
Friday, April 1, 2016




In February 1947, Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd was in charge of a massive operation in the Arctic that was called Operation Highjump. Operation Highjump has become a topic among UFO conspiracy theorists, who claim it was a covert US military operation to conquer alleged secret underground Nazi facilities in Antarctica and capture the German Vril flying discs, or, Thule mercury-powered spaceship prototypes.
Operation “Highjump”, consisted of three Naval battle groups, which were led by Admiral Richard E. Byrd’s command ship, the ice-breaker, “Northwind,” and consisted of the catapult ship, “Pine Island,” the destroyer, “Brownsen,” the aircraft-carrier, “Phillipines Sea,” the U.S. submarine, “Sennet,” two support vessels, “Yankee” and “Merrick,” and two tankers, “Canisted” and “Capacan,” the destroyer, “Henderson” and a floatplane ship, “Currituck.”
Some 13 ships and 4,700 men, which included an aircraft carrier, a submarine, two destroyers, more than two-dozen aircraft and some 3,500 Marines in full battle gear were sent by the United States to Antarctica on what was officially described as a “training” mission, departing from Norfolk, VA, on December 2, 1946.
Thus, Operation Highjump, began. The expedition was filmed by the Navy and brought to Hollywood to be made into a commercial film called, The Secret Land. It was narrated by Hollywood actor Robert Montgomery, father of Bewitched star, Elizabeth Montgomery, who was, himself, an officer in the Naval Reserve.
It seems incredible that so shortly after a war that had decimated most of Europe and crippled global economies, an expedition to Antarctica was undertaken with so much haste (it took advantage of the first available Antarctic summer after the war), at such cost, and with so much military hardware – unless the operation was absolutely essential to the security of the United States.
Tensions across the globe were mounting as Russia and America edged into a Cold War, possibly a Third World War that the US would have to fight with “tragically few ships and tragically half-trained men.” This made the sending of nearly 5,000 residual Navy personnel to a remote part of the planet where so much danger lurked in the form of icebergs, blizzards and sub-zero temperatures even more of a puzzle. The operation was also launched with incredible speed, “a matter of weeks.” Perhaps it would not be uncharitable to conclude that the Americans had some unfinished business connected with the war in the polar region. Indeed, this was later confirmed by other events and the operation’s leader, Admiral Richard Byrd, himself.
The official instructions issued by the then Chief of Naval Operations, Chester W. Nimitz were: to (a) train personnel and test material in the frigid zones; (b) consolidate and extend American sovereignty over the largest practical area of the Antarctic continent; (c) to determine the feasibility of establishing and maintaining bases in the Antarctic and to investigate possible base sites; (d) to develop techniques for establishing and maintaining air bases on the ice, (with particular attention to the later applicability of such techniques to Greenland) and (e) amplify existing knowledge of hydro graphic, geographic, geological, meteorological and electromagnetic conditions in the area.
Very little information was released to the media about the mission, although most journalists were suspicious of its true purpose given the huge amount of military hardware involved. The US Navy also strongly emphasized that Operation Highjump was going to be a Navy show; Admiral Ramsey’s preliminary orders of 26th August 1946 stated that “the Chief of Naval Operations only will deal with other governmental agencies” and that “no diplomatic negotiations are required. No foreign observers will be accepted.” Not exactly an invitation to scrutiny, even from other arms of the government.
Yet persistent rumors insisted the actual purpose of Highjump was to find, and if occupied, engage the Nazis in their fortress determine the location and purpose of the Nazi saucers or alleged “wunderweapons” and also determine if the Nazis had an underground base or a base that was established on the Moon.
The very idea that the Nazis had technology that advanced sounds outrageous to many people because it just doesn’t make the cut in the history books. It was even more outrageous to think the advanced technology of the Nazis could have found an opening into the hollow Earth, or even allow for the Nazis to slip the binds of Earth and establish colonies on the moon.
The mission of Admiral Byrd was very serious and extensive.
About a dozen of ships in Byrd’s flotilla arrived at three different rendezvous points in the Southern Ocean inside the Antarctic Circle, spread out over more than a month, with the first to arrive dropping anchor on December 30, 1946.
