
Thursday, April 7, 2016

Posted on  by State of the Nation

Two of the World’s Most Infamous Snake Oil
Salesmen Mesmerize Electorate USA

The Dynamic Duos
The Dynamic Duos

Why were they each deliberately set up to be the lesser of the two evils for this 2016 election?     ~ hehe u's lesser of 2 evils crowd ....u's dip shit's kooky kook's STILL haven't fig~ured out that evil +evil = fucking EVIL ...reg~ist~terd dip's

Why are Americans so addicted to deception?

And in this corner we have a criminally insane, psychopathic career politician who fraudulently advocates all the politically correct causes … HILLARY R. CLINTON
And in that corner we have a sociopathic and compulsive salesman who is much more showman than anything else, much more barker than leader … DONALD J. TRUMP 
What you are about to read constitutes the single greatest CON in U.S. election history. This CON is so calculated and premeditated, so purposeful and deliberate, and so complicated and convoluted that very few will choose to believe it.  Trust us!  You will believe it when you see the results after January 20th of 2017.  However, what most may completely fail to believe — at the end of the day — is who the real con man really is.  We’re talking about the greatest CON MAN alive today.
“Let’s face it, the American electorate is in deep doo-doo … very deep!”(Source: Is it time for a write-in candidate or full-blown voting boycott?)
Truly, the 2016 campaign season has underscored just how sorry a state the American electoral process is in.
2016 has shown every living American just how completely devoid of truth the whole political process really is.
Qualification: SOTN neither supports nor opposes Donald Trump for president.  On the other hand SOTN vehemently opposes every other candidate who has declared their presidential aspirations without exception.
How, pray tell, does the Democrat Party even attempt to push a candidate who is running for President so that she can stay out of prison?
We’re talking about a former Secretary of State who illegally set up a private email address on an unlawful home server without proper security so that she could conduct her shady business deals with her husband’s ‘nonprofit’ foundation, which catered to the wealthy and powerful in countries that was directly related the official business of the U.S. Department of State. WOW!  Doing personal business while essentially running a parallel government from her personal unsecured email account.*
*Every political analyst knows that Hillary Clinton should have been indicted by now and removed from American politics forever.  Instead, her devotees support her more than zealously ever.  Such is the covert scheme to constantly thrust highly inferior and unethical candidates in front of the electorate so as to inure them to outright criminality … so that official misconduct actually becomes expected of their public servants.
This is the same person who was quite ignominiously fired from her position during the infamous Watergate hearings because she attempted to deprive Richard Nixon of his rightful legal counsel.  It is also the same person who was Secretary of State during the meticulous preparation for both the catastrophic Syrian War as well as the equally disastrous unprovoked war on Libya.  Here is Hillary’s quote on the gruesome execution of Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi.

“We Came, We Saw, He Died

Then there is Benghazigate and Foundationgate, Emailgate and Servergate, Whitewatergate and Travelgate, Vince Foster and Ron Brown.  Who will ever forget Monica Lewinsky and Jennifer Flowers, Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones and Eileen Wellstone?  The list of examples enabling Bill’s exploits is quite long and sordid and is only mentioned because of the critical role that Mrs. Clinton played in the suppression of those sexual assaults, as well as the harassment of the victims.
"What difference does it make!"
“What difference does it make?!”
The Donald
As for the most likely GOP candidate, how does the Republican Party —  not the entire political establishment — permit itself to be totally hijacked by a Gambling magnate and American Beauty Pageant promoter?
We’re talking about a guy who made his millions, or billions, or trillions in gambling casinos and Manhattan real estate development.  Nothing wrong with the real estate development, it’s just what you have to do in that cut-throat realm to be successful. As for gambling in Vegas and Atlantic City ….
The real issue with The Donald is that he is presenting himself as an outsider when he is, in fact, the quintessential insider.  He knows ’em all, and loves ’em all, as the following photo-documentary clearly illustrates.
Of course, the most obvious flaw in his current sales promotion tour of the USA is his patently fallacious narrative regarding the 9/11 false flag terror attacks.  He continues to cling to the absurd narrative that Islamic jihadists were responsible under the leadership of Osama bin Laden when he really does know exactly what happened.  His shocking defense of Israel in this same matter is even more staged and preposterous in order to deflect blame from Israel.
While The Donald may play all the right notes for his target audience (they’re being played like a violin), there is so much strident and dubious cacophony throughout his prevaricating campaign that it is quite stomach-wrenching to either watch or listen to.*
*Even Donald Trump himself said ‘I could shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters’.  In fact, depending on who he shot, he might even gain voters, such is the way he has been able to corral the angry and disenfranchised into his pen of political incorrectness. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being politically incorrect, except when the whole world is up in arms because of outrageously reckless and irresponsible statements.   
Yes, he gives the appearance of providing little truths here and there, but only as BAIT to string the electorate along to an election win.  Simply put, The Donald is a fraud, and he knows it.  He’s an imposter just as Obama is an imposter, except on the other end of the political spectrum.  Whereas Obama is a dyed-in-the-wool communist, Trump is a stone-cold fascist —Mussolini style.  He embodies all the provocative rhetoric and inflammatory demagoguery necessary to rile up his new base so that he will win the nomination.
“I Totally Swear I’m Rich!”
With this little but essential understanding about both of our CIA cut-outs, it is much easier to comprehend this CON of the Millennium.  Both Clinton and Trump know the con game they are unscrupulously playing on the American people.  They know they have been quite purposefully chosen to run their respective sides of the con (You know — good cop, bad cop.).  Each is able to fully engage their fans and followers in a manner that convinces them of their phony authenticity.
Dear reader, if you get nothing else from this very serious exposé, let this be the message.That both Clinton and Trump were pre-selected for their mesmerizing showmanship and exceptional ability to captivate the body politic.  This is their primary and most important function during this election cycle.  And it is critical that they play their parts well for their Illuminati NWO masters.


