling me, I can't help but add a few more wrenches into the works, for I wonder if these recent events at both poles, sudden outbreaks, mysterious evacuation flights to Antarctica, and now, Russian biowarfare troops in the Arctic after temperatures more typical of the American midwest and southwest have occurred.
Is there something strange going on that "they" are not telling us?
Well, you tell me, but for my two cents' worth, I think there is.

Billy Joe Royal- I Knew You When(Original)

Billy Joe Royal- I Knew You When(Original)
Uploaded on Aug 4, 2011
Enjoy (:
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Saturday, July 30, 2016




Last night, we reported that an explosion followed by streaks of unexplained light were seen over Utah, Nevada and across California – and perhaps elsewhere. It was a pretty dramatic sighting and home videos were e-mailed to me and most were posted on YouTube.
The fire ball spilt and then broke up into smaller streaks.
It was later reported the streak was the remnants from a Chinese CZ-7 rocket, which re-entered the atmosphere over Northern America near California at 9:36pm, Pacific time.
The light show was similar to an incident in late December last year, when debris from a Russian rocket that was returning into Earth’s atmosphere lit up the skies across the Western United States.
While breakups of space junk are common events – what isn’t common is that now they are happening over populated areas.
I believe there is a reason for this and it isn’t going to be reported in the mainstream narrative.
The scientists and observers that explain these anomalies want us to believe it is all routine and that there is really nothing to be concerned about. However, if you were to explore other reports outside of the United States propaganda bureau you will find that it is all connected to the preparations for space warfare and surveillance spying.
Last Saturday it was reported that a Long March 7 rocket was launched from Hainan in southern China which is reported to be a space junk garbage truck of sorts. However, some analysts claim it may serve a military purpose.
The craft that was launched has a robotic arm capable of snagging defunct satellites and bring them back to earth and crashing them safely into the ocean.
Now I am not saying that the sighting of CZ-7 explosion is connected to this launch but timing of what are being called secret space launches give one a reason to ponder just what is happening up there and why are we seeing more Russian and Chinese space artifacts blazing up the skies over the United States.
You need ask yourself is China really developing this cutting-edge technology only to clean up space junk or does it have the potential to be an anti-satellite weapon?
In 2007, China conducted an anti-satellite test which blew up a dead weather probe with a missile. The test prompted an international outcry because the explosion generated such a large volume of debris.
The United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency plans to launch a larger, more sophisticated craft for the US Air Force in 2020. The Phoenix In-Orbit Servicing Program had been scheduled for launch last year, but was delayed by technical and cost concerns.
The Phoenix is said to be a platform that will be used for repairing, upgrading and refueling ageing satellites.
But, secretly it can turn foreign satellites into U.S. spy satellites.
Early this morning, a United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket carrying a classified National Reconnaissance Office spy satellite blasted off from Cape Canaveral.
There were no reports of what the payload was or what its purpose was.
Of course in the margins it was noted that this rocket was being used for intelligence signals tracking – or if one wants to venture into UFO territory – a possible communications satellite directed at what may be out there watching us.
Two days before the launch NASA, cut a live-feed taken from the International Space Station after an agency’s astronaut saw a strange red UFO on the screen. It is believed that a vocal exchange between astronauts gave the UFO a codename called, “gospel.”
Before NASA cut the live feed, NASA’s astronaut was heard saying that he looks forward to a partnership with a gospel. Another International Space Station staff member, on the other hand, replied to the NASA’s astronaut that they will be praying for him in space. NASA’s Commander Jeff Williams is said to be the person who replied to the astronaut.
What is peculiar about the exchange is that while he speaks about a personal relationship in what he calls “the gospel” which could be seen as a simple reference to religion — he then goes on to talk about a “beach ball” that he says is the world.
The sentence without context sounds strange – and we can say that it is pretty innocuous.
The UFO however, is not. It is plainly there and it is most certainly interesting to watch.
Back in April Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, gave a speech to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the ROTC program at Norwich University. In his speech he told young cadets that their future would be complex and that a whole new set of possible obstacles and anomalies that they will be facing.
The most bizarre thing that he said was that in the future soldiers would have to adapt to hybrid wars and “little green men.”
Of course at the time, this sparked a great deal of discussion and while there were a few people who claimed that he was referring to Ukrainian or Russian soldiers, UFO and alien enthusiasts were thinking that this was yet another reference leading to disclosure.
The UFO party was evidently pooped on when military officials batted down any talk of aliens and intergalactic war.
Officials issued a memo stating that the phrase “little green men” typically refers to foreign troops or paramilitary forces who dress in green attire instead of traditional military gear.
Officials made it clear that his words were in no way referring to fighting troops from outer space.
