
Saturday, July 30, 2016




Last night, we reported that an explosion followed by streaks of unexplained light were seen over Utah, Nevada and across California – and perhaps elsewhere. It was a pretty dramatic sighting and home videos were e-mailed to me and most were posted on YouTube.
The fire ball spilt and then broke up into smaller streaks.
It was later reported the streak was the remnants from a Chinese CZ-7 rocket, which re-entered the atmosphere over Northern America near California at 9:36pm, Pacific time.
The light show was similar to an incident in late December last year, when debris from a Russian rocket that was returning into Earth’s atmosphere lit up the skies across the Western United States.
While breakups of space junk are common events – what isn’t common is that now they are happening over populated areas.
I believe there is a reason for this and it isn’t going to be reported in the mainstream narrative.
The scientists and observers that explain these anomalies want us to believe it is all routine and that there is really nothing to be concerned about. However, if you were to explore other reports outside of the United States propaganda bureau you will find that it is all connected to the preparations for space warfare and surveillance spying.
Last Saturday it was reported that a Long March 7 rocket was launched from Hainan in southern China which is reported to be a space junk garbage truck of sorts. However, some analysts claim it may serve a military purpose.
The craft that was launched has a robotic arm capable of snagging defunct satellites and bring them back to earth and crashing them safely into the ocean.
Now I am not saying that the sighting of CZ-7 explosion is connected to this launch but timing of what are being called secret space launches give one a reason to ponder just what is happening up there and why are we seeing more Russian and Chinese space artifacts blazing up the skies over the United States.
You need ask yourself is China really developing this cutting-edge technology only to clean up space junk or does it have the potential to be an anti-satellite weapon?
In 2007, China conducted an anti-satellite test which blew up a dead weather probe with a missile. The test prompted an international outcry because the explosion generated such a large volume of debris.
The United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency plans to launch a larger, more sophisticated craft for the US Air Force in 2020. The Phoenix In-Orbit Servicing Program had been scheduled for launch last year, but was delayed by technical and cost concerns.
The Phoenix is said to be a platform that will be used for repairing, upgrading and refueling ageing satellites.
But, secretly it can turn foreign satellites into U.S. spy satellites.
Early this morning, a United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket carrying a classified National Reconnaissance Office spy satellite blasted off from Cape Canaveral.
There were no reports of what the payload was or what its purpose was.
Of course in the margins it was noted that this rocket was being used for intelligence signals tracking – or if one wants to venture into UFO territory – a possible communications satellite directed at what may be out there watching us.
Two days before the launch NASA, cut a live-feed taken from the International Space Station after an agency’s astronaut saw a strange red UFO on the screen. It is believed that a vocal exchange between astronauts gave the UFO a codename called, “gospel.”
Before NASA cut the live feed, NASA’s astronaut was heard saying that he looks forward to a partnership with a gospel. Another International Space Station staff member, on the other hand, replied to the NASA’s astronaut that they will be praying for him in space. NASA’s Commander Jeff Williams is said to be the person who replied to the astronaut.
What is peculiar about the exchange is that while he speaks about a personal relationship in what he calls “the gospel” which could be seen as a simple reference to religion — he then goes on to talk about a “beach ball” that he says is the world.
The sentence without context sounds strange – and we can say that it is pretty innocuous.
The UFO however, is not. It is plainly there and it is most certainly interesting to watch.
Back in April Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, gave a speech to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the ROTC program at Norwich University. In his speech he told young cadets that their future would be complex and that a whole new set of possible obstacles and anomalies that they will be facing.
The most bizarre thing that he said was that in the future soldiers would have to adapt to hybrid wars and “little green men.”
Of course at the time, this sparked a great deal of discussion and while there were a few people who claimed that he was referring to Ukrainian or Russian soldiers, UFO and alien enthusiasts were thinking that this was yet another reference leading to disclosure.
The UFO party was evidently pooped on when military officials batted down any talk of aliens and intergalactic war.
Officials issued a memo stating that the phrase “little green men” typically refers to foreign troops or paramilitary forces who dress in green attire instead of traditional military gear.
Officials made it clear that his words were in no way referring to fighting troops from outer space.
No more than four months later it appears things have changed and it can be pointed out that something is happening that indicates, indeed, the military industrial complex has decided to extend out into space.
