
Monday, May 23, 2016

Sandy Hook Massacre: Published Press Photos Pre-Dated Event 

Compelling imagery and analysis suggest corporate media’s direct participation in manufacture of Newtown shooting

Hunter News and Media
(January 14, 2014)
There have been a number of pre-dated fundraisers, tributes, death reports, detailed articles, and even appearances of Sandy Hook in two major motion pictures. In fact, there Sandy_Hook_Elementary_School-400x254have been so many of the pre-dated materials distributed, they’re literally uncountable, even with hundreds of links now inactive.
All of this clearly prepared material has brought thousands of people to realize how severely corrupt our world systems have become, but none of this may be as shocking as the number of pre-dated images that were once contained in the Associated Press images database. Not only are the images pre-dated, but those that are labeled “undated” have clearly matching dates with other photos.

The most convincing of these photos are undoubtedly those of Allison Wyatt, having the same cached creation date as a photo of a girl that appeared in the news for a few days, labeled as Wyatt, although the second girl’s mother revealed the picture was stolen from her flickr account and the pictured girl didn’t even attend Sandy Hook.[Emphasis added.-Ed.]

I’ve included all of the important screen shots for others to use! I’ll also explain them, focusing on the Allison Wyatt and Lily Gaubert photos.
It isn’t any conspiracy theory that FEMA, a program created in the aftermath of 9/11, was holding a drill called “planning for the needs of children in disasters” in Connecticut on the day of the shooting, or that they held the same drill at the Sandy Hook firehouse in 2010 (although the 2010 link is now gone, you can see it at 1:45 in this video).
[Video has since been deleted based on likely dubious copyright infringement claims.-Ed.]

It’s quite possible that these pictures contain the date of 12/13/12 because they were taken on that day, and the school was practicing the drill while taking photos to avoid making mistakes while conducting the “live” drill.
[Click on images for expanded view.]

Here you can see a photo that was released on December 21, although the timestamp matches the rest of December 12.

Although this photo of a banner made by students says it was taken and created on December 15 in the author’s caption, the creation date once again says December 12.

The pictures of Victoria Soto, below, are labeled with a creation date of 11/23/12 and labeled as “undated,” although Swan Song at Insane Media has already traced one of these photos to find a digital timestamp that matches Soto’s 2008 graduation. Photos of Dylan Hockley and Benjamin Wheeler also match the creation date of 11/23.

This is where things get really weird. I originally assumed that the following photo at the church had a reasonable explanation since it is dated all the way back to 2008. After reviewing the article from Insane Media, I began to look into the dates of my old screenshots and realized that there are multiple pictures with this same creation date of July 10, 2008.
It’s almost cynical, but I thought I’d include that the first article I traced one of these 2008 church photos to is titled “As Conn. story unfolds, media struggle with facts.”

Here we can see a photo of a Newtown police car outside of Lanza’s home, with the same creation date of 7/10/2008.

There were also photos, as seen in the video, from SIPA press, by the same photographers that matched the early creation dates.
Even more shocking than SIPA press having these photos, is the inclusion of both Allison Wyatt and Lily Gaubert. To be perfectly clear, Lily Gaubert was not listed a Sandy Hook victim. A photo of Gaubert was, however, featured by the media for about 3 days after the shooting, until Gaubert’s mother spoke out as you can see here.

Gaubert’s picture was featured in the news, but the name attached to it was “Allison Wyatt.”

You can see here that there were two photo dates tied to the “real” Allison Wyatt’s photo, and the later dated picture is edited.

Gaubert’s photo, the non-victim, was also dated in SIPA’s database with a 6/15 creation date. This should be the smoking gun.

I also included a few more SIPA photos for reference, along with some screenshots taken from Insane Media’s article, which I recommend reading if you’re still confused!

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