No more than four months later it appears things have changed and it can be pointed out that something is happening that indicates, indeed, the military industrial complex has decided to extend out into space.
While we have had many shows speculating about a secret space program and while stories of whistle blowers hacking into NASA computers revealing off world space soldiers, there have been many so-called skeptics who want to suppress and even censor any and all information that may indicate we are currently preparing for war and that the battlefield of interest now is outer space.
According to a Space Science report out of Australia, it seems that there is interest in the land down under about our secret space program and how it most certainly is underway.
Space Science reports that our military is bracing itself for war in space and has begun training U.S. Air Force personnel for outer space conflicts.
When the movie, Independence Day Resurgence began its promotional campaign, it received an extra push from the Army. A viral commercial made the round on the Internet and was also seen on television featuring the proud father of a fictional Earth space defense soldier. The father in the commercial says over soft music that his daughter is fighting and he fought in the war in 96, a veteran of the first alien encounter. The man is proud to say that the “planet is safer because she’s defending it.”
The commercial ends with “Go Army.”
It appears that for the first time the military attached itself to a science fiction film dealing with space battled against aliens.
Now according Australia’s Space Science, the Air Force has launched a program called the “Space Mission Force” which is dedicated to “developing space war fighters for tomorrow.”
They are reporting General John Hyten, commander of Air Force Space Command, wrote: “Despite world interest in avoiding militarization of space, potential adversaries have identified the use of space as an advantage for U.S. military forces, and are actively fielding systems to deny our use of space in a conflict.
“This is not without precedence. Through the centuries, nations formed armies, navies and air forces to defend the right to use the global commons of land, sea and air. Securing our right to use space is simply an extension of an age old principle to guarantee use of global commons.”
According to a memo produced by the George C. Marshall Institute Space Combat and the Space Mission Force the space race is happening again and while we are being told that there are no immediate plans for manned missions into space – the truth is stranger than science fiction.
A bold new game of “Space Chess” is underway.
The U.S. Air Force’s new strategy is aimed at protecting its “freedom of action in space”, which will primarily involve protecting satellites and other orbital facilities which are used in military reconnaissance and surveillance.
Its training program will subject units to “demanding training … focused on improving combat capability against ever-increasing threats and complex scenarios.”
It is known that China has the capability to destroy satellites, while Russia recently tested a warplane capable of flying to “near space”.
Moscow is also rumored to be developing a nuclear-armed space bomber, although Russian defense officials have denied this suggestion.
In reference again to the Marshal Institute memo – Military officials have stressed that the U.S. must come to grips with the fact that the days of unchallenged use of space is coming to an end. Other nations can access space, will operate there in pursuit of their own national interests, and are looking for ways to gain strategic advantages.
Despite our current lead in space activities, there are serious concerns about the U.S. ability to sustain the quantity and quality of space activities.
Right now, nearly every U.S. space program faces budget overruns and schedule slippages, which is indicative of systemic management concerns, changing requirements, and the complexity of what is at stake.
Federal research and development in space activities and the size of the aerospace workforce and related academic interest by new groups are flat or falling, suggesting a that there is a perceived lack of priority or faith in the future of the space program.
However, it was reported recently that the Department of Defense set aside $6.6 billion to fund “space protection” programs.
Lt. Gen. Jay Raymond, the Air Force’s deputy chief of staff for operations, recently said America was undergoing a “renaissance fuelled by the need to protect and defend these new capabilities and space capabilities that we have become so reliant on.”
In short, whether the innovative capacity of the U.S. can sustain our present advantages is open to question.
Recognition of the challenge China and Russia has put before us provides ample warning for the American public and its leaders to decide how best to defend the U.S. from a war in space.
The problem is that the Obama administration and Congress are dragging their feet in some respects, while the military is trying to reverse this and are making progress in developing a strategy to ensure a sustained commitment of priority and resources, and public recognition of the seriousness of the threat and the importance of it.
Space systems have numerous vulnerabilities. These include intentional strikes mounted against ground stations, launch systems, or orbiting satellites. Space systems are also vulnerable to disruption, which could disrupt or deny their use when desired, or to actual destruction, which might be accomplished through an anti-satellite attack or explosion of an electromagnetic pulse.
With China’s new tech and their efforts to have an upper-hand in space, these are not hypothetical concerns.
For a country whose military prowess utterly depends on space, the stakes are enormous. America has staked out the orbital high ground. Now it needs to appreciate that advantage and defend it against enemies, both foreign and extraterrestrial.

