
Monday, May 9, 2016

Here’s Where Aluminum Goes When It’s Injected Into Your Body From A Vaccine

by Arjun Waliavax
While mercury (Thimerosal) has been removed from most vaccines, it is, unfortunately, still included in some vaccines for children and the elderly, and in some vaccines administered in certain developing nations. There are over 150 studies on organic-mercury used as a preservative in various vaccines, and over a dozen of them found outcomes of death, malformation, autoimmune reactions, neurodevelopment disorders, and more.
The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) may assert that Thimerosal is safe, but concerns over its safety still led them to remove it from most vaccines. The crazy thing is, its safety was based on the conclusions of fewer than 10 studies, all of which were sponsored by the CDC. Hundreds of other publications, on the other hand, have been raising concerns about it for decades. (source)
Are we going to see the same thing with aluminum in the near future?
While we have been adding aluminum to vaccines for approximately 90 years, many people remain unaware that appropriate safety assessments (toxicity studies) have not been conducted for the administration of vaccines containing aluminum as an adjuvant. Government health authorities have been putting aluminum in vaccines based solely on the assumption that they are safe. Because vaccines have been perceived as non-toxic substances for decades, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not attempted to prove the safety of this particular vaccine ingredient. Considering billions of dollars have been paid to families of vaccine injured children, I think it’s fair to say this is an alarming state of affairs. (source)
Here is a quote from Dr. Jose G. Dores, a professor at the University of Brasilia’s Department of Nutritional Sciences who recently published a study in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. In the study, he offers the following observation: “Despite their long use as active agents of medicines and fungicides, the safety levels of these substances have never been determined, either for animals or for adult humans—much less for fetuses, newborns, infants, and children.”  (source)
It wasn’t long ago when mercury was removed from vaccines, thanks to numerous studies demonstrating its toxicity, so I am hopeful that steps will soon be taken to remove aluminium from vaccines as well, it being a known neurotoxin. Below are some important reasons why now is the time to stop putting this substance into our bodies.

Aluminum From Vaccines vs Aluminum In Our Environment

The administration of aluminum into vaccines is most commonly justified by the fact that a person usually accumulates more aluminum in their body each day simply by eating, but what people fail to take into account is that your body has a different method of flushing it out of your system. They body is very good at doing this, it was designed to do this, but when you inject aluminum as a vaccine adjuvant, it does not come into the same mechanism of excretion as it would, say, from the aluminum you accumulate in your body as a result of wearing deodorant.
Injected aluminum does not enter the body or leave the body in the same way as environmental aluminum. It doesn’t come into the same mechanism of excretion, and that’s the whole point of adjuvants, they are meant to stick around and allow that antigen to be presented over and over again. It can’t be excreted because it must provide that prolonged exposure of the antigen to your immune system
If it’s not being excreted by the body, then where does it go? A fairly recent study published in Frontiers of Neurology explains how this biopersistence — demonstrated by its “capacity to migrate in lymphoid organs and then disseminate throughout the body within monocyte-lineage cells and progressively accumulate in the brain” — is so troublesome.
It also points out that, “in spite of their long usage, the literature has pointed out that the adjuvanticity mechanisms of aluminum salts remain basically unknown despite most active investigation in the field in recent years.”
A study published in BioMed Central (also cited in the study above) in 2012 found more cause for concern:
Intramuscular injection of alum-containing vaccine was associated with the appearance of aluminum deposits in distant organs, such as spleen and brain where they were still detected one year after injection. Both fluorescent materials injected into muscle translocated to draining lymph nodes (DLNs) and thereafter were detected associated with phagocytes in blood and spleen. Particles linearly accumulated in the brain up to the six-month endpoint; they were first found in perivascular CD11b+ cells and then in microglia and other neural cells. DLN ablation dramatically reduced the biodistribution. Cerebral translocation was not observed after direct intravenous injection, but significantly increased in mice with chronically altered blood-brain-barrier. Loss/gain-of-function experiments consistently implicated CCL2 in systemic diffusion of Al-Rho particles captured by monocyte-lineage cells and in their subsequent neurodelivery. Stereotactic particle injection pointed out brain retention as a factor of progressive particle accumulation.
The study went on to conclude that “continuously escalating doses of this poorly biodegradable adjuvant in the population may become insidiously unsafe, especially in the case of overimmunization or immature/altered blood brain barrier or high constitutive CCL-2 production.”
Here is a video of Dr. Christopher Shaw, a neuroscientist from the University of British Colombia, Canada, discussing this in detail.
The list of studies showing the biopersistence of aluminum via vaccines is well established in scientific literature. The entire purpose of including aluminum in vaccines in adjuvant form is to ensure they remain in the body, so what argument could possibly be raised against these concerns?

Aluminum Is An Experimentally Demonstrated Neurotoxin

Dr. Christoper Exley is a professor in Bioinorganic Chemistry and an honorary professor at the UHI Millennium Institute. He is arguably the world’s leading expert on aluminum toxicity, and in 2008, along with fellow researchers, he published a paper in Medical Hypothesis where he argued that it can be reasonably assumed that, if the efficacy of aluminum adjuvant in vaccines “is based upon the mode of action which we have described herein (refer to paper), then a situation could occur when their use results in an anarchic immunological response and a cascade of unwanted health effects.” He also stated that  aluminum salts are the most effective adjuvants in use today, and that their widespread application over decades is testimony to their success and safety. That being said, it’s also important to realize that this is assumed safety, not proven.
Since this paper was published 8 years ago, countless people have called for proper toxicity testing of aluminum in vaccines to take place, but it still hasn’t happened.
According to Chris:
Just imagine, you have a higher than normal body burden of aluminum. You are potentially accumulating it in certain areas in the body. You then receive multiple vaccinations, all of which contain some aluminum. In those multiple vaccinations, aluminum is acting as adjuvant and antigen, it sets off cascades of potential responses which I believe potentially can then cascade around the body, setting off potentially other stores of aluminum, whether they be in the brain, or the bone, the connective tissues, the places where we might expect to find high or raised levels of aluminum. Could this type of cascade effect explain why an aluminum adjuvant could then in some individuals only, produce such adverse effects? … Many of the adverse affects that you see in people who have suffered following vaccination are very similar to the known effects of aluminum intoxication. (source)
In this same video, he explains how to eliminate aluminum from the body.
A growing number of studies have linked the use of aluminum adjuvants to serious autoimmune outcomes in humans. (source)(source)(source)(source)
“Experimental research … clearly shows that aluminum adjuvants have a potential to induce serious immunological disorders in humans.”
Dr. Lucija Tomlijenovic (source)
There are numerous studies which have examined aluminum’s potential to induce toxic effects, and this is clearly established in medical literature, and has been for a long time. (source)
If significant aluminum load exceeds the body’s capacity to eliminate it, it is deposited into various tissues that include bone, brain, liver, heart, spleen, and muscle. Aluminum is found in cigarettes, cosmetics, food, medicines (aspirin), and much more. It’s in our environment, and we are surrounded by it; it is present in countless products we use every day, which simply wasn’t the case prior to the Industrial Revolution. And we know, thanks to the work of Richard Flarend, that aluminum is commonly absorbed into the body, into areas it shouldn’t be, and has been found in various urine samples from multiple studies examining this topic.
“We increasingly have this compound that was not part of any biochemical process on Earth, that can now only go and do havoc, which is exactly what it does. It causes all kinds of unusual biochemical reactions.”
– Dr. Chris Shaw, a neuroscientist and professor at the University of British Columbia (source)
Related CE Article (heavily sourced) That Goes Into More Detail About Why More Parents Are Choosing Not To Vaccinate

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