
Friday, June 24, 2016

Medical Impossibilities, Wild Ethics And Protocol Violations Now the Norm In Today’s False Flag Events 

Bernie Suarez
Truth and Art TV

It’s no secret that when a person trains in a certain field they become very knowledgeable about how things operate in that field, don’t they? Today we’re led to believe that unless you pursue a degree in a particular field it is okay to be ignorant of knowledge in that field. It’s like we’ve outsourced the process of critical thinking to those who have degrees in specific fields. Thus not being trained in that field becomes the excuse many people use today to blindly accept whatever they are told (in this case by mainstream media) about issues pertaining to that field of study. What I’m describing here is someone who doesn’t want to think on their own. Stepping back and taking a bird’s-eye view of the situation, we’re describing someone who not only doesn’t want to think on their own but someone who considers critical thinking a bothersome (mental) exercise. This is actually no different than the person who doesn’t ever want to go to the gym because they are lazy. This willful ignorance is then similar to a mental laziness.

As the controllers continue to conduct one false flag shooting “event” after another to destroy our mental peace and sense of safety, and as they deliberately tamper with the general public’s psyche to prepare them for martial law and permanent enslavement, this mental laziness or willful ignorance becomes a key tool that allows the controllers to get away with what I call medical miracles and fantastic improbabilities playing out before our very eyes as few are even catching them or (for that matter) even questioning them.

Orlando Shooting: Missing medical reality

Taking a closer look at the mass shooting false flag in Orlando Florida however we’ll observe that in this event (as I’ve already written about) we saw medical impossibilities, miracles and massive protocol and ethics violations on full display in broad daylight with few saying a word. I’ll provide emphasis on the word “zero” to make my point more clearly. From police officers playing the role of emergency medical services and paramedics, to another big shooting scene with zero ambulances clearly seen anywhere saving lives, to the miracle of police being given the power to pronounce people dead, to zero accounts of people who almost died then were saved during surgery, to zero accounts of people who were thought to survive and then crashed later on, to zero cases of stories from the front-line nurses, doctors and paramedics telling us of specific challenges with those who sustained gunshot wounds. No stories for example of any victims who perhaps suffered a pneumothorax or pulmonary embolism from the gun wound but was later saved with other life support measures. No tense days of waiting to see who makes it or who dies. Amazingly, everyone died at the same time during that immediate aftermath period when the story and ceremonies were being constructed.
This medical miracle of all patients dying at the same time as I’ve said many times again assumes the fictional reality of “one shot one kill” video game-style. We see this medical miracle pushed on us all the time in staged mass shootings. At Sandy Hook we’re told that a weapons untrained featherweight boy magically wielded his assault rifle with such skills, precision and speed that his victims were hit and killed immediately without any possibility of being alive entirely rationalizing why the police (of all people!) were able to look visually, examine and confirm death completely rendering unnecessary the skills and services of the medical professional emergency service and paramedics workers etc. This my friends, is a wild medical impossibility of epic proportions. I couldn’t help but to notice that in an attempt to control the 2-dimensional reality the mainstream media set up what appears to be a staged doctor press conference where doctors tell how “lucky” they were that no one died at the hospital according to Dr Michael Cheatham chief trauma surgeon who happen to be the same doctor selling the “lockdown” rationale the morning of the shooting. As a former medical professional I personally sense no reality to this conference and political interviews. Doctors generally don’t behave this way getting prettied up prepped for the camera to calmly tell their “story”. The odds of this “luck” where no one died in surgery from massive “assault rifle” wounds are extremely bizarre in light of the event that took place. So what we have is zero footage of ambulances, emergency rescue workers saving lives and a bunch of doctors seemingly staging a press conference to explain what they know is an improbable medical coincidence. This is exactly what I predicted earlier this year when I said that false flags would migrate to a “hospital” near you with plenty of “stories” told to us by the doctors and surgeons themselves. Stories you and I cannot confirm for reasons of patient “confidentiality”. Get it? You decide.
I believe the reason these doctors bounced out of character to do these bizarre story telling interviews selling the all-or-nothing idea that everyone at the club died due to (presumably) head wounds (?) while everyone that came in with body wounds was miraculously saved in surgery is because they know that studies have shown that a person rarely dies from one single gun shot. The human body is actually resilient and tends towards life. Let’s listen to Dr Andreas Grabinsky talk about gun shot wounds and how “most” people actually “survive” gunshot wounds.
So, as I see it there is reason to highly suspect these Orlando doctors are “telling” us these stories in a manner that conveniently suggests the fictional-