Hillary Clinton, a cousin of Justin Trudeau, Madonna, Celine Dion, Justin Bieber, Ryan Gosling, Angelina Jolie, Camilla Parker-Bowles...

Posted by George Freund on July 30, 2016     ~ hehe Mr & Mrs A~ merry~eeee~ ka  ya St ~ ill  think that just "any~body"    ...gets   Huh    really  just any~body     humm sherrrr yep yup um~humm   just any ole run of the mill "American"    ....just "makes"   ...IT  hehe   hows that work~in out fer U.S. avg .....jose's & joes's that go~in ;0 has discovered that Hillary Clinton has many family ties with other celebrities in politics (Justin Trudeau), music (Madonna, Celine Dion, Justin Bieber), the film industry (Ryan Gosling, Angelina Jolie) and royalty (Camilla Parker-Bowles)! All those celebrities have in common French-Canadian pioneers, and in particular Percheron pioneers.

For instance, Catherine Godet (1793-1855), the mother of Mary Anne Frances McDougall, is a direct descendant of Percheron pioneer Nicolas Godé, an emigrant originating from the vicinity of Igé (Orne, France).

Hillary Clinton's family tree counts other Percheron emigrants as the famous Jean Guyon, the direct ancestor of Celine Dion, Mathurin Gagnon, both originating from Tourouvre (Orne, France), Gaspard Boucher from Mortagne-au-Perche (Orne, France) and a common ancestor of Celine Dion, Madonna and Camilla Parker-Bowles.

Moreover, Pierre Gagné, a pioneer from Igé like Nicolas Godé is represented in the ancestry of James McDougall, the father of Mary Anne Frances McDougall. This makes Hillary Clinton a relative of Celine Dion and Madonna.

Angelina Jolie has several Percheron ancestors but none are common with Hillary Clinton. Their common ancestor is the Normand Jean Cusson, originating from the vicinity of Rouen (France).

As strange as it may seem, there is nothing exceptional about those family ties. As Percheron pioneers were among the very first French emigrants to settle in New France, most of North Americans with French-Canadian ancestry have Percheron blood and are more or less related.

Famous cousins of Hillary Clinton

Minimum number of family links

Famous cousins of Hillary Clinton


Hillary Clinton has many family ties with the famous descendants of those Percherons pioneers. has found out not less than:

• 98 links with Justin Bieber
• 45 links with Madonna
• 32 links with Celine Dion
• 20 links with Jack Kerouac
• 15 links with Angelina Jolie
• 10 links with Alanis Morissette
• 10 links with Justin Trudeau
• 8 links with Camilla Parker-Bowles
• 8 links with Ryan Gosling has explored the French-Canadian ancestry of Hillary Clinton. See detailshere.

Percheron ancestors of Hillary Clinton has identified nine Hillary Clinton's ancestors whose the origin is Perche. All immigrated in the 17th century. They came from the following villages (note that the ancestor pages are available in French only):

- Igé (Françoise Gadois, Pierre Gagné, Nicolas Godé;)

- Mamers (Nicole Lemaire)

- Mortagne-au-Perche (Gaspard and Madeleine Boucher, Mathurine Robin)

- Tourouvre (Mathurin Gagnon, Jean Guyon)

Hillary Clinton's French-Canadian ancestors


[1] Rodham Clinton, Hillary. Living Story. editions Simon & Schuster,2003.

[2] Moreau-DesHarnais, Gail F. Michigan's Habitant Heritage, Journal of the French-Canadian Heritage Society of Michigan, 2007.

[3] The core facts and information of this article are primarily based on work by William Addams Reitwiesner available here

[4] Full investigation of E.H. Hail into Hillary’s possible distant Amerindian ancestry available here

[5] Carter, Claire. The road to the White House... which began 160 years ago in Ystradyfodwg. MailOnline, PUBLISHED: 11:57 GMT, 21 April 2015 | UPDATED: 11:25 GMT, 2 February 2016

Lawsuit Filed Against Government And Media For Staging Sandy Hook

Lawsuit Filed Against Government And Media For Staging Sandy Hook

Posted by George Freund on July 29, 2016 

Posted on July 28, 2016 by Baxter Dmitry

In a shocking twist in the Sandy Hook saga, film maker and author William Brandon Shanley decided pursued a number of lawsuits in excess of more than $1 Trillion against the mainstream media and government in 2014. Shortly after, he was framed and thrown in jail. Now he’s out and refiling those lawsuits, albeit sightly fearful for his life.

It seems author and film maker William Brandon Shanley, the producer of Election starring Martin Sheen, was getting a little too close to the truth.

After making the bold move of filing a law suit against the mainstream media and government regarding what he believes was an elaborate hoax, he wound up getting arrested on what he called “trumped up” phony charges to silence him.

If you followed the Sandy Hook case, you will know many things just didn’t add up. If you didn’t follow the case – after you read Shanley’s statement and watch the documentary below (at the end of the article) you will understand why he is filing these lawsuits." />

Here’s an excerpt of William Shanley’s statement posted on his facebook page:

The good news is there is no physical evidence anyone died at Sandy Hook School. What is most troubling, however, is that former New Haven Register Reporter, Michael Bellmore, 27, and Western Connecticut State Police Commander, Major William Podgorski, 49, a lead Sandy Hook investigator, are dead, as well as JoAnn June Egletes, 53, a secretary to Attorney Irving Pinsky who had the temerity to file a $100,000,000 lawsuit against the State of Connecticut for terrorizing his client. Other key witnesses are also missing, dead, have resigned, retired or otherwise vanished from the scene.

The constellation of correlations of anomalies and documentary evidence convince us beyond a shadow of a doubt that this was an emergency drill redirected to deceive the public. If truth be told, public servants and surrogates ate all the best parts of the picture. That pattern exposes with utmost precision their pompous perfidy in 3D living color for the whole world to see.

