
Sunday, May 22, 2016

Corrupt federal government now using your taxpayer dollars to fund GMO propaganda campaigns that enrich Monsanto

by Isabelle Z.
(NaturalNews) As more and more people find out about the countless dangers to human health and the environment caused by GMO food, and make an effort to actively avoid it, many food companies are starting to meet the demand by going GMO-free.

In an ideal world, this would be the beginning of the end for the GMO industry. Unfortunately, that's not the way it works in a world where the biotech industry, and Monsanto in particular, have friends in very high places.

In fact, a new federal spending bill could mean that even if you steadfastly refuse to buy GMO foods, you will still be paying for the GMO industry's propaganda campaign! As reported by Activist Post, the' target='_blank'> bill states:
$3,000,000 shall be used by the Commissioner of Food and Drugs, in coordination with the Secretary of Agriculture, for consumer outreach to promote understanding and acceptance of agricultural biotechnology and biotechnology-derived food products and animal feed, including through publication and distribution of science-based educational information on the environmental, nutritional, food safety, economic, and humanitarian benefits of such biotechnology, food products, and feed.

Good for the environment? Ask the important pollinators such as bees' target='_blank'>">bees and butterflies that are dying off by as much as 40 percent in some places, leading to lower crop yields and higher prices. Ask the dead soil that lacks the microbes needed to support plant life.

Nutritional benefits? Even the World Health Organization acknowledges it's a "probable carcinogen." It stays in our bodies even after we stop eating it, and has been linked to immune problems, infertility, allergies and insulin regulation issues, to name just a few. It's particularly dangerous for pregnant women and babies.

Monsanto propaganda experts

The notion that GMOs provide environmental and nutritional benefits is completely laughable and not supported by facts, so one might wonder exactly how they plan to educate consumers about its "benefits."

They will probably accomplish this in the same way that they have always operated: buying their way to the top; using junk science and getting misleading studies published; lying to regulators; using flawed procedures; and bullying and threatening scientists and journalists who speak out against them.

Lying and bribing their way to global dominance

Monsanto has a history of coercing and paying off government officials both in the U.S. and abroad. At least 140 officials have been on the receiving end of>Mon... bribes in Indonesia. Monsanto has installed its own people in important government positions in Brazil, Europe and India. Meanwhile, here in the U.S., the person in charge of the FDA's GMO policy was actually Monsanto's Deputy Commissioner for Policy, Michael Taylor. After that, he was the vice president of Monsanto, before returning to the FDA as the food' target='_blank'> safety czar!

Monsanto's tactics when it comes to rigging research are equally outrageous. For example, their studies might take such dishonest approaches as not using enough subjects to obtain statistically significant results, keeping studies short to avoid uncovering long-term impacts, or employing poor detection techniques and statistical methods. They have also been known to use animals with different starting weights to help obscure certain effects.

The biotech industry fought tooth and nail to try to get the government to ban' target='_blank'>">ban the labeling of GMO foods, but they ultimately failed. Now they are taking a different approach, and are trying to get all of us to pay for it. While we can insist on eating organic food and educate ourselves on food safety thanks to books such as Mike Adams' ' target='_blank'>">Food Forensics, we need to do more to expose this corruption and prevent lies that threaten our very existence.

Sources include: target="_blank"> target="_blank"> target="_blank">[PDF] target="_blank"> target="_blank"> target="_blank"> target="_blank">" target="_blank">

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