Orlando Shooting Hoax - Since When Do We See Doctors Talk Like This?

“body-shots 100% lucky and alive- dead people 100% dead at club, no need to bring to hospital” with no in-between organic reality. This “all or nothing” claim is highly suspicious! Again, this idea that someone gets shot one time (or even twice) and automatically they are dead is a delusion not based on reality. In fact nowadays medical researchers will tell you people are surviving gunshot wounds at a better rate than ever. Listen to Dr Thomas Scalea professor of surgery at University of Maryland Medical Center explain this. Writer Rachael Rettner writes (emphasis added to point out rather important facts

Dr Andreas Grabinsky on Gunshot Wounds

Over the last 20 years, the chances that a person will survive a critical gunshot wound have increased substantially, perhaps by around 30 to 40 percent, said Dr. Thomas Scalea, professor of surgery at the University of Maryland Medical Center’s R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, who has treated thousands of patients with gunshot wounds over his three-decade career.
The most important factors, in terms of a person’s survival odds, are the location of the injury, the amount of blood lost and how quickly the victim is transported to the hospital, said Scalea …
Being shot in the trunk or torso is more life-threatening than being shot in an extremity, Scalea said.
And within major organs such as the heart or liver, some injuries are more serious than others because they cause more bleeding, Scalea said.
For example, being shot in the left side of the heart generally causes more bleeding than being shot on right side of the heart, because the right side has lower blood pressure, Scalea said. An injury to more than one of the heart’s four chambers causes more bleeding than an injury to only one chamber, and a wound that goes through the septum — which separates the heart’s left and right sides — is worse than an injury that does not go through the septum, Scalea said.
With gunshot wounds that involve the liver, an injury to the organ’s center causes more bleeding than an injury to its periphery, and a wound on the right side is worse than the left, Scalea said.
The main concern with gunshot wounds that involve the intestine or stomach is not bleeding, but infections that result from spillage of the contents of those organs, Scalea said.
Both technical advances and changes in trauma practice have led to an increase in the percentage of people who survive gunshot wounds, Scalea said.
Rather than trying to stabilize victims in the field, health care personnel now try to get injured people into a transport vehicle and to a hospital as soon as possible, Scalea said.
While people can, theoretically, survive a gunshot wound to any part of their body, the chances of survival vary on a case by case basis, he said.
Pass it on: More people now survive critical gunshot wounds than they did several decades ago thanks to changes in trauma practice and technical advances.
There you have it. As you can see, again, the idea of one shot one kill is not grounded in reality especially given the circumstances of a dark nightclub, aimless gunfire, people running and all the confusion in the middle of poor lighting etc. Again, to make up for this extremely odd improbability Dr Cheatham implies but doesn’t say it directly that the people who died were shot in the head. If that is the case they should be prepared to prove that. And in light of the video above, as you can see the odds of all of the “body-shot” victims surviving is extremely small also because a shot to the heart or vital organ can make a big difference between life and death even if that person doesn’t die right then and there. However we’re told of no such stories. That’s an extremely bizarre coincident in more ways than most people realize.
Also, from the shooters standpoint it’s one thing to fire an assault rifle, it’s quite another to aim and precisely hit your target with little time to think and the pressure of hitting every single target perfectly. Every human that gets hit by one or more bullets will react differently and has a completely different outcome compared to the person next to them. There are simply too many variables at play to assume they would all somehow die at the same time and the “body shot” people all conveniently run out and are “saved” in surgery accounting for zero deaths in the operating room as told to us by perfectly posed doctors.
All this aside, that’s just one medical miracle and impossibility among many others we are seeing now regularly because the controllers apparently only care about convincing the mentally lazy, willfully ignorant segment of the population as we discussed earlier. Obviously they realize that those of us who are thinking critically are going to figure out that none of their stories make medical sense, it’s the mental zombies they feel they need to convince. Well, apparently their assumptions about this ignorant segment of the population is accurate; they are indeed falling for these medical psyop miracles and fantastic ironies that defy nature, and not just once but with every false flag shooting.