Here is what we (and many other contributing investigators and researchers) found in our investigation:

* The final report from the Connecticut public employees does not include the names, the ages or the sex of the alleged victims of the shooting

* The Town Clerk of Newtown entered into secret negotiations with the Connecticut state legislature to avoid releasing their death certifications

* The Connecticut State Attorney General opposed the release of the 911 calls and had to be denied withholding them by courts

* A special panel of the state legislature recommended state employees who released information about Sandy Hook be subject to an E-felony

* The crime scene was destroyed. Those who were involved in the demolition of the school building itself were required to sign life-time gag orders about anything they saw or did not see

* There was no surge of EMTs into the building, no line of ambulances, no physical proof anyone died–and not even the parents were allowed to see their children

* Life Star medevac helicopter service was not alerted to the bloodbath

* According to Sedensky’s report, there were 489 students and 82 staff and faculty present, for a total of 571 combined that should have been evacuated from the school, but you can search in vain: there is no aerial footage of a mass evacuation

* Sandy Hook Elementary School appears to have been closed in 2008 because of the presence of bio-hazards and the expense of upgrading to meet ADA requirements

* The Newtown Bee published an interview with the school principal, Dawn Hochsprung, during the shooting itself, but she was officially already dead

* The “iconic” photograph taken by Newtown Bee Associate Editor Shannon Hicks was staged, “smoking gun” proof that this event was a drill

* The FBI report on the shooting, which was commissioned by President Obama, has been massively redacted, rendering it virtually unintelligible

* The “parents” (who may be playing roles) and first responders have received millions of dollars from fundraising sites, with millions more coming from the federal government

* Paul Preston, a school safety expert, received confirmation from several contacts in the Department of Education that the Massacre had been a drill and no one had died

* Two Connecticut State Troopers have confirmed to Wolfgang Halbig that the 11,000 page report he has in hand, prepared by State Attorney Steven Sedensky, was “the script” for the Sandy Hook drill that terrorized the nation

* According to Connecticut State’s Attorney, Stephen Sedensky’s own report, there were no fingerprints on the .22 rifle that Adam allegedly used to shoot his mother and, even more surprisingly, that of the large number of shots that were fired from the 5.56 calibre Bushmaster (close to 150 rounds), none of the bullet fragments could be matched to the weapon.

He concludes as follows:

As this was a planned attack on the consciousness of the American people and the world to advance a policy goal through terrorism, the dimensions of the criminality are beneath contempt—evil, really—we are calling on the United States Congress to convene broad and deep joint hearings of the Senate and House Committees on the Judiciary, wherein investigators have unlimited subpoena power, so that we may shine a sanitizing light and purge the American government of the psychopathology that made this possible.

The New York Times, the Associated Press, the Hartford Courant, and the Newtown Bee are all also being sued for $10 billion in a separate Complaint.

Case Name: Shanley v. Smith et al Case Number: 3:14-cv-01881-JAM

Filer: William Brandon Shanley

Mass TV and wire service news media are being sued for 1 trillion usd, punitive damages.

Shanley v. O’Prey et al Case Number: 3:14-cv-01929-JAM

Filer: William Brandon Shanley

If you are wondering what all the fuss is about and how this could ever possibly be true, please watch the documentary below:

DID NASA INTERCEPT AN 80,000 YEAR OLD DISTRESS SIGNAL?   ~ hehe "could" THIS b 1 of the reasons    Y "we"  R   b'ing ... harvested ...  IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD  Oops

