
Saturday, June 18, 2016

Orlando Gay-Club Shooter Is Also An Actor!

This post was originally published on Fellowship of the Minds.
The deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history seems to be populated by professional actors.
First, Luis Burbano, a much-interviewed eyewitness who claims to have been in the Orlando gay nightclub, Pulse, at the time of the shooting, turns out to be a professional actor.
Luis Burbano (2)
Burbano’s profile on the Internet Movie Database (IMDb) lists 5 acting credits under “Filmography,” the most recent one being his role as a “club patron” in a 2015 music video called — I’m not making this up — “Spirit of Orlando: Shooting Up”.
A day after I took the screenshot of Burbano’s acting credits on IMDb, his “Spirit of Orlando: Shooting Up” acting was deleted by IMDb. Below is the screenshot I took yesterday, June 15, 2016, showing Burbano’s full acting credits.
Luis Burbano
Now, it turns out the shooter himself, 29-year-old Omar Mateen, also had acting experience.

While working as a security guard for the laughably-incompetent government contractor G4S, Mateen appeared in a 2012 award-winning documentary, The Big Fix, about the 2010 BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
As recounted by Daily Mail, Mateen was filmed by documentary director Rebecca Tickell using a hidden camera. Pretending to be an oblivious passer-by, Tickell asked Mateen about the relief efforts. Mateen bashed BP and the workers:
“No one gives a s***, no one gives a s*** here. Like, everybody’s just out to get paid. They’re, like, hoping for more oil to come out and more people to complain so they’ll have job. ‘Cause once people get laid off here, it’s gonna suck for them. They want more disaster to happen. That’s where their money-making is.”
Tickell said, “It’s all about the money, right?” To which Mateen replied, “All about the money. Exactly.”

The documentary’s producers have confirmed to CBS News that the man in the footage is Mateen.
You may say that Mateen wasn’t really acting in the documentary because he was filmed by a hidden camera.
But wait! Mateen is an actor — he even has his own page on IMDb!
His profile on IMDb says Mateen had appeared in two documentaries:
  1. As himself in The Big Fix in 2012.
  2. As “bad boy” in the 2013 “documentary, romance, drama” Love City, Jalalabad, described as “A wild and funny documentary showing how the progressive youth of Afghanistan are rejecting the use of armed force and see film production as an alternative means of bringing peace and social change to their war-torn and occupied country.”
Love City, Jalalabad
Here’s a screenshot from Mateen’s IMDb profile, showing his acting credit on Love City, Jalalabad, which, no doubt, will soon be scrubbed from IMDb:
Omar Mateen on IMDbOmar Mateen is identified as among Love City, Jalalabad‘s full cast and crew, portraying the role of “Bad Boy”.
Here’s a promo video-clip from Love City, Jalalabad, showing transvestites and a dwarf in lurid makeup:
To add to the murky background of Omar Mateen, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen discovered that Omar’s father, Seddique Mir Mateen, has CIA connections. Madsen writes in his for-subscribers-only post of June 14, 2016, “Father of Orlando shooter part of U.S. pro-Taliban CIA/VOA network“:
Seddique Mir Mateen, the presidential pretender of Afghanistan and father of Orlando nightclub shooter Omar Mateen, is part of a pro-Taliban network of Afghan and Pakistani propagandists who use the television and radio networks funded by the CIA-influenced Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) to spread their messages to audiences throughout the world. Mateen hosts a television show called the Durand Jirga Show, which is funded through his Durand Jirga, Inc., a Florida not-for-profit corporation based in Port St. Lucie, Florida. Mateen’s program is broadcast by Payame Afghan out of Los Angeles, which is also the home to a number of CIA- and VOA-subsidized satellite broadcasts in the Farsi language to Iran. […]
The BBG has funded a number of U.S.-based broadcasters that operate from the United States, Pakistan, and Afghanistan in order to target Pakistani and Afghan audiences in the United States and around the world with propaganda […] considered major failures and a waste of taxpayers’ funds.
Even after the 9/11 terrorist attack on the United States, the VOA’s Pashto service gave a propaganda platform to the Afghan Taliban.
[…] Seddique Mir Mateen’s own views side with those of the Taliban. The presence of a number of pro-Taliban Afghan-Americans in the United States was facilitated by the CIA’s support for the mujaheddin cause in the Afghan jihadist war with the Soviet Union in the 1980s. […] Today, those links serve Khalilzad and the CIA well at the CIA-linked Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington [….]
Since Omar Mateen’s massacre in Orlando, the VOA continues with its propaganda aimed against the United States. The following are just a few of the comments posted on Ashna TV’s Dari and Pashto Service’s webpage: […]
Writing of Omar Mateen: “verry [sic] brave mane [sic]. action is great.” – Mahmoodullah Hamid of the Agha Khan Foundation in Afghanistan.
Some 60 percent of the comments on the Ashna TV website praised Omar Mateen and his actions in Orlando. And the American taxpayers fund this activity through their financial support for the VOA and BBG. And, as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton championed the expansion of these broadcast services.
H/t “Barry Soetoro Esq.” and FOTM‘s MomOfIV, Anon, and Lola.

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