Body Identification

I imagine everyone needed a proper ID according to Florida state alcohol distribution laws to enter the club then why the confusion over how many dead people and who died? How can the death toll number change … for a smaller (not larger) number? How can you count one “more” dead person who isn’t dead. Oh I know what the sheep will say, ‘it’s a simple mistake’. Don’t look now but their hasn’t been one shooting “event” where the dead body count hasn’t changed. Ask yourself, where is the only other place we see changing body counts in both directions? Video games perhaps. In the organic world one cannot be counted dead then rise from the dead. Again, since every single person at the club had an ID on them at that time the death count should have been very concise and easy to calculate. I digress.

Police playing role of paramedics!

Then there is my pet peeve issue, where we are now seeing police being inserted into the role of paramedics and EMS as the image below shows, not to mention being given the absolute medical authority to pronounce people dead or more properly, not worthy of life-saving intervention as we saw in Sandy Hook. The only theoretical role the police department would play in any real life-saving situation is the obligation to protect the medical professionals as they do their jobs, and to move their cars OUT of the way so that medical professionals can get in and out.
The entire process of saving lives, including CPR, providing of oxygen, saline into your veins to build up your blood pressure, blood transfusions to replace loss of blood, tourniquet applications, chest pumps, the application of chemical and electrocardioversion, making the key decision when NOT to move an injured person and HOW to move them. All of these actions only describe a fraction of the responsibilities of a professionally trained medical emergency worker. They get a license and training for a reason. As I often point out, making a mistake in this critical life-saving process could be a subject of a life-altering lawsuit or malpractice charge against a medical professional. There are rules that guide the ethical behavior and obligations of these medical professional workers in real life-saving situations and for this reason many medical professionals especially doctors pay a very high premium for medical heath malpractice insurance. That’s because we are talking real lives here.
In the typical false flag pre-planned and staged shooting event we are not only seeing police playing the role of paramedics despite that they have no training whatsoever in medical care, but the police seem to move around confidently as if they know that no one is going to sue them for moving that injured patient and causing the rupture of his aortic or femoral artery and triggering an pulmonary embolism, or whatever it might be. When it comes to medical injuries every medical professional knows that you simply never know what is happening. This is why the professionals train for so many years.
All of this reality is now taking a back seat to the staged false flag psyop reality we are told. I’m not suggesting I know who died and who didn’t die and I’m not even claiming that no one died. I’m saying that we have to challenge every segment of the reality they are presenting us with in the proper context not in the mainstream media context. In this case I’m offering readers a chance to prove me wrong and to deliver the medical reality of this shooting. In fact here is sequence of events that will add more reality to the Orlando shooting above and beyond those that are telling us they know someone who knows someone who died. We should all know this list of criteria as we’ve all done this before.