DID NASA INTERCEPT AN 80,000 YEAR OLD DISTRESS SIGNAL?  This is one of the strangest stories I've received recently, and it was sent by Mr. T.M.  NASA, according to this article, intercepted, and eventually decoded, an 80,000 year old distress message from a planet apparently outside this galaxy. Whether "outside" means in a distant galaxy, or rather, outside the galactic rim, is unstated. There is much, in other words, to make one question the article. But since high octane speculation is our trademark here, I have included this story in this week's blogs because, when I read it, there was something that leaped off the page, and made me shudder. So, in spite of my extreme skepticism about this story, see if you discover the same lines, and have the same reaction:
NASA Received an SOS Call from another Galaxy?
Now that you've had time to read the article, let's recapitulate. It begins with an outline of the claim:
Interestingly enough, one of those files featured an article originally published in the Weekly World News (September 15, 1998 Vol 19 No. 51) with a story about how NASA detected, intercepted, and decoded a mathematically-based distress signal from a purportedly doomed planetoid outside our own galaxy. Unfortunately, at the time the said article was published, in Weekly World News, it was not taken seriously because of that particular magazine's standing reputation of being a tabloid.
The signal was detected in January of 1998 but, however and as it might be expected, it took many months to properly decode the message.
At this juncture, the original Weekly World News article is then reprinted in its entirety, and I have italicized the portions that I considered chilling in their implications:
NASA experts claim to have intercepted an intergalactic distress call from an alien civilization that had already peaked and was actually dying when saber-tooth tigers still roamed the earth.
The 80,000-year-old SOS was received and digitally recorded in late January 1998.
But only in recent weeks have radio astronomers and language experts found the key to the complex mathematics-based language that enabled them to translate the 'frantic plea for help'.
The world press has been suspiciously silent about the startling message, though lengthy scientific reports are scheduled for publication in two professional journals, Radio Astronomy and Universe.
According to a highly placed NASA source in Houston, Texas, noted Russian space scientist Dr. Viktor Kulakov is leading a United Nations research team from a state-operated observatory 50 miles northwest of Moscow.
Dr. Kulakov told Universe that the signal emanated from a point beyond the galaxy nearest to our own, Andromeda, and was sent by beings that had apparently achieved a civilization no more advanced than our own here on Earth.
“The simple fact that we received and decoded the message proves beyond any doubt that their knowledge and technology were, at the very best, within our reach.” Dr. Kulakov explained.
“And while there are years of study ahead of us, I can say with certainty that the death of their civilization was not the result of some cosmic catastrophe. It was the result of the civilization turning on itself, possibly with devastating nuclear weaponry.”
Dr Kulakov flatly refused to provide either of the magazines with a transcript of the message, but he did say it began with the plea, “Help us,” and went on to give data pinpointing the exact position of the doomed planet.
There was a quite lucid account of apocalyptic devastation, hellish explosions, widespread death and terminal illnesses,” he said.
“A Shower of meteors? Perhaps. But what stikes me, and this is just a feeling, is an underlying acceptance of guilt. It’s as if the senders of the message are acknowledging blame for what happened.”
"Whatever it was, they apparently had no means to evacuate the remaining population. Interplanetary space travel was available to them, but only on a very limited level. The message makes it very clear that they were trapped on their world,” said Dr. Kulakov. (Emphasis added)
What I found disturbing here was the date: 80,000 years ago, a date that by some lights (not my own) would place it within the range of similar catastrophes here on Earth, suggesting not merely some catastrophe limited to this planet, or the distant Andromedan planet, but something inter-galactic. Now indulge me penchant for wild and bizarre speculations for a moment.
Assuming for the sake of argument that this story is true - and there have been similar stories from time to time over the years - then let us turn it on its head for a moment, and assume that Dr. Kulakov is correct, and that the distress call was not the result of a natural catastrophe. What he is suggesting, quite clearly, is that it is the result of a war, of a civilization turning upon itself in a nuclear conflagration. But what if this is not the case? What if the war was something else entirely? An invasion, or a civil war of an interplanetary civilization? What intrigues me about this scenario are the implications behind what little about the message is revealed in the article: the message appears almost uniquely human in character, and this too I find disconcerting, for it is a kind of confirmation of my suspicion, held for years, that we have "genetic cousins" out there, and that, for whatever reason, there is a power or force or species or race intent on our destruction, wherever we be found.
So what am I getting at here? Years ago i wrote The Cosmic War: Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics, and Ancient Texts, and when writing it, I struggled with powerful emotions of sadness and despair, that such destruction not only could be contemplated, but wielded. But reading this story, I begin to wonder, what if that cosmic war was, indeed, truly cosmic, that some distant planet was destroyed by some Andromedan Tiamat and Marduk? it's all too human-sounding message hits too close to home, even though it is from another galaxy, far far away, and a long time ago... 

                                                                                                             HUMAN DNA TO BE SENT TO THE STARS…        ~ hehe dot's ,dot's Dot's  ... DOT'S     folks nobody  OR  very ,very ,Very ,VERY few peeps wanna ...    OR  r will~in ta connect thum's    naaaa fuck IT   "we" r just con~sumer's ...& we ...die   HUH   :)  Nut~in ta C folks move along  Lol  just some "cell's"   decided ta fuck in the mud/soup  bowl    ...long .long Long   ...time   ...go

HUMAN DNA TO BE SENT TO THE STARS…  There's a project in the works to send human DNA samples to various star systems thought to be suitable for planets that can sustain life as a kind of "backup system" to ensure the survival of the human species. This article was shared by Mr. L., and as you can imagine, it prompts speculations that are beyond high octane; they're...well... "nebul/ar-ous" to coin a double-edged word:
Human DNA sent into SPACE to ‘back-up’ species so we’re NEVER extinct
The project is sheer "Star Trek":
A project called Voices of Humanity would send data, messages and even DNA into space using laser propelled spacecrafts where “Your data will live forever in the universe. You will be immortalized,” according to the KickStarter page.
The team is hoping to initially raise $30,000 (£22,700) to launch computer chips full of images and data into low-Earth orbit by 2017, with more distant missions such as the moon and Mars in the future. Once they have reached $100,000 (£75,000), “we will be able to build a sophisticated ground-based laser and robotic telescope that allows your data to be optionally transmitted via laser to the target of your choice in space”.
Those behind the plans add: “We will then be able to 'beam you up' by encoding and sending your data to the stars so you will travel at the speed of light into the universe.
The ships will use similar technology being developed for Breakthrough Starshot
“In both cases, we will be able to 'back up humanity', using the universe as our 'cloud' with your images, pictures, text, tweets, video, and DNA!” Esteemed scientists have given their backing to the project, including Nasa’s Philip Lubin, who is also working on Stephen Hawking’s Breakthrough Starshot project, which will also be using similar laser-propelled spacecrafts.
Well, if nothing else, this serves notice than even brilliant scientists are subject to apocalyptic fears.
However, there are some important questions looming in the background here and Mr. L's email was accompanied with some of the relevant ones: (1) who is funding this project? (2) who is selected to be included among the DNA samples? (and, though not included as one of Mr. L's questions, one might also ask: what are the selection criteria?) (3) Wouldn't such a project go against the "prime directive"? assuming there is one, of course.
But I cannot but help to think, in my "nebul/ar-ous" speculations, that something else entirely may be going on here, and that it's being cloaked behind yet another typically transhumanist bit of technobabble and technopromises of immortality. What if there is someone out there - our ancient genetic cousins perhaps - is demanding some sort of tithe or tribute, in this case, in the form of DNA information? What if this project is motivated by something else entirely than the public meme of "preserving the human species" by using all available current technological means to launch us to the stars. In this scenario, sending such information in effect is like signing a lien; it's a part of a commercial contract, perhaps millennia old, and as I averred at last year's Secret Space Program conference, perhaps this is all in aid of some ancient "cosmic Versailles treaty" as a form of "reparations", perhaps a kind of tribute to ward off the very sort of apocalypse being advanced in the article, but not by building a kind of "Noah's Ark," but rather by buying off a distant potentate threatening invasion if the tribute is not paid.
Of course, this is a wild and bizarre scenario, to be sure, and it may mask something much more mundane, namely, yet another project to garner more information for a genetic database: no "cosmic Versailles", no "reparations or tithes", not even techno-immortality.
All that said, I don't know about you, but I have the uneasy and lingering suspicion - wild and bizarre as my "nebul/ar-ous" speculations may be - that there is more going on here than meets the eye, and that like people in a room where one or two people are on the telephone and having a conversation with someone else, that we're only hearing one half of the conversation.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Intrigues and Leaks

