
Thursday, May 26, 2016

Glyphosate weed killer unleashes grotesque chemical deformations in farm animals... two-headed calves, pigs born with no skin, twisted life forms seem spawned from Hell... PHOTOS

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) Glyphosate weed killer, heavily used in conjunction with genetically modified crops, is being blamed for a sharp rise in grotesque, horrific animal mutations taking place in Argentina (see horrifying photos below).
While this story will never appear in the corporate-controlled U.S. media, the UK-based Daily Mail reports that the mutations "look like something from a horror movie - a black dog with a mini trunk protruding from its nose. The baby yellow chick with not two but four feet, the spider piglet with one head, two bodies and eight legs, the goat with two heads and the baby pig with skin so wafer thin you can see the muscles and blood flowing around its body."

"Farmers blame harsh chemical Glyphosate for causing the mutations," reports the Daily Mail, adding that "local media said that the deformation was due to the use of pesticides on farmland in the region."

Number of mutations had QUADRUPLED as use of genetically modified crop chemicals increases

Local who were not aware of the toxicity of glyphosate originally thought the mutations were caused by evil spirits or some sort of demonic curve. But "blame has shifted to the widespread use of the harsh chemical glyphosate which is used as a pesticide," reports Daily Mail UK:

Argentina is the world's biggest user of the controversial product, which kills all non-genetically modified (GM) crops. The country supplies GM soya beans that are fed to animals in the UK, and cotton that is used in the manufacture of everything from T-shirts through to tampons. EU policy makers are considering banning the harmful chemical which is known to cause serious birth defects in both animals and humans.

Glyphosate has unleashed a chemical holocaust across our world

What we are all witnessing is a chemical holocaust that has already begun to devastate our world. That so many animals are now being born with devastating, grotesque mutations which resemble hellish life forms is no coincidence: Glyphosate is "Satan's chemical" and it is sold by a demonic, life-hating corporate monstrosity named Monsanto.

All the promoters of glyphosate, it turns out, are also hate-filled destroyers of life and the planet. Filled with rage and hatred towards women -- the bearers of new life -- glyphosate-pushing dark operatives like former writer Jon Entine echo the patterns of destruction and deception that you'd most likely associate with Satan himself.

Observe the following photos for yourself, if you dare, and witness what glyphosate has done to our world.

And then join our fight to banish glyphosate from our world by staying informed at and Natural News. Avoid all GMO foods and buy organic wherever possible. Join every effort to stop Monsanto, reject GMOs and eradicate glyphosate from our world. (And pray for these innocent animal beings who suffered intensely from the chemical poisoning that now threatens us all...)

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