The plan was for the main body of men and equipment, the Central Group, to go to Byrd’s Antarctic “home,” Little America on the Ross Ice Shelf, where they would set up a base camp. There would be two other groups of ships, each group composed of a seaplane tender, a destroyer and a tanker. One group would begin to the east of the central group, the other to the west.
The Central Group consisted of the Mount Olympus, a communications vessel; two supply ships, the Yancey and the Merrick; two icebreakers, the Burton Island and the Northwind; and a submarine, the Sennet.
There was also an East Group and a West Group.
The East Group, under the command of Captain George J. Dufek, would start on the opposite side of the continent from the base camp at Little America. It would be East Group’s task to begin their mission by reconnoitering Dronning Maud Land, the Norwegian name for the area called Neuschwabenland by the Germans. They began to the east of Neuschwabenland and swung around west, photographing all of the former Deutsch Antarctica in the process. The East Group consisted of the seaplane tender Pine Island, the destroyer Brownson and their refueling ship, the Canisteo.
The West Group, under Captain Charles A. Bond, was made up of the Currituck, a seaplane tender, the Henderson, a destroyer, and the Cacapon, a tanker. They in turn began in the center and ended their voyage half-way around the Antarctic continent at Dronning Maud Land, completing the circle.
Captain George Dufek was believed to be the first American to set foot on the South Pole and planted the American flag there.
Now, I will admit there is still no conclusive evidence of a German/Alien base on Antarctica, It is beyond doubt that something highly unusual was happening on, or around, the frozen continent. Again, there is no evidence that Nazis were able to use their advanced saucer technology to establish bases on the moon.
However, there are some interesting things that need to be pointed out that may lead us to speculate about the reality of such bases.
Hundreds of thousands of Germans and a minimum of forty (40) U-boats were missing at the end of the war. Documentation and eyewitness accounts prove that at least a portion of these craft made it as far as South America, in some cases, several months after the end of the war in Europe.
The Germans explored and claimed part of Antarctica on the very eve of the war when the vast majority of their activity was geared towards the rebuilding of the German economy and military infrastructure. This activity began shortly before the recovery of the Bavarian “flying disc”, in 1938, but picked up pace immediately afterward.
There was ongoing ship and submarine activity in the South Atlantic and polar regions throughout and after the war had apparently ended. This activity continued well into the 1950s, and if some accounts are to be believed, continues to this day, with what can only be considered U-Boat sightings, and a very high incidence of Unidentified Flying Object sightings in the South Atlantic and South Polar regions, including the southern portions of South America.
South America has always been a “hotbed” of Unidentified Flying Object activity. Many of the reports coming out of the area are unverified, and unverifiable, however, many have credence.
In 1959, three large newspapers in Chile reported front-page articles about Unidentified Flying Object encounters in which the crew members appeared to be German soldiers. In the early 1960s, there were reports in New York, and New Jersey, of flying saucer ‘aliens’ who spoke German, or English with a German accent.
Nor, can it be neglected to mention that in one of the most spectacular legal cases of the Twentieth Century… the “atomic espionage” trials… Julius and Ethel Rosenberg spoke of “warships of space.” Since they had access to top secret information, and, at that point, no reason to lie, what was it, exactly, that they meant?
The US literally invaded the continent of Antarctica, itself, with considerable naval resources leaving mainland America exposed and vulnerable as the world edged into the Cold War. The task force limped home as if defeated only weeks later, and the local South American press wrote of such a defeat. This coincided with a substantial increase in Unidentified Flying Object activity… generally attributed to the first major “wave” of such activity in modern times, with an inordinate amount of this activity taking place in the Southern Hemisphere, particularly in South America.
Admiral Byrd spoke of objects that could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds being based on the continent of Antarctica.
The claims that something extremely unusual was taking place around the foreboding reaches of the frozen continent took a major leap forward in the 1960s when the Argentine Navy was charged with the official investigation into strange sightings in the sky.
A 1965 official report prepared by Captain Sanchez Moreno of the Naval Air Station Comandante Espora in Bahia Blanca stated that between 1950 and 1965, personnel of Argentina’s Navy alone made 22 sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects that were not airplanes, satellites, weather balloons or any type of known (aerial) vehicles. These 22 cases served as precedents for intensifying that investigation of the subject by the Navy.
