
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Florida/Hollywood Mob Connection, the CIA and O.J. Simpson By Alex Constantine             
MindNet Journal - Vol. 1, No. 9
     V E R I C O M M / MindNet         "Quid veritas est?"


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Editor: Mike Coyle 

Contributing Editors: Walter Bowart
                      Harlan Girard

Assistant Editor: Rick Lawler


Excerpted from:

The Florida/Hollywood Mob Connection, the CIA and O.J. Simpson 
By Alex Constantine


III: The Catspaw Precursor - A Mirror Image of the Simpson Case

        Because the Simpson case is a carefully-concerted
re-creation of another double-murder: Before the legal throes of
O.J. Simpson, there was Murray Gold.
        The Brentwood slaughter was foreshadowed in
September, 1974 when 71 year-old Irving Pasternak and his
wife Rhoda were brutally stabbed to death in Waterbury,
Connecticut. All in a few moments. There were no witnesses.
        Mr. Pasternak, before his retirement, was legal counsel
to the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America
(MPPDA), a Hollywood labor union once run by Pat Casey, an
"undercover agent" of mob boss Johnny Rosselli (Moldea). (Already
the Catspaw case has struck familiar territory: Murderville).
        Rosselli, like Lansky, had one foot in the underworld,
the other in Langley, Virginia. He was, by his own testimony
before the Church Committee in 1974, once handed a CIA contract
on the lives of Fidel Castro, Che Guevara and other Latin
American rebels. Rosselli went on to link Las Vegas casino
interests with Howard Hughes, Moe Dalitz and Jimmy Hoffa (Kohn).
        John Rosselli was, like Meyer Lansky, an asset of the
Combination, by his own admission before Church Committee on
Assassinations. Charles Rappleye, in his biography of Rosselli,
describes the gangster's initial appearance as Congress
attempted to unravel criminal interconnections of the Watergate
        Hoping to get to the bottom of the Nixon administration
burglaries, the Watergate prosecutors turned to John Rosselli.
Leslie Scherr, the Washington D.C., attorney who appeared with
Rosselli at the closed hearing, recalled, "It was so convoluted,
you really had to be John Le Carre' to follow it." But judging
from the questions posed to Rosselli, Scherr said, the
prosecutors felt that "the reason why the break-in occurred at
the Democratic Party headquarters was because Nixon or somebody
in the Republican Party suspected the Democrats had information
as to Nixon's involvement with the CIA's original contract with
Rosselli" (Rappleye & Becker).
        In July, 1976 his dismembered body was found -- shortly
after his Congressional appearance -- stuffed into a 55-gallon oil
drum, bobbing in the intercoastal waters of Biscayne Bay, off
Miami, near Donald Aronow's speedboat factory.
        Lansky and Aronow were both questioned by police about
the murder (Burdick,).
        The indictment of Murray Gold, a Jewish survivor of the
Holocaust and former son-in-law of the Pasternaks, hung entirely
on circumstantial evidence. There was, for one thing, the
telltale slash on the index finger of Gold's left hand. The
prosecution made a fuss over the finger. They argued in court
that Gold had injured himself in the course of dispatching the
Pasternaks. His defense team -- an assemblage of world famous
attorneys, soon to include F. Lee Bailey -- ushered to the stand
an expert witness who testified that it was improbable a slasher
could frenetically wound his victims and stab himself
without inflicting more damage than a minor flesh
        Witnesses passing the Pasternak home the night of the
murders gave police a description bearing no resemblance to
Murray Gold.
        Bruce Sanford, a friend of the Pasternak's daughter who
enjoyed sleeping in graveyards, fit the description in all
particulars. Sanford was known to wear Catspaw boots consistent
with the feral heelprints stamped in the blood of the Pasternaks.
Sanford had a long, sordid criminal history: a heroin addict, he
once attempted suicide by eating glass, admired Charles Manson
and belonged to a motorcycle gang called the "Peddlers of Death."
On two occasions he openly confessed to friends of committing the
murders, yet Waterbury authorities covered for him, at one point
going so far as to testify in the courtroom that Sanford had been
cabbaged away in a jail cell the night of the murders when, the
defense learned, he hadn't.
        Yet the name Sanford did not turn up on the list of
suspects because on December 12, 1974 he cut his own
throat. Murray Gold argued that police and prosecutors had
set him up and were deliberately overlooking Sanford's guilt to
win a false conviction.
        The prosecution dogged Murray Gold through five murder
trials before a guilty verdict was finally handed down -- ten
years after the crime took place.
        On the jury sat a secretary for the Attorney General of
Connecticut (the same department that indicted Gold), a woman
with two first cousins on the police force, another who admitted
upon questioning to have "extensive "contact" with the police, a
juror who spent "23 years in government service," an employee of
a state agency, and an alternate with a son employed as a
"corrections officer."
        Yet Gold's claim that he was the target of a police
conspiracy was lightly dismissed by the state's prosecutrix,
Marcia Smith, as so much paranoid invention.
        The jury found him guilty of the murders, but at a
post-trial hearing the verdict was set aside with a finding that
Gold was mentally crippled -- that an irrational
fear of courtroom "conspiracies" had decimated his sanity. The
judge concluded that he was entitled to a sixth trial. In the
meantime, evidence that Sanford committed the murders mounted.
Gold was released after a defense argument about suppressed
evidence at the post-trial hearing.