What’s the big deal about 2016 and especially the outcome of the upcoming election?
First of all, it is critical to understand that this election is IT.  The election of either Clinton or Trump will spell disaster for the nation.  Whoever is slated to win will be empowered to do things that will transform this constitutional republic into a transparent and tyrannical totalitarian state.  True, the “deep national security state” has been operating as such since 2001, but now it gets much worse after Obama created the legal framework for an outright presidential tyranny.
Both Trump and Clinton are natural-born tyrants.  Like all tyrants, however, they are perfectly controlled and cannot make a move except with the permission of their true NWO masters.  As a matter of fact, they are both so controlled and programmed to implement different aspects of the NWO agenda that they cannot even hide their loyalty to their particular contingent within the World Shadow Government (WSG) hierarchy.
Because the extreme excesses of both communism and fascism actually end up on the same spot of the tyranny/totalitarian circle there is really very little difference between Trump and Clinton.  At the end of their prospective terms they will have both accomplished the perceptible incarceration of the American people on a NWO plantation of perpetual debt slavery and declining slave wages, just in different ways.
The 2016 election MO is all about entertainment and engagement
Because the upcoming four year term is so VERY special to the NWO ruling cabal, they require one thing more than anything else in 2016.  They desperately require the consent of the voters. Therefore, it was absolutely imperative for them to roll out the greatest dog and pony show in U.S. presidential election history.  And hasn’t this campaign season been a doozy with one unending whopper and unparalleled spectacle interspersed with one showstopper after another?
It is quite critical to understand that it just cannot get any crazier than this FOR VERY SPECIFIC REASONS.  In other words both Hillary and The Donald were purposefully trotted out onto the stage of this campaign season to entertain and entrain us, engage and enrage us.  They are here to capture our attention as never before.  The true reason for this is quite crucial to apprehend.
You see, the NWO cabal knew that the citizenry has grown very restless.  They’re NOT stupid when it comes to self preservation.  They see their names all over the Internet mentioned within the context of “war crimes” and “criminal insanity” and “multi-decade crime sprees” and “psychopathic killing” and “sociopathic thievery” and “crimes against humanity”, etc.  They know that the Internet has permitted the whole world to peer inside of their personal histories and, therefore, to understand the depth and the breadth of their unrelenting betrayals and perfidy.
In view of this ever-intensifying predicament that the cabal finds themselves in, they really do know that they are a hairsbreadth away from a French Revolution style denouement. They also know that the final stage of their New World Order is vitally necessary if they are to avoid a public lynching.  Only by crashing the Global Economic and Financial System and starting a full-blown World War III can they be guaranteed their freedom from the clutches of We the People.  They really do get that.
This is why we are all being entertained and engaged by the Fric and Frac of 2016.  EnterThe Donald and Hillary, to the extraordinary delight and sheer amazement of everyone along the political spectrum, from hardcore conservatives to extreme ultra-liberals, from stone-cold communists to hardened fascists.  In Clinton and Trump will everyone sufficiently find the flavor that is just right for them.  We’re talking about total engagement practically all the time like never seen in America.  These two are the ultimate political Vaudeville act with their traveling retinue of handlers and pollsters, agents and shills.
The Three Stooges

Why, really, are they so engaging?