Following a series of sightings at Argentine and Chilean meteorological stations on Deception Island, Antarctica, in June and July 1965, Captain Engineer Omar Pagani disclosed at a press conference that “Unidentified Flying Objects do exist. Their presence in Argentine airspace is proven”. The report went on to state, however, “their nature and origin are unknown and no judgment is made about them.”
More details of these UFO sightings were given in a report in the Brazilian newspaper, O Estado de Sao Paulo, in its 8th July 1965 edition:
“For the first time in history, an official communiqué has been published by a government about the flying saucers. It is a document from the Argentine Navy, based on the statements of a large number of Argentine, Chilean and British sailors stationed in the naval base in Antarctica.”
The communiqué declared that the personnel of Deception Island (left) naval base saw, at nineteen hours forty minutes on 3 July, a flying object of lenticular shape, with a solid appearance and a coloring in which red and green prevailed and, for a few moments, yellow. The machine was flying in a zig-zag fashion, and in a generally western direction, but it changed course several times and changed speed, having an inclination of about forty-five degrees above the horizon.
The craft also remained stationary for about twenty minutes at a height of approximately 5,000 meters, producing no sound. The communiqué states moreover that the prevailing meteorological conditions when the phenomenon was observed can be considered excellent for the region in question and the time of year. The sky was clear and quite a lot of stars were visible. The Secretariat of the Argentine Navy also states in its communiqué that the occurrence was witnessed by scientists of the three naval bases and the facts described by these people agree completely.
Barack Obama recently was in Argentina to rekindle business ties with a country that has been marred with a dark history of CIA black ops, creating death squads during what has been called the Dirty War.
However, it was announced before his visit that rumors are swirling about a secretive Chinese space station built deep in Argentina’s Patagonia region.
In 2012, leaders in Beijing and Buenos Aires inked a deal to build the so-called “Deep Space Station,” and the facility is expected to be completed by the end of 2016.
While Argentina and China have said that “the ground station in the Southern Hemisphere to support the program for moon exploration and other space activities,” there is a concern among some that the Chinese facility may have a more military purpose. During the recent presidential election, the winner, Mauricio Macri, claimed that he would make public the “secret clauses” that have been rumored to have been added to the agreement.
Unlike the other space station in the South American country – an antenna in Argentina’s central-west Mendoza province built by the European Space Agency – the Chinese facility will be operated by the country’s military, political analyst Rosendo Fraga, director of the consulting firm, New Majority.
Officials in China have said that while military personnel would be running it, the facility would be “totally civilian, and it is not operated by military personnel.”
The intended use of the giant antennae at the station is supposed to monitor the moon – as China has ambitions of sending people there – but some speculate that it could serve a dual purpose of watching celestial bodies and also intercepting signals from other nation’s satellites.
Despite the speculation, China has not given out much information to the public about the remote facility and its operations.
There are some conspiracy theories that are saying that the station located in the Patagonia region and another rumored to be in Mendoza have been used to communicate with possible bases on the moon.
Argentina’s Patagonia region seems like an ideal location for a space facility as the area is relatively flat and remote, but can still be accessed by roads. Have secret space stations or communication stations been around since the 1940’s or the 1950’s?
When I lived in Argentina in the 1980’s, I heard from a reliable source that there were many space station bases in the Falkland Islands.
This lends itself to speculation that even after Operation Highjump ended, there were other interested parties that knew of the UFO activity in South America and the possible Nazi space programs in Antarctica.
Furthermore, Ground Zero reported of an e-mail received showing documents that allegedly, the Boeing Aerospace company along with the U.S, government had military plans to build a space station on the moon in 1964 and have it ready by 1969. The proposal was drafted in 1963 and its consultant was none other than Admiral George Dufek, the very same man who with Admiral Byrd was part of Operation Highjump; the mission that allegedly sought after Nazi space technology, underground and possible moon bases in the 1940’s.
In 1961, US President John F. Kennedy pledged that America’s space program would “place a man on the moon before the decade’s close.”
However, it was just a cover in order to hide that the space program had been planned since Project Horizon in the 1950’s and the military had already arrived looking for other possible alien and familiar enemies.
NASA’s growing power, its protection by the Kennedy administration, and the rise of the Right Stuff astronaut as celebrity hid the steady growth of the Military-Industrial Complex that Eisenhower had warned about. Perhaps he wanted to warn that the growth of the military industrial complex was not only confined to earth, but extending to the moon and beyond.

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