
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The Murder of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

Posted by George Freund on February 15, 2016 

Justice Scalia Already Embalmed, Obama Gets A THIRD Supreme Court Nominee

FEBRUARY 15, 2016

Gee… this doesn’t look suspicious at all…

Justice Scalia, we are told, died in his sleep Saturday night. He was found with a pillow over his head. By Saturday afternoon, he was being pronounced dead of a heart attack. The judge who pronounced him dead, Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara, did so over the phone without ever seeing the body, via Local ABC affiliate WFAA8:

She planned to drive to the ranch — about 30 minutes south of Marfa — but returned when a U.S. Marshal told her by phone: “It’s not necessary for you to come, judge. If you’re asking for an autopsy, that’s what we need to clarify.”


The family, reportedly, did not want an autopsy and the judge decided against it after speaking with the authorities on the scene over the phone. Meanwhile WFAA8’s Jason Whitely reported that same day Scalia’s body was discretely driven from Presidio County over three hours to El Paso where he was already embalmed overnight.

Was that even a full 24 hours from the time he died that they were already embalming him?

Many others have called for an autopsy due to the judge’s influential position coupled with the suspicious circumstances surrounding this situation, via WND:

William Gheen, president of the Americans for Legal Immigration political action committee, noted the media’s “rush” to proclaim Scalia’s death in a rented room in a resort in Texas as either “natural causes” or heart attack within hours of the discovery of his body.

“Anytime a head of state, member of Congress, or the most conservative member of the U.S. Supreme Court is found dead, an extensive autopsy and toxicology examination should be both immediate and mandatory,” said Gheen. “The horrid reaction and comments about his death expressed by many liberals online illustrate that Scalia was hated by many people. His death hands the power of the Supreme Court to the modern left for the first time in American history. The court can now vote, even without a replacement of Scalia, to radically change the United States of America. Scalia’s death means the Supreme Court is now very likely to rubber stamp Obama’s unconstitutional amnesty orders, tear down Republican drawn districts in many states including North Carolina, and take deep left turns on abortion, gun rights, or anything the liberals have ever dreamed of. Scalia was a solid vote against Obama’s immigration orders to be decided by April of this year. We do not contend there is a conspiracy, we contend that there should be no doubts, and the way authorities and the media are rushing conclusions will leave major doubts and legitimate concerns about a death that could lead to a radical political transformation of America to the left.”

Coming up on the court’s docket just happened to be all manner of Obama legacy items including Obamacare and immigration. Obama was already discussing his Constitutional duty to replace Scalia at his press conference on the justice’s death. Apparently there’s a window coming up when the Republican-controlled Senate’s term runs out on Jan. 3rd, 2017 and Obama isn’t out until Jan. 20th… meaning for 17 days he can appoint a justice and the Senate can’t block his nomination.

And in other news, Supreme Court justices are appointed for life and — in the crazy land America has now become — a full one third of the highest court in our land is about to be comprised of Obama nominees.

This is the kind of event that lets you know the corruption behind devious inventions like Obamacare go far beyond the puppet the real owners running things have propped up in the White House.

Melissa Dykes (formerly Melton) is a co-founder of She is an experienced researcher, graphic artist and investigative journalist with a passion for liberty and a dedication to truth. Her aim is to expose the New World Order for what it is — a prison for the human soul from which we must break free.


drbhelthi • 10 minutes ago

Nicola Tesla also died in his rented hotel room. Otto Skorzeny, Hitler´s last body guard, admitted in his later life near Miami, that he and another NAZI smothered Tesla with a pillow.

Interesting, Judge Scalia was found dead, with a pillow over his head, in a rented room of a luxury hotel in Texas. Texas, the pedestal of George H. W. Bush, whose sire and forebears funded Hitler´s activities with US dollars.

More details at this link:

I personally believe he was murdered. He was the block to stop eroding the 2nd Amendment. School shootings didn't work. False flag terrorism didn't work. What's left? Remove the block.

Scalia’s greatest hits on court

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