These last few weeks appear to indicate that Cold War 2.0 is beginning to escalate further. A little less than two weeks ago there was an attempted coup d'etat in Turkey that was effectively stillborn. At the time I had suspected that it was staged by Turkish strongman Tayyip Erdogan, as the Turkish military has ample experience in coups and close ties to the US intelligence community. Thus, any coup would have surely had the backing of the CIA and that would put the Turkish military on good footing. As noted at the time, there were rumblings that the CIA was in fact behind the coup via their proxy, Fethullah Gulen (the Turkish cleric also has ties to the Clintons, which may be very significant, as we shall see).

While an Erdogan-staged coup still remains a possibility, recent information sheds new light of the recent events in Turkey that has caused me to rethink that accessment. Increasingly, there are indications that the Russian in fact warned Erdogan of the coup:
"Several Arab media outlets, including Rai Alyoum, quoted diplomatic sources in Ankara as saying that Turkey's National Intelligence Organization, known locally as the MIT, received intel from its Russian counterpart that warned of an impending coup in the Muslim state.
"The unnamed diplomats said the Russian army in the region had intercepted highly sensitive army exchanges and encoded radio messages showing that the Turkish army was readying to stage a coup against the administration in Ankara.
"The exchanges included dispatch of several army choppers to President Erdogan's resort hotel to arrest or kill the president.
"The diplomats were not sure of the Russian station that had intercepted the exchanges, but said the Russian army intelligence unit deployed in Khmeimim (also called Hmeimim) in Syria's Northern province of Lattakia is reportedly equipped with state-of-the-art electronic and eavesdropping systems to gather highly sensitive information for the Russian squadrons that are on an anti-terrorism mission in Syria."
Putin and Erdogan
If so, it was a brilliant move on Putin's part. After the tensions between Turkey and Russia last year over Turkey shooting down a Russian military plane, the possibility of a war could not be dismissed. But now with the failed coup, Turkey and Russia seem poised for a closer relationship, potentially depriving NATO of one of its most crucial allies if Turkey's continued insistence on US culpability for the coup are any indications. This would be yet another major success for Putin in the Islamic world after successful Russian efforts to keep Assad in power in Syria.

With recent events this past weekend, there are indications that Putin may have scored another major success, only this time in the United States itself. As I'm sure many of you are aware, there are incessant rumblings that Russia is behind the DNC hack that threw the Democratic National Convention into disarray earlier in the week. While is tempting to dismiss these allegations out of hand, there are some compelling indications that a Russian hand may in fact have been behind the hack.

If so, there are two compelling motives for this intervention in the US political madhouse:

  1. Revenge for the Panama Papers. There have been ample allegations that this was a CIA plot targeted at Russia and other alleged enemies of the United States Putin himself condemned the leaks as a plot to destabilize Russia.
  2. to prevent Hillary Clinton from becoming the next president of the United States
The second motive is not entirely unreasonable Hillary's antagonism towards Russia and the neocon warmongers flocking to her campaign in droves. Indeed, the neocons appear to have bold plans for Hillary's presidency:
"The way they described Clinton’s foreign policy vision suggested that if elected president in November, she will escalate tensions with Russia, double down on military belligerence in the Middle East, and generally ignore the American public’s growing hostility to intervention...
"Smith told the audience that unlike Trump, Clinton “understands the importance of deterring Russian aggression,” which is why “I’ll sleep better with her in the chair.” She is a former deputy national security adviser to Vice President Joe Biden...
" 'I know Hillary cares more about Ukraine than the current president does,' Kagan replied. '[Obama] said to me [that he wouldn’t arm Ukraine because] he doesn’t want a nuclear war with Russia,' he added, rolling his eyes dismissively. 'I don’t think Obama cares about Putin anymore at all. I think he’s hopeless.'
"Kagan is married to Victoria Nuland, the Obama administration’s hardline assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian Affairs. Nuland, who would likely serve in a senior position in a Clinton administration, supports shipping weapons to Ukraine despite major opposition from European countries and concerns about the neo-Nazi elements those weapons would empower.
"Another thing neoconservatives and liberal hawks have in common is confidence that the foreign policy establishment is right, and the growing populist hostility to military intervention is naïve and uninformed."
arch neocon and Hillary backer Robert Kagan
Ah yes, that silly Obama and his fears about a nuclear war with Russia. The nerve!