Because they desperately need your consent.  Only with the consent of We the Peoplecan they proceed expeditiously with the execution of the real NWO agenda.  Yes, they are manufacturing that consent 24/7 everywhere the MSM exerts even a tad of influence, but still a vote for one of them in the voting booth serves as tangible consent for them to implement their nefarious plans.  While this manufactured consent has been socially engineered over many decades, it remain consent; albeit, by fraud.
This whole issue of CONsent should not be dismissed cavalierly, as it is so often.  It represents the very fulcrum around which they are empowered to oppress and imprison US.  Once a critical mass of people freely give their CONsent to one or the other of the lesser of the two evils, they then have permission to perpetrate their planned evil endeavors wherever and whenever they so choose just like Obama has done for 7 plus years.
What the vast majority of voters fail to realize is that by voting for either one of them, they are giving away their power to them.  They are providing their valuable energy to either a known or unknown commodity who is all but guaranteed to misuse and/or abuse it.  In so doing the voter becomes complicit in all the dirty deeds that are committed during the term of their chosen candidate.  In other words they take on some karmic responsibility for the official misconduct that is acted out by the victor.
Now many will say that such karmic blowback is so attenuated and insubstantial given their distance from the scenes of the crimes that are committed in their name, that it is basically inconsequential. Well, not really.  You see, when a country like Palestine is formed and then the residents experience all the indignities and assaults inflicted on them by the Israeli Government, those war crimes and other acts of bellicosity represent the fruits of their actions from a previous time which is known in the biz as blowback.  It doesn’t make it right or justified in any way whatsoever, but it does reflect a form of cosmic justice.  Many call it karma.
Here is how a previous article conveyed this all-too-important point.
Just in case you haven’t noticed, this unbridled violence, which the USA has unleashed upon the world, shows up (by way of karmic blowback) every single day in the form of so many mass killings by the last person to have either gone postal or gone off their meds or both. When a nation so cavalierly supports a foreign policy that is so invasive, intrusive and oppressive to other countries, this blowback will always occur when you least expect it.
DRONES: The Rank Hypocrisy of Barack Obama)
What is very important to understand is that your vote and tax dollars represent an energetic approval of who they are and what they do.  Once these are willingly given to a thief or a murderer in a high position of power, knowing that they are a thief or murderer, the voter and/or taxpayer become complicit in the crime spree that is inevitably perpetrated by government every 4 years with a new ringleader.  In this fashion are the American people witness to a new con game or swindle, scam or sham, all of them conducted at their considerable expense.
When the U.S. military collaborates with the war-profiteering Turkey, war-mongering Israel, war criminal Saudi Arabia and war-terrorizing ISIS, how can there not be some very serious blowback. No one — no person or party, government or corporation — under the sun ever gets away with any crime or offense against another person or country.   Surely, everyone understands that what goes around, comes around.  A vote for a political scoundrel or governmental rapscallion will certainly bind the supporter to the outcomes of their official behavior, illicit or otherwise.  Especially when that official misconduct does serious damage to others will the blowback be felt, often when it is least expected.  This is precisely why very, very few ever make the connection between their self-serving or narrow-minded votes and the unexpected destruction that might arrive on their doorstep from left field.  They don’t truly understand that: “You reap what you sow.” 
Screen Shot 2016-03-26 at 3.27.22 PM
All of this 2016 election melodrama is only able to proceed in living color during prime time because it has a captive audience.  That audience, dear reader, is completely held captive only because they suffer from the most unbreakable addiction in human existence—the dreaded and cringeworthy addiction to deception.   Only because of its vice-like grip suffered by every voter who plays this CON game every four years, are the con men able to win the game.  Over and over they play the American people for the fools that they truly are in the voting booth (Sorry, but it’s time to call a spade a spade, a Trump card a Trump card, and a Hildebeast a Hildabeast, yes?!)
Until there is a personal recognition and collective understanding that we’ve been played and we have ONLY lost year after year practically forever, will this unshakable addiction to deception rule our lives as it ruins our constitutional republic.  Got it?!  Play the game, pay the piper.  Once you pay, you follow the piper no matter where he or she goes.  Hardly anyone ever realizes that the political pipers are always programmed to head for the cliff. Get the picture?
So, here we are discussing the universally feared addiction to deception and we have not even identified exactly who it is exactly that is really running the con game.  The only way anyone can be addicted to deception is for someone to be perpetrating the deception. Bear in mind that the addiction to deception is the single greatest addiction suffered by humanity today.
Unfortunately, because a sufficient number people are thoroughly addicted to this form of deception, the rest of us who have broken free are forced to sit in the stink of so many skunks who have shown up at this year’s election cycle picnic.
(Source: Is the USA Electorate Addicted to Deception?)