Steps on how to easily prove this article wrong

1. For all 49 deceased victims we should account for 49 stories telling exactly how they died and what exact time.
2. For all 49 deceased victims we need 49 medical records with details of the cause of death written and signed by a licensed medical doctor to include the surgeon who attempted the life-saving surgery, the ER doctor and or the licensed Coroner who did the autopsy. All of this is standard medical practice and should not be a problem for all researchers who commit to proving this article wrong. Needless to say I’ll be very curious if indeed all of these victims suffered wounds to the head as is being implied.
3. Building on #2, I’d like to see a list of all the surgeries that DID take place that evening for comparison. I’m actually wondering why no lives were lost whatsoever during these presumably intense surgeries. Yes, they’ve “told” us they were “lucky” to save everyone, but now we need to see the full reality of HOW this happened. This claim again is more remarkable than most people realize given the circumstances.
4. All 49 deceased victims should come with easily and quickly available clear-to-see (no resistance please) death certificates.
5. We should see organic clear and undeniable funeral images of these victims. With every single person walking around with a smart phone which has a built-in video camera this should be a rather easy task.
Sadly, should they get this far and prove the actual deaths of these victims, these deaths would still not account for all the other fakery surrounding this complex false flag event but it would at least allow us to check off the death claims and label this both a staged fake event and a Gladio style murder.
So while we’re waiting for the conveniently missing police scanner audio from the hours of the shooting and hostage scenario to appear; while we’re waiting for the countless cell phone videos from people who were there; and while we’re digesting that one guy would hold the door shut from the outside so that no one can get out AND then brag about this crime on CNN; and while we’re waiting for the unredacted 911 calls, the clear overhead helicopter videos of the standoff, a reason for the unethical hospital “lockdown” which would surely cost lives and much more, consider that maybe, just maybe the Orlando shooting event was a multi-dimensional event with mixed realities designed for maximum psychological and political effect. Consider that the obvious crisis actors we’ve been laughing about were perhaps intended to be shown to us. Consider that the conflicting realities are all put there deliberately because they know they can do it this way.
So, instead of wondering if anyone died or not, or how many did actually die if anyone; and instead of wallowing in the FBI obvious connection to the accused now dead patsy killer which we actually have no proof of either (Mateen’s death), the obvious implied foreknowledge and all the “connections” neatly being presented to us by both mainstream and alternative media, what if we treat this one differently?
I say I’m holding on to my final verdict in terms of how many people died until I see all the actual proof. I’m a living breathing organic person and I demand living real organic proof of these simple easily verifiable things. Realize that if we think this way, from a scientific integrity and scientific method and organic reality point of view this event is not much different from Sandy Hook or perhaps San Bernardino or Boston bombing.
Perhaps this is the intended purpose, to have people divided on many different fronts fighting over whose reality is more real. When you practice something many times eventually you get really good at it, and perhaps they are getting very good at this. No, not the skill of hiding that it’s fake, they are getting better at dividing us while getting away with it. Perhaps THAT’S the real reason for the obviously fake crisis actors.
The lacking medical reality however is a special challenge I pose to all. Show me the medical reality of this event and then we’ll go from there. Either way it’s another false flag which we have to cope with. It’s time we fight back by using our intelligence and all our senses to think at a much higher level. Then and only then will we be able to categorize these events properly and not take the baits they are obviously too happy to put there for us to react to and then for them to observe and see how we react to them.
Finally, stop thinking that you are a spectator in their events and consider for a moment and for a change that THEY might be the spectators in the event that YOU, the casual observer, are in the middle of.
If you agree please share this message.

Bernie is a revolutionary writer with a background in medicine, psychology, and information technology. He is the author of The Art of Overcoming the New World Order and has written numerous articles over the years about freedom, government corruption and conspiracies, and solutions. A former host of the 9/11 Freefall radio show, Bernie is also the creator of the Truth and Art TV project where he shares articles and videos about issues that raise our consciousness and offer solutions to our current problems. His efforts are designed to encourage others to joyfully stand for truth, to expose government tactics of propaganda, fear and deception, and to address the psychology of dealing with the rising new world order. He is also a former U.S. Marine who believes it is our duty to stand for and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. A peace activist, he believes information and awareness is the first step toward being free from enslavement from the globalist control system which now threatens humanity. He believes love conquers all fear and it is up to each and every one of us to manifest the solutions and the change that you want to see in this world, because doing this is the very thing that will ensure victory and restoration of the human race from the rising global enslavement system, and will offer hope to future generations.

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