IV: A Killer's Brain Frequencies, a Few Words About CIA/Mafia
    Clean-Up Operations

        Gold was not the slasher -- But he was an ideal cut-out
for a Combination wet job. Gold once held a top-security position
at Grumman Aerospace. He had worked on secret defense projects.
He had access to classified records (Nizer). Grumman's personnel
office kept a comprehensive file on Gold. His history would be an
open book to any intelligence operative -- including the period
when he was incarcerated at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York,
where he received shock treatments for depression.
        Mount Sinai shares with other leading hospitals around
the country the distinction of employing psychiatrists
moonlighting in the grim netherworld of CIA mind control. Dr.
Harold Abramson (hand-picked for the sensitive mind control
program by Sidney Gottleib of the CIA's Technical Services
Division) conducted LSD research at Mount Sinai -- unusual in
itself because Abramson had no formal training in psychiatry
(Marks). His research was funded by the Macy Foundation, a CIA
shell (Marks). Abramson is best known as biochemical warfare
specialist Frank Olson's therapist -- before the most famous of
the CIA's mind control subjects plummeted from a tenth-floor
office window.
        At Mount Sinai, too, the Agency would have easy access to
detailed information concerning Murray Gold. His professional and
psychiatric profile spelled p-a-t-s-y.
        Twenty-one years later, a mythic Heiseman Trophy winner
was manipulated into a reprise of the Gold case. Like Murray
Gold, he cut his finger at the time of the killings, possibly the
result of a post-hypnotic or, more likely these days, remote
telemetric signal.
        "Simpson," says a clinical psychologist in Encino,
California who specializes in treating mind control victims, "is
a multiple personality -- I suspect he's a pro--grammed
multiple." She arrived at this conclusion after interviewing a
psychologist who'd counseled Nicole Simpson.
        The hidden presence of CIA mind control in the case would
explain the break-in at the office of Dr. Ameli and other
therapists retained to temper the emotional aches of the Simpson
        A chilling indication that the CIA's mind control
fraternity exercised a hidden influence on the trial was the
breakdown of juror Tracy Hampton in early May, 1995. Before she
was released by Judge Ito, Ms. Hampton had been observed sitting
motionless in the jury box, staring into space, Other jurors
reported that she had taken to gaping for long periods at a blank
television screen -- apparently  comatose. Hampton was removed
from the jury on May 3, after complaining to Judge Ito, "I can't
take it anymore."
        Hard Copy reported that Hampton had been "hearing
voices," a detail overlooked in newspaper accounts. The CIA's
mind control fraternity has, for at least 20 years, transmitted
words to subjects snared for experimentation in mental
institutions, prisons elsewhere. After she was ousted from the
courtroom, Hampton tried to commit suicide by eating glass -- an
allusion to the Catspaw case, specifically the attempted
self-immolation of suspect Bruce Sanford, who also bolted down a
mouthful of glass. Paramedics carried from her home on a
stretcher. She was hospitalized.
        There has since been no press coverage of her condition.


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