Where it concerns the American people, this particular addiction becomes a very serious national ailment, indeed, and one with far-reaching ramifications.  Simply put, whenever the United States of America sneezes, much of the world usually comes down with the flu, and some countries even get pneumonia as others suffer pulmonary failure.  In other words the U.S. leaders who have been pre-selected by the WSG, and then illusorily elected by the citizenry, have caused a tremendous amount of global instability through war-making as well as international economic and financial insecurity. The past four administrations, in particular, have proven to be an unmitigated disaster for the world community of nations.  One wonders, then, whether the American people are even aware of the earth-shattering consequences of their voting actions.
Voting for the lesser of the two evils gives them your CONSENT 
If ever there was a society-threatening lesson for the U.S. citizenry to learn, it is this.  It is never wise or acceptable to vote for the lesser of the two evils when you don’t even know how the game is being played.  By voting for leaders who only do great harm to the Republic, as well as inflict terrible injury on the world community of nations, Americans have given their implicit consent.
The good news is that consent can be withdrawn as easily as it is given.  In fact there was a burgeoning voting boycott movement afoot during this campaign season which the NWO cabal was well aware of.  Such an organically grown voting boycott would be unprecedented in American history.  This is precisely why the ruling elites made sure they found the most dazzling snake-charmers in the land to bedazzle us. Each was chosen for their ability to mesmerize their respective political demographics. Hillary is even going after the UFO/ET crowd just like The Donald is making periodic pitches to the 9/11 truth movement.
In every case where these two carnival barkers are hawking their political prizes and governmental charms it will only end up like every other president since JFK. That’s just the way the whole con game is set up.  That’s the way it has always been set up, which is why high-profile assassinations have occurred every now and then.  Consent can be a very influential and dangerous weapon when put into the wrong hands.
Now you know that it takes two to play this con game.  Street hustlers like Barack Hussein Obama were chosen because of his demonstrated ability to game his audience when he was a young man.  The same with Bill Clinton during his years in Arkansas.  The same with George W. Bush when he was governor of Texas.  You don’t enter the Oval Office unless you have proven yourself a consummate con artist.
Much more significantly, it is the President’s skill in eliciting consent from the citizenry that really matters for his true masters.  In this way manufacturing consent becomes the single most important function that a sitting president can ever perform.  When that sole power is effectively exercised, the sky is the limit.  When it atrophies, they will never ever be re-elected.
Now you know why both Donald Trump (and Ted Cruz) and Hillary Clinton (and Bernie Sanders) were chosen.  All of them can successfully engage, and entertain, a big chunk of the electorate.  In this manner will 2016 see another instance when the people of America will vote for the lesser for the two evils.  They will also see the political pendulum swing further than it has ever swung in the past 100 plus years.
The most dangerous man in America knows that the U.S. electoral process is nothing but a sham whereby the ruling elites choose in advance both candidates every four years. They know that these pre-selected pawns have been fastidiously vetted so as to be sufficiently assured that the selected ones will never leave the NWO reservation. They know that both main party candidates will always be considered the lesser of the two evils by their respective constituencies. In this way the electorate forever experiences the pendulum of presidential politics being swung to greater extremes with each successive election cycle.
(Source: The MOST Dangerous Man In America)
CAVEAT:  There are only two ways out of this predicament: a voting boycott or an extremely popular write-in candidate who is on the right side of every single issue.  Yes, there are right and wrong sides, regardless of what you believe or have been told.  With only seven months remaining to the election D-Day, it would seem that it is high time to get busy!  Truly, it has never been so urgent to take back the country from those who have misappropriated it (Congress and Corporate America) and expropriated it (Federal Reserve and The Crown Temple).
State of the Nation
March 25, 2016
Editor’s Note
SOTN is not oblivious to the reality that Donald Trump has emerged at this critical time of the American Republic to serve as a wrecking ball.  As follows:
“We’ve said it all along that The Donald is the perfect wrecking ball.  That’s his mission.  To wreck the treasonous GOP.  To wreck the traitorous Democrat Party.  To wreck and ruin the whole fraudulent electoral process.  The wreck and ruin the mainstream media (MSM) rain on the quadrennial MSM election coverage parade.  In short, to completely expose the fabricated election scam, phony candidates, fake platforms, fictitious campaigns, and fabricated debates.  Let him do his job.”
(Source: The Hidden Powers and Dubious Money Behind Donald Trump)
What the preceding excerpt implies is that The Donald makes for a powerful change agent. Real change agents are rarely if ever liked, or even tolerated, by the establishment. Hence, if he was to win, how would he ever govern with both sides of the aisle looking for an opportunity to take him down in a New York minute?  And if not him, they will look at the very exposed Trump Towers to demolish … or any of his business ventures, just as they did with his Scottish golf course.
Bottom Line:  A wrecking ball will not make for a good president in 2017.  Yes, there is a desperate need for a LOT of purposeful destruction of the present hopelessly corruptSYSTEM, but there is also a dire need to create new institutions to replace those which have profoundly failed the We the People.
Author’s Note
This exposé serves as Part II of our 2016 Election Reality Check series.  Part I is linked here: TRUMP REALITY CHECK
Recommended Reading

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