Perhaps I'm over reacting. After all, the likely alternative is almost as appealing and may well have close ties to Russia (an certainly has a Knight of Malta and Blackwater veteran as his top foreign policy adviser, potentially indicating a tie to the fascist Le Cercle network). On the other hand, the push to force women to register for the draft in the United States and the ban on transgender people serving in the military recently being lifted may indicate that some people feel the US military will soon need all the warm bodies they can get their grubby hands on. With the political climate today and the growing chaos both abroad and domestically, this is likely not a good portend.


FBI ARRESTS HSBC BANKERS, BUT LEAVES YOU TO CONNECT THE DOTS  Every now and then one just has to stop and admire the banksters; for duplicity, subtlety, and a tapestry of relationships that leaves one wondering just how deep the corruption goes, for a tangle of political corruption that perhaps only divine omniscience and ubiquity could sort out, they are unparalleled. What am I talking about? Well, this one may leave you scratching your head, as it did me, and I am tempted to file this one under the "you tell me" category: the FBI, apparently, has arrested two senior managers at HSBC(Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation):
FBI arrests senior HSBC banker accused of rigging multibillion-dollar deal
Of course, the HSBC has a rather long and dubious history; think opium and the 19th century here, or for that matter, Lord Blackheath's comments in the House of Lords a few years ago(see my extensive quotations from his remarks in Hansard's in Covert Wars and Breakaway Civiizations). And now, yet again, another bank caught in illegal manipulations, this time, of currency rates:
A senior HSBC banker has been arrested by the FBI as he attempted to board a transatlantic flight and charged him with fraudulently rigging a multibillion-dollar currency exchange deal.
Mark Johnson, a British citizen and HSBC’s global head of foreign exchange trading, and a colleague are accused of “defrauding clients” and alleged to have “corruptly manipulated the foreign exchange market to benefit themselves and their bank”.
He was arrested on Tuesday night shortly before he was due to fly to London from New York’s JFK airport, and was due to be formally charged by a judge at Brooklyn federal court later on Wednesday. He was later released on bail.
A second Briton, Stuart Scott, who was HSBC’s European head of foreign exchange trading in London until December 2014, is accused of the same crimes. A warrant was issued for Scott’s arrest.They are the first people to be charged in connection with the US government’s long-running investigation into bankers’ alleged rigging of the $5.3tn (£4tn) per day forex market.
“The defendants allegedly betrayed their client’s confidence, and corruptly manipulated the foreign exchange market to benefit themselves and their bank,” said the US assistant attorney general Leslie Caldwell. “This case demonstrates the [US Department of Justice’s] criminal division’s commitment to hold corporate executives, including at the world’s largest and most sophisticated institutions, responsible for their crimes.”
Ok... by now we're all accustomed to the fact that these big banks are about as trustworthy as George Soros at a color revolution.
But, in case you missed it when you were too busy frothing about a few plagiarized lines in Ms. Trump's speech(and there's much to be horrified about at the Republican convention, but it wasn't that), HSBC has connections to Ms. Clinton, to the FBI director that recently "cleared" her of intent to violate the law (even when the law itself isn't about intent, but simply negligence, and even though it isn't his job to recommend prosecutions, it's the attorney general's, who, incidentally, has her own connections to HSBC and was only talking about the grandkids with Bill on the tarmac):
The feds arrested an executive from the scandal-plagued global bank named HSBC. Mark Johnson was arrested for conspiring to take advantage of insider information and other charges. HSBC  has been hot water many times and paid billions of dollars to settle money-laundering charges and mortgage abuses. They were also involved in a YUGE tax evasion scandal, where HSBC enabled thousands of Americans and others – including drug traffickers, arms dealers and “wealthy power players” around the world – to avoid taxes by hiding their money in a Swiss bank they owned. These are unscrupulous people. So, of course, Hillary Clinton is tied to … Continue reading Corrupt HSBC Global Bank Exec Arressted, Links to Hillary, James Comey and Loretta Lynch
Now, this is interesting and summons so much high octane speculation in my always speculating mind, that I scarcely know where to begin. But let me concentrate on the first scenario that flitted through my mind, and that's all those emails that Hilliary deleted before anyone could have a look (except, of course, Mr. Putin, and so far, he's not talking even though various Russian media outlets have made it clear that they have several of these emails.  [C'mon Vlad... let us see, please? After all, it would be to your benefit, since Ms. Clinton and the neo-con crowd hardly thinks that Russia is a friend. Give it some thought, and get back with us.]) What I suspect they'd reveal is a great deal about the extent of the plans, networks, and financing for Mr. Global's little fascist project. Or to put it more simply, it would reveal the vast extent of what I've been calling the "hidden system of finance" and perhaps one small portion of it and how it is currently constructed.
Of course, it's the mention of those Russian media articles insinuating that they have their hands on quite a few of these emails that must have various people burning the midnight oil late into the wee hours: what if those insinuations are true? Will Mr. Putin or someone in the Russian government "leak" them? (The latter, of course, is more likely, since it allows the Kremlin some plausible deniability: "Woops, sorry about that... a clerk hit the wrong button. We will be certain to take appropriate action against the clerk", said action perhaps being a resort dacha in the newly re-acquired Crimean peninsula) It would indeed be intriguing were the "accidental" leak to occur during Ms. Clinton's acceptance monodrone at the convention this week. Of perhaps the Russians might just sit on those emails, after all, should Ms. Clinton be (s)elected, then they potentially give the Russians a great deal of leverage.
But as I suggest, it is possible we're looking at much more than just the usual racketeering and corruption and legal double standard - one set of laws for you and I, and another for the "top" tier of society - that we chave come to associate with the Clinton-Bush nexus. It may be that the ties go much deeper into that system of finance, and given the extent of it, we might expect Russia to reveal those emails only after it (and China) have built out their parallel clearing systems.

