
Friday, June 24, 2016

Doctor listed on psych-evaluation carried out on Omar Mateen by G4S says she never saw him and was not living in Florida at the time it was conducted

Posted by George Freund on June 23, 2016 

The company called the discrepancy a 'clerical error' and said Mateen, who was a G4S employee for nearly 10 years, had been evaluated by a different psychologist. G4S came under fire after it was revealed that allegations about his comments while an armed guard were serious enough to make him an unarmed guard

Psychologist, Dr Carol Nudelman, said she didn't evaluate Orlando shooter Omar Mateen for his position at security firm G4S in 2007

However, her name appears on the document in Florida's state records that cleared him to carry a firearm as a private security guard

G4S officials called the discrepancy a 'clerical error' and said Mateen had been evaluated, but by a different psychologist

Company didn't move Mateen to unarmed position despite evidence that concluded comments he made were serious enough to transfer him


Another lie from the American propaganda networks. The alleged psychiatrist never saw Mateen and wasn't even in Florida at the time. Is that important? One glaring error like that in a court of law would end up in a case dismissal. In the court of public opinion BULLSHIT just keeps on coming until you change the channel and turn off the lying shills.

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