While we have had many shows speculating about a secret space program and while stories of whistle blowers hacking into NASA computers revealing off world space soldiers, there have been many so-called skeptics who want to suppress and even censor any and all information that may indicate we are currently preparing for war and that the battlefield of interest now is outer space.
According to a Space Science report out of Australia, it seems that there is interest in the land down under about our secret space program and how it most certainly is underway.
Space Science reports that our military is bracing itself for war in space and has begun training U.S. Air Force personnel for outer space conflicts.
When the movie, Independence Day Resurgence began its promotional campaign, it received an extra push from the Army. A viral commercial made the round on the Internet and was also seen on television featuring the proud father of a fictional Earth space defense soldier. The father in the commercial says over soft music that his daughter is fighting and he fought in the war in 96, a veteran of the first alien encounter. The man is proud to say that the “planet is safer because she’s defending it.”
The commercial ends with “Go Army.”
It appears that for the first time the military attached itself to a science fiction film dealing with space battled against aliens.
Now according Australia’s Space Science, the Air Force has launched a program called the “Space Mission Force” which is dedicated to “developing space war fighters for tomorrow.”
They are reporting General John Hyten, commander of Air Force Space Command, wrote: “Despite world interest in avoiding militarization of space, potential adversaries have identified the use of space as an advantage for U.S. military forces, and are actively fielding systems to deny our use of space in a conflict.
“This is not without precedence. Through the centuries, nations formed armies, navies and air forces to defend the right to use the global commons of land, sea and air. Securing our right to use space is simply an extension of an age old principle to guarantee use of global commons.”
According to a memo produced by the George C. Marshall Institute Space Combat and the Space Mission Force the space race is happening again and while we are being told that there are no immediate plans for manned missions into space – the truth is stranger than science fiction.
A bold new game of “Space Chess” is underway.
The U.S. Air Force’s new strategy is aimed at protecting its “freedom of action in space”, which will primarily involve protecting satellites and other orbital facilities which are used in military reconnaissance and surveillance.
Its training program will subject units to “demanding training … focused on improving combat capability against ever-increasing threats and complex scenarios.”
It is known that China has the capability to destroy satellites, while Russia recently tested a warplane capable of flying to “near space”.
Moscow is also rumored to be developing a nuclear-armed space bomber, although Russian defense officials have denied this suggestion.
In reference again to the Marshal Institute memo – Military officials have stressed that the U.S. must come to grips with the fact that the days of unchallenged use of space is coming to an end. Other nations can access space, will operate there in pursuit of their own national interests, and are looking for ways to gain strategic advantages.
Despite our current lead in space activities, there are serious concerns about the U.S. ability to sustain the quantity and quality of space activities.
Right now, nearly every U.S. space program faces budget overruns and schedule slippages, which is indicative of systemic management concerns, changing requirements, and the complexity of what is at stake.
Federal research and development in space activities and the size of the aerospace workforce and related academic interest by new groups are flat or falling, suggesting a that there is a perceived lack of priority or faith in the future of the space program.
However, it was reported recently that the Department of Defense set aside $6.6 billion to fund “space protection” programs.
Lt. Gen. Jay Raymond, the Air Force’s deputy chief of staff for operations, recently said America was undergoing a “renaissance fuelled by the need to protect and defend these new capabilities and space capabilities that we have become so reliant on.”
In short, whether the innovative capacity of the U.S. can sustain our present advantages is open to question.
Recognition of the challenge China and Russia has put before us provides ample warning for the American public and its leaders to decide how best to defend the U.S. from a war in space.
The problem is that the Obama administration and Congress are dragging their feet in some respects, while the military is trying to reverse this and are making progress in developing a strategy to ensure a sustained commitment of priority and resources, and public recognition of the seriousness of the threat and the importance of it.
Space systems have numerous vulnerabilities. These include intentional strikes mounted against ground stations, launch systems, or orbiting satellites. Space systems are also vulnerable to disruption, which could disrupt or deny their use when desired, or to actual destruction, which might be accomplished through an anti-satellite attack or explosion of an electromagnetic pulse.
With China’s new tech and their efforts to have an upper-hand in space, these are not hypothetical concerns.
For a country whose military prowess utterly depends on space, the stakes are enormous. America has staked out the orbital high ground. Now it needs to appreciate that advantage and defend it against enemies, both foreign and extraterrestrial.

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