While Clinton Hid Emails, $6 Billion Went Missing in Her State Dept.

Posted by George Freund on July 23, 2016

Source: Clinton Journal | By Aaron Dykes

July 20, 2016

The political world is swarming over revelations that Hillary Clinton hid her emails during her time as Secretary of State.

She apparently went so far in shielding her official correspondence from public scrutiny that her team set up the private domain, used cover names for family members and reportedly ran a server for the mail client out of her home. Hillary publicly tweeted to dispel concerns about secrecy, dubiously claiming ‘I want the public to see my email.’

But serious concerns have been raised about her trail of secrecy, and the potential for classified information to have been exposed to foreign entities, spies, hackers and the like:

“The former Secretary’s tweet does not answer questions about why this was not done when she left office, the integrity of the emails while she controlled them, the scheme to conceal them, or the failure to provide them in logical course,” said committee spokesman Jamal Ware. (source)Perhaps the most serious accusation facing Clinton is that she may have breached one of the fundamental tenets of classified information. J William Leonard, former director of the body that keeps watch over executive branch secrets, the Information Security Oversight Office, told the Guardian that if Clinton had dealt with confidential government matters through her personal email, that would have been problematic. “There is no such thing as personal copies of classified information. All classified information belongs to the US government and it should never leave the control of the government.” (source)

After all, it was the infamous hacker ‘Guccifer’ who revealed the scheme, not GOP enemies or ‘accountable’ officials in government.

Otherwise, would the world have ever known?

But Wait, There’s More… Much More Being Covered Up

But the emails – if they are ever disclosed to the public – are not the half of it.

They are the proverbial tip of the iceberg of secrecy.

Recall that not even a year ago, it was quietly disclosed that the Hillary Clinton State Dept. “misplaced” more than $6 billion dollars that remain unaccounted for. The Washington Times reported about the losses under Sec. Clinton:

The State Department misplaced and lost some $6 billion due to the improper filing of contracts during the past six years, mainly during the tenure of former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, according to a newly released Inspector General report.The $6 billion in unaccounted funds poses a “significant financial risk and demonstrates a lack of internal control over the Department’s contract actions,” according to the report.

Truthstream reported:

The obvious implication here is to cover up corruption and sweetheart deals, such as contracts to spouses and friends, with missing documents in numerous government contracts for the war in Iraq and much more:

The situation “creates conditions conducive to fraud, as corrupt individuals may attempt to conceal evidence of illicit behavior by omitting key documents from the contract file,” the report concluded.

It would seem very little was account for – by definition – since the Clinton State Dept. had a vacancy for the critical Inspector General position, responsible for oversight and department spending, during the ENTIRE 5 year tenure of Hillary Clinton there.

It was the longest vacancy in the entire history of the department. In February 2012, a year before Clinton left office in February 2013, the Project on Government Oversight (POGO) reported:

The longest vacancy has been at the State Department, which has gone 1,484 days—over four years—without a permanent IG, at a time when the Department has taken on the responsibility andchallenge of managing scandal-prone private security contractors in war zones. As of today, there are seven IG positions that have been vacant for more than a year.

So much for the already absurd ‘most transparent administration ever’ claim of the Obama Administration.

That means no one even pretended to keep Sec. Clinton and her department accountable during her reign.

After Hillary stepped down, embroiled in “what difference does make” Benghazi bullsh*t, and John Kerry took over, one Steve A. Linick was appointed as Inspector General of the State Dept. As IG, Linick discovered $6 billion in unaccounted funds “due to improper filing of contracts during the past six years.”

What else will be found – with an as-yet untold covert role by the State Dept. in the meddling of Libya, Egypt, Syria and other players in the Arab Spring uprising, the covert financing of jihadi rebels as well as ISIS, and in the mounting tensions with Russia, China and other key players around the world?

How much more has been kept secret – beyond just emails – that the public will never know about?

But alas, I guess secrecy and the Clintons have long gone together like peas and carrots, peanut butter and jelly or power and abuse.

Aaron Dykes is a co-founder of, where this first appeared. As a writer, researcher and video producer who has worked on numerous documentaries and investigative reports, he uses history as a guide to decode current events, uncover obscure agendas and contrast them with the dignity afforded individuals as recognized in documents like the Bill of Rights.