
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

More governments around the world are moving to accept natural medicine: Could this be the beginning of a healthy future?

by L.J. Devon, Staff Writer

(NaturalNews) In Switzerland, health insurance plans are on the cusp of covering homeopathy, herbal medicine, acupuncture, holistic care and traditional Chinese medicine. In 2009, two-thirds of the Swiss spoke out in favor of incorporating these important and long suppressed healthcare strategies into their healthcare system. By May 2017, all these great healthcare methods will be included in Switzerland's constitutional list of paid health services.

Will health insurance plans around the world begin competing to incorporate holistic healthcare strategies?

Health insurance plans have long been used to cover the costs of only interventions and drugs, encouraging system dependency. If more of these payment plans started covering preventative medicine and holistic approaches, pharmaceutical drug use and medical interventions would be drastically reduced, thus lowering the cost of healthcare for all. Could Switzerland's powerful change in health insurance coverage be the beginning of a healthy future for millions?

For far too long, people have been left in the dark about the array of healing molecules in plant-based extracts. The only "medicines" that get studied and legitimized as "scientific," are the synthetic creations of drug inventors. Even though these synthetic arrangements don't work in harmony with the body's natural systems, they are perpetually pumped out and capitalized on.

If patients were treated as individuals and healthcare providers approached each situation holistically, then perhaps patient health could be restored as a whole. By understanding nutrition utilization and putting it to work in an individual's body, healthcare professionals could prevent the use of high cost interventions that don't always work for cancer and other diseases. By understanding the signs of nutritional imbalances, healthcare systems could respond by helping patients incorporate the right whole foods into their diets instead of prescribing them pills to suppress the body's natural communication.

What if health insurance plans started covering gym memberships, encouraging people to take action to activate their bodies' lymph systems, an important part of maintaining immunity to disease?

Will the inclusion of cannabidiols in medicine open up scientific study on nature's vast array of plant molecules?

What if the government recognized the therapeutic anti-inflammatory benefit of curcuminoids in turmeric root, the antioxidant qualities of catechins in cocoa and green tea, or the liver protective glycyrrhizin in licorice root? Real medicine is synthesized directly by nature and works in harmony with the body.

Healing and healthcare is everywhere, whether in the form of polyacetylene, an electrically conductive, anti-fungal property of burdock root, or in the pain-relieving and nervous system-restoring cannabidiols in hemp. Pharmaceutical drugs today have vicious side effects, but nature's foods, like blackberries, bilberries and olives contain powerful properties like quercetin, which relax the vascular system, calming the heart. The question we should all be asking is: "Where has real science education gone?"

In Brazil, the government is making huge strides, approving use of Medical Marijuana, Inc.'s Real Scientific Hemp Oil (RSHO) to treat epilepsy, Parkinson's disease and chronic pain. Stuart W. Titus, PhD and Chief Executive Officer of Medical Marijuana, Inc. says, "Brazil is a shining example of how a national government has responded to humanitarian interests and has swiftly and diligently passed favorable legislation on behalf of the health and well-being of its people – children in particular."

Will other countries follow suit? The United States, which touts its system as the most scientifically advanced, is far behind in terms of incorporating nature's vast medicine palette. In America in particular, antibiotic overuse is causing the evolution of superbugs that are both deadly and hard to eradicate. What if doctors started working with patients' natural microbiomes to promote diversity and strength of the good bacteria in their guts? What if we worked with each individual's natural chemistry and microbial co-hosts so that the body could protect itself and more readily adapt to its environment?

With healthcare systems bent and broken and doing more harm than good, there's only room for improvement, a need to bring a holistic approach and a model of compassionate, individualized care back to the forefront. As cannabidiols become accepted in Brazil to treat life-altering conditions, there can only be an increased awakening to the healing benefits of plant